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单词 before


1. ahead,in front在前面。
△Mac.1.4.16: “Thou artso far before,/That swiftest wing of recompense isslow/To overtake thee.”i.e. Your merits soar withso swift a wing that recompense,however quickly giv-en. cannot catch them up. 你的功劳太超越寻常了,飞得最快的报酬都追不上你。
△Mac.1.4. 57: “Whose care isgone before to bid us welcome.”i.e. Who has takenthe trouble to go ahead to make preparations for ourarrival. 他真是殷勤,先去准备了欢迎。
2. on the fore part在前面的部位。
△Mac.5.7.75 (5.9.12):“Had he his hurts before?”他的伤是在前面吗?
3. forward.on.i.e.go first,go ahead向前,(指)先走,走在前面。
△2H.IV.4.1.228 (226):“Before,and greethis Grace.”请你先走,向殿下致意。
4. previously以前。
△2H.VI.4.7.38(34):“before.our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally.”以前,我们的祖先除了刻痕记账和木签之外并没有什么书。
5. in advance,beforehand预先,事先。
△1H.IV.4.2.1: “Bardolph,get thee before to Coventry; fill me abottle of sack. ” 巴道夫,你先到考文垂去,给我灌一瓶酒。
△R.III.4.4.456(455): “Your Highness told me Ishould post before.”陛下告诉我要预先赶到那里去。
△Lr.4.4.22:“’Tis known before;”早已知道了。


conj. until直到…为止,在…以前。
△3H.VI.1.1.22: “Before I see thee seated in that throne/Whichnow the house of Lancaster usurps./I vow by heaventhese eyes shall never close.”在我看到你坐上现在这座被兰开斯特家族所篡夺的王位以前,我对天发誓我这双眼睛决不闭上。before that: before 在…以前。
△1H.VI.5.3.22:“Then take my soul-my body,soul,and all,/Be-fore that England give the French the foil.”那么,把我的灵魂拿去吧——身体、灵魂、一切,都拿去吧,千万不要让英国把法国打败。


prep. before me: ❶( a petty oath,formed as”before God”and “before heaven”) I swear by myself; on my soul.indeed(一种轻咒)凭我自己发誓,真的。
△Tw.2.3. 197(178):“Before me,she’s a good wench.”我敢起誓,她是个好丫头。
❷ (exclamation of surprise) bless my soul!upon my soul! before God! (惊叫之语)上天保佑! 的的确确! 天哪!
△Oth.4.1.147 (145): “Before me! lookwhere she comes ”天哪! 看,她来了。


adv. & prep. conj.在…以前,以前,以往,先前
◇ as before 如前所述
before all 首先
before long 不久 long before 很久以前
before the wind 顺风
‖ before a match 比赛前
before one 当前
before-selling service 售前服务
before surfacing 浮出水面以前
before-tax profit 税前利润
before tests 事前测试
before the referee’s signal 在裁判发出的信号前
before hand adv. 预先,事先





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