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单词 compromise
compromise/′kɒmprəmaɪz, AmE ′kɑ:m-/ n [-s / ɪz/];v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n(1)妥协,让步,折中(act of giving up certain demands by each opposing side to reach an agreement which satisfies both to some extent)[U]:resort to/make~进行妥协;reach some~达成一定的妥协;work out/arrive at a~agreement制定/达成折中协议;settle differences/a wage claim by~以折中方式解决意见分歧/处理要求加薪的问题;mediate a~settlement调停促成折中的解决办法;accept sb's~proposal接受某人的折中提案;

(2)妥协办法,折中方案(agreement reached in this way)[C][N(between/on)]:reach/arrive at/come to/effect/suggest a~(with a person) on a matter达成/达成/达成/使形成/建议(与一个人)就某事的妥协;He sent flowers as a~between calling and writing.他送了些花去,作为拜访和写信两种办法之间的一种折中做法。It is necessary for members to make~s to ensure party unity. 党员们有必要做出妥协以保证党的团结。〖同〗agreement,settlement;〖反〗difference,disagreement;

v(1)妥协,折中(settle a dispute or differences by taking a middle course between extremes)[II+prep(with/on/in)]:Let's~and each pay half the damages.咱们折中一下,各赔付损失的一半吧! She refused to put on an extra sweater but~d by wearing her winter overcoat.她拒绝再穿一件毛衣,但作出妥协,同意穿上厚大衣。We can't~with the enemy/those whose principles are directly opposed to our own.我们不能向敌人/向行为准则和我们完全对立的人妥协。~on fundamentals/lesser questions在基本原则/次要问题上妥协;I wanted to go to Greece,and my wife wanted to go to Spain,so we~d on Italy. 我想去希腊,而我妻子想去西班牙,于是我们折中去了意大利。~in matters of faith and conscience 在信仰和良知问题上妥协;〖同〗settle,agree;〖反〗differ,disagree;

(2)危害;损害名誉(bring (sb/sth) into danger or dishonour by one's words or actions)[T+n]:Don't~yourself!不要损害自己的名声!(behaviour)~sb's good reputation/sb's good name(行为)损害某人的好名声;(poor judgement)~the army's position(错误判断)对军队的境况造成危害;~oneself by yielding to public pressure/accepting bribes由于屈服于公众压力/受贿而损害自己的名誉;~one's friends by stealing money由于偷钱而连累了朋友;feel~d by what sb has said感到某人的话损害了自己的名誉;~ing situations 使人尴尬的处境;〖同〗 endanger,risk;

(3)修改;削弱(modify (sth);weaken)[T+n]:~one's principles在原则上让步;

【说明】动词 compromise 用于第(1)义,表示妥协的对象时用介词 with;表示妥协的内容时用介词 on;表示妥协的方面时用介词in。





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