释义 |
bereftpa. p. bereaved,deprived剥夺,被剥夺。 △3H.Ⅵ.2.5.92:“O boy,thy father gave thee life too soon,/And hath bereft thee of thy life too late!”啊,孩子,你的父亲过早给了你生命,夺去你的生命又太迟了! △2H.Ⅵ.3.1.84: “That all your interest in those territories/Is ut-terly bereft you; all is lost.”你在法国领土上的权利全都丧失了;一切都完了。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.2.268:“Your loving un-cle,twenty times his worth,/They say,is shamefullybereft of life.” i.e. Your affectionate uncle,who istwenty times more worthy than Suffolk,is deprivedof life. 大家说,你那挚爱的叔父,一位比他高尚二十倍的人,就是遭到他那致命的毒牙所咬,才被可耻地剥夺去生命的。 bereft[biˈreft]adj.被剥夺的,丧失的 ◇ bereft of reason 失去理智 |