释义 |
betidevt. happen to,befall发生在…身上,降临于…头上。 △2H.VI.1.4.37 (34): “What shall betide the Duke of Somerset?”什么命运将要降临在萨默塞特头上? △R.III.1.2.17:“More direful hap betide that hated wretch/That makes us wretched by the death of thee/Than Ican wish to wolves,to spiders,toads,”但愿比我愿降临于恶狼、蜘蛛、癞蛤蟆的更为可怕的命运,降临于那个致你于死地而使我们遭受不幸的可恨的人身上! △R.III.1.2.113 (112):“III rest betide the chamber where thou liest.” 你在哪个房间栖身,不安宁就一定降临到那里。 ~vi. 1. happen,occur,come to pass发生。 △R.III.2.4.71:“and so betide to me/ As well I tender you and all ofyours!”我只有好好照顾你和你的家人,跟你同命运了! betide on: happen to,become of 发生于,使遭遇 △R.III.1.3.6: “If he were dead. what would betideon me?” 如果他死了,我会怎么样呢? 2. come about. develop发生,显现出。 △3H.VI.4.6.87: “But let us hence,my sovereign,to provide/Asalve for any sore that may betide.”(Proverb:“Thereis a salve for every sore.”)我们走吧,我的主上,快找膏药去治出现的疮。 |