n. bowing down 下跪。
△2H.IV.4.5.146(147): “Which my most inward true and duteousspirit/Teacheth this prostrate and exterior bending.”现在我匍匐下跪,乃是我最真挚、最忠诚的孝顺之心教导我这样做的。
pr. p. bowing down; respectful,submissive弯下腰;恭敬的,服从的。
△Oth.1.3.236 (235):“Most hum-bly therefore bending to your state,”我谦卑地服从你的权威。(又译:我服从国家的调遣。)
1. overhanging悬垂的。
△Lr.4.1.74 (73):“There is acliff,whose high and bending head/Looks fearfullyin the confined deep.”那里有一座悬崖,它那高峻而悬垂的崖头令人害怕地俯视着那由峭壁包围着的深海。
2. bowing鞠躬的。
△R.III. 4. 4. 95: “Where be thebending peers that flattered thee?”那些向你鞠躬讨好的贵族现在到哪里去了?
3.❶bowing,bowing to the audience,humble鞠躬的,向观众鞠躬的,谦卑的。
❷stooping,stooped with the la-bour of composition,stooping to ask for theaudience’s mercy弯腰的,被创作劳动累弯了腰的,弯下腰来请求观众宽容的。
△H.V.5.2.403 (Epil.I):“Thus far.with rough and all.unable pen,/Our bending authorhath pursued the story,”凭着一枝粗笨无力的秃笔,我们累弯了腰的作者把故事就编写到这里。