释义 |
beardn.Phrases:beards wag all: all the beards wag up and down (asmen talk and laugh) (男人们说笑时)胡子一翘一翘。 △2H.IV.5.3.35(34): “’Tis merry in hall whenbeards wag all,”在大厅里说笑,胡子一翘一翘。(按: beards wag又作beard wags。) beard to beard: face to face面对面。 △Mac.5.5.6: “We might have met them dareful,beard to beard,/And beat them backward home.”我们尽可以大胆出去面对面迎战他们,把他们打回老家去。 in his beard: to his face当着他的面。 △H.Ⅴ.3.2.79(70):“I will verify as much in his beard.”我要当着他的面证明这一点。
beardvt. 1. pull by the beard,i.e. challenge,dare to combat扯…的胡子,(比喻)向…挑战,敢与…战斗。 △1H.Ⅳ.4.1.11:“No man so potent breathes upon the ground/But Iwill beard him.”只要是生存在地面上的人,没有哪一个我不敢扯他的胡子。 2. confront boldly,challenge 大胆面对,向…挑战, △Ham.2.2.452 (423):“com’st thou to beard me in Denmark?”(with a play on “valanced”above)你到丹麦来,是拿胡子来吓我,向我挑战吗? 3. defy to the face. oppose to the face. affront,insult当面藐视,当面反对,有意冒犯,侮辱。 △1H.Ⅵ.1.3.44:“Dowhat thou dar’st,I beard thee to thy face.”你只要敢,我就当面刮你的胡子(侮辱你)。 △2H.Ⅵ.4.10 39(37):“Brave thee! Ay,by the best blood that ever wasbroached,and beard thee too.”向你挑战! 哪怕要流出最高贵的鲜血,我也要把你当面侮辱一番。 |