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bearn. 1 bears with glasses:i.e.bearswith mirrors,which,while ga-zing on,the bears would be shotby the hunter 对着镜子的熊。 △2H.VI.5.1.142: “Look in aglass.and call thy image so: / Iam thy king,and thou a false-heart traitor. / Call hither tothe stake my two brave bears. /That with the very shaking of their chains/Theymay astonish these fell-lurking curs”对着镜子照一照吧.你的形象就是如此:我是你的国王,你是一个心怀奸诈的叛臣。把我那两只勇猛的熊召唤到这根桩子跟前,它们摇一摇锁链,就足以把埋伏着的凶犬吓坏。 
bear with glasses
bearn. 2 i.e. alluding to the Earl of Warwick’s badge;a ram-pant bear chained to a ragged staff熊,(指)沃里克伯爵的族徽;一只后腿立起的熊拴在疙瘩不平的木桩上。 two brave bears(两头勇敢的熊):❶i.e. Earl of Warwickand his father,Earl of Salisbury(指)沃里克伯爵与其父骚兹伯雷伯爵。 △2H.VI.5.1.144:“Call hither to thestake my two brave bears. ”去把我那两头勇敢的熊带到这里的木桩上。 ❷i.e. Earl of Warwick and Marquess ofMontague (指)沃里克伯爵与蒙太玖侯爵。 △3H.VI.5.710: “With them,the two brave bears. Warwick andMontague,/That in their chains fettered the kinglylion,/And made the forest tremble when theyroared. ”跟他们在一起的还有两只勇猛的熊,沃里克和蒙太玖,用它们身上的锁链束缚住狮王,它们吼叫一声就能使整个森林发抖。
bearvt. 1. endure. tolerate忍受,容忍。 △As.4.3.15 (14):“bear this. bear all!”i. e. If I could put up with this,Icould put up with anything. 是可忍,孰不可忍? △Mer.3.4.4:“bearing thus the absence of your lord”,如此安然忍受着新婚郎君的远离。 △Rom.1.1. 48 (43):“which isdisgrace to them if they bear it.”如果他们能够忍受,那就算丢了脸。 △Ham.1.5.81: “If thou hast nature inthee. bear it not.” 你若是还有骨肉之情,就不要容忍。 △2H.VI.2.1.154 (151): “O God. seest Thou this.and bearest so long?”i.e. Do you endure such sinful-ness so long?啊,上帝,你看见了这种事,却这么长久地容忍吗? △3H.VI.4.4.13: “These news. I must confess. arefull of grief,/Yet. gracious madam. bear it as youmay.”这些消息,我必须承认,确是十分令人悲痛,但是,仁慈的娘娘,你还是尽量忍耐吧。 2. endure,suffer忍受,遭受。 △Lr.3.6.111 (102):“When we our betters see bearing our woes,”眼看尊长也遭受和我们同样的悲哀。 3. tolerate.admit容忍,允许。 △Lr.5.3.33 (32):“Thygreat employment Will not bear question:”你的这项重大任务是不容讨论的。 4. carry (a load); sustain.support承载(重担);承受住,支撑。 △Ham.1.5.95:“But bear me stiffly up.”你要坚强地把我支持起来。 △As.2.4.11:“I had rather bear withyou than bear you.”我宁愿担待着你,可不愿担着你。(按:用bear的两种意思双关) △ As.3.2.179 (169): “Ay.but the feet were lame.and could not bear themselveswithout ( = not with + outside of) the verse. andtherefore stood lamely in the verse ”是呀,但是这些脚瘸了,连自己都支撑不住(双关:不能站在诗的范围之外).所以只好在诗里面一瘸一拐地站着了。 △1H.IV.1.3.299 (298):“Tobear our fortunes in our own strong arms./ Whichnow we hold at much uncertainty.”用我们强有力的臂膀(双关:武力)来支撑我们现在这动摇不定的命运。 △1H.IV.5.4.92.“This earth that bears thee dead,Bears notalive so stout a gentleman. ”现在负载着死去的你的大地,从来没有负载过这样一位英勇的壮士。 △1H.IV.5.4.152(148): “If I may be believed,so; if not,let them thatshould reward valour bear the sin upon their ownheads.”i.e. the sin of refusing to believe my reportand give me my just reward. 如果我的话你们相信,很好;否则就让那些应该论功行赏的人承担这个罪过吧。 △2H.IV.3.2.92(83): “By my troth,you like well and bear youryears very well.” 说真的,你身体很好,一点也不显老。 △H.V.4.1.253 (233):“We must bear all. ”我必须承担一切。 △2H.VI.3.1.189: “Ah,thus King Henrythrows away his crutch/Before his legs be firm tobear his body.”啊,亨利王在他的双腿还不能稳稳支撑他的身体之前,就把他的拐杖扔掉了。 △3H.VI.4.6.51:“I mean,in bearing weight of government./While he enjoysthe honour and his ease:”(honour: respect due to theoffice of kingship)我的意思是说.我们支撑住国政的重担,让他享受着尊荣和安宁。 △R.III.4.4.111:“Now thy proudneck bears half my burthened yoke,”现在你那骄傲的脖颈已经承受过我这沉重的轭套的一半。 5.be responsible for,be charged with,manage对…负有责任,对…承担任务,掌管。 △H.VIII.3.2.144 (143):“Sir,/For holy offices I have a time; a time/Tothink upon the part of business which/I bear i’ (=in) the state:”陛下,我有一定时间履行圣职,也有一定时间思考我所负担的那一部分国家事务。 △Lr.5.3.64 (63): “Heled our powers,/ Bore the commission of my placeand person.”他率领着我的军队,又承担着我的权位和本人的委托。 6. carry.carry off,bring携带,带走,带来。 △As.3.2177(167):“That’s no matter; the feet might bear theverses. ”那不要紧,脚步可以拖着诗走。 △2H.IV.4.1.134(132): “But if your father had been victor there. / He ne’er had (i. e. would never have) borne it (i. e. victor’s prize,victory) out of Coventry;”但是即使你的父亲是胜利者,他也绝不可能带着胜利走出考文垂。 △2H. IV4.3.84(78): “Our news shall go before us to hisMajesty,/Which,cousin,you shall bear to comforthim,”贤卿,你要先走一步,把我们胜利的消息带给陛下,给他安慰。 △H.V.5.Cho. 17: “Where that his lords desirehim to have borne/His bruised helmet and his bend-ed sword /Before him through the city.”在那里,他属下的亲贵们请求他允许他们把他那击破的头盔和砍缺打弯的宝剑举到他的面前走过市区。 △1H.VI.4.4.38: “Never to Eng-land shall he bear his life. / But dies.betrayed to for-tune by your strife.”他再也不能活着回到英国了,只能战死,他的命是被你们的争斗断送的。 △2H.VI.4.7.64 (59):“Hear me but speak,and bear me where you will.”听我把话说出来,你们愿意把我带到哪里都可以。 △3H.VI.4.852: “Seize on the shame-faced Henry. bear himhence;”抓住这个羞羞答答的亨利,把他带走。 △3H. VI.5.54: “Go bear them hence,I will not hear them speak. ”把他们从这里带走,我不愿听他们讲话。 bear life away: escape with one’s life 逃走活命。 △H.V.4.1.183 (171): “Where they feared thedeath,they have borne life away; and where theywould be safe,they perish.”i.e. At home where theyfeared death as the punishment of their crimes,theyescaped with their lives; and they die in the warabroad where they hoped to be safe.他们在国内因为怕死而投军活命;他们来到国外自以为安全了,却倒要丧生。 7.carry(马等)驮,(人)背负。 △Tw. 3. 4. 361 (323):“Hewill bear you easily,” (“He” = the horse Capilet,which Sir Andrew promised to give in return forpeace between them)那匹马你骑起来准很舒服。 △1H.VI4. 6. 46:“Before young Talbot from old Talbot fly,/The coward horse that bears me fall and die!” (fall:i.e.may it fall.)要是小塔尔博特竟抛弃老塔尔博特而逃跑,那就让驮我的那匹怯懦的马先跌倒死掉! △R.III.3.1.128:“You mean,to bear me. not to bear with me ” 你的意思是说“背着我”,而不是“容忍我”。 8. convey,deliver传递,传送。 △Tw.3.2.45(40):“Will either of you bear me a challenge to him?”你们两个哪一位愿意替我向他传递挑战书? △1H.IV.4.1.128:“Ay,by my faith,that bears a frosty sound. ”嗳,说实话,这消息叫人听来寒心。 △1H.IV.5.5.9: “If like aChristian thou hadst truly borne / Betwixt our armiestrue intelligence.”要是你像一个基督徒那样忠实地传递真实的信息。 △R.III.3.4.84 (85): “And started when helooked upon the Tower,/As loath to bear me to theslaughter-house.”他一看见伦敦塔就心跳,好像不愿送我进屠宰场。 9. convey表达。 △1H.IV.4.1.20: “His letters bearhis mind,not I,my lord.”(Plural subject and singularverb)他的信表达他的心意,我却不知道,爵爷。 10.direct把…指向,使…向某一方向移动。 △Oth.1.3.38:“bearing with frank appearance/Their purposes to-ward Cyprus.”毫不掩饰地把目标直指塞浦路斯。 △1H.IV3.1.109 (107): “Mark how he (i.e. Trent River)bears his(i.e.its) course,and runs me up/With likeadvantage on the other side,”注意这条河的流向,它这样流动也使得对方占了同样的便宜。 11. conduct带领。 △1H.IV.5.5.14: “Bear Worcesterto the death and Vernon too.”把乌斯特还有维农带去处死。 △2H.VI.3.1.210:“And as the butcher takesaway the calf./And binds the wretch. and beats itwhen it strains,/ Bearing it to the bloody slaughterhouse,”就像屠夫拉走小牛,把这个可怜东西绑起来,它挣扎时就打它,一直把它带到血腥的屠场。 12. carry in the mind,bear in mind知道,记住。 △As1.3.49 (46):“Let me the knowledge of my fault bear with me. ”让我知道我究竟犯了什么罪。 △2H.IV.2.2.19(16):“or to bear the inventory of thy shirts,”或是记住你一共有几件衬衫。 13. hold,carry拿着,使…保持某种姿势。 △1H.IV.2.4219 ( 194): “Thou knowest my old ward: here I lay,and thus I bore my point.”你知道我惯使的防御姿势:我就这样站定,这样挺着我的剑。 14. command支配,自由使用。 △Com.5.1.8: “Hisword might bear my wealth at any time.”只要他说一句话,我可以让他动用我的全部家财。 15. be charged with,administer,manage负责,掌管,管理。 △2H.IV.5.2.103: “Therefore still bear the bal- ance and the sword,”所以你就继续掌管司法的天平和宝剑吧。 16. control. manage.conduct控制,操纵,处理。 △R.III2.2.128: “Where every horse bears his commanding rein,/ And may direct his course as please himself,”凡是每一匹马都自己操纵着引导自己的缰绳,可以任意东奔西突的地方。 △Ham.4.3.7:“To bear all smooth and even,”为了把一切都处理得顺利平稳。 17. manage设法使得。 △Ham.1.3.67: “Bear’t that”, i.e. Manage it in such a way that. 就设法做到。 18. be endowed with,have within赋有,本身具有。 △Com.3.2.115(112):“Then she bears some breadth?”那么她长得相当宽了? △Mac.5.7.41(5.812):“I bear a charmed life,which must not yield / To one of woman born.”我的生命是有护符保佑的,凡是女人所生的人都伤不了我。 △3H.VI.5.1.68: “Thou and thy brother both shall buy this treason / Even with the dearest blood your bodies bear.”你和你的兄弟必须拿你们身体里所有的最宝贵的鲜血作为代价来偿还你们的这项叛逆大罪。 19. possess. own. have拥有,所有,有。 △Tw.2.1.30(29):“she bore a mind that envy could not but call fair.”i.e. she had a mind that even envy would haveto call beautiful. 即使嫉妒她的人也不得不承认她有一颗美好的心。 △2H.IV.5.2.58:“Let me but bear your love, I’ll bear your cares.”只要让我享有你们的爱,我就为你们分担烦恼。 20. be marked with,show带有…的标记,显示。 △3H.VI5.4.53: “Long mayst thou live / To bear his image and renew his glories.”愿你长寿百年,再显他的光辉形象,发扬他的光荣业绩。 21.exhibit,show显出,显示。 △L.L.L.5.2.100:“thusthy body bear”,你的身体要摆成这个样子。 △Ham.1.2.110:“And with no less nobility of love/Than thatwhich dearest father bears his son”,并且那挚爱的高度绝不亚于最慈爱的父亲施之于他的儿子。 △Ham.5.1.276(254):“What is he whose grief/Bears such an em- phasis,”这是什么人,他的悲痛表现得如此强烈。 △Lr.1.1.308 (304):“if our father carry authority with such dis-position as he bears,”要是我们的父亲仍然按照他平日显示的脾气那样行使权威。 22. carry in the mind for.cherish for.entertain,har- bour 对…心里怀着,对…抱有,抱有.怀有。 △As.3.5.92:“Silvius,the time was that I hated thee. / And yet it is not that I bear thee love:”i.e.And even now I do not really love you.西尔维斯,从前我讨厌你,如今我对你也说不上有什么爱情。 △Tw.2.4.104 (102): “that love awoman can bear me”,一个女人对我所能怀有的爱情。 △Lr.4.6.81 (80):“Bear free and patient thoughts”.不要胡思乱想,且安心镇静。 △Oth.3.3.193: “for now Ishall have reason/To show the love and duty that Ibear you/With franker spirit.”因为现在我可以更坦率地把我对你怀有的忠爱之意表现出来了。 △Mac. 3. 5. 30:“andbear/His hopes ’bove wisdom,grace,and fear;”(他)将要不顾一切情理,仁爱和疑惧,坚持他的希望。 △2H.Ⅳ.32. 254 (235):“I’ll ne’er bear a base mind.”我不愿意抱着那种卑劣的心思。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.2.61:“Follow I must,Icannot go before/ While Gloucester bears this baseand humble mind.”(go before: claim precedence overthe queen.)我必须跟在后面,只要葛罗斯特怀着自卑恭顺的心思,我就不能僭越。 △2H.Ⅵ.2.1.11:“They know theirmaster loves to be aloft./ And bears his thoughtsabove his falcon’s pitch.”它们知道它们的主人爱上升得高高的,他怀抱着的心思比他的鹰飞得还要高得多呢。 △3H.Ⅵ.2.1.158:“’Tis love I bear thy glories make(i.e.thatmakes) me speak.”正是由于我对你的荣誉怀着热爱,才说出这一番话。 23. wear穿戴,佩带。 △2H.Ⅵ.4.2.11: “This monu-ment of the victory will I bear,”我要把这件胜利纪念品穿戴起来。 △3H.Ⅵ.2.1. 39:“henceforward will I bear/Upon my target three fair shining suns.”从今以后我要在我的盾牌上带有三个光辉灿烂的太阳。 24. contain包含,容纳。 △As.3.2. 175 (165):“some ofthem had in them more feet than the verses wouldbear.”有些诗行里音步太多了,简直容纳不了。 △H.Ⅷ.2.4. 211 (214):“Bearing a state of mighty moment in’t”,它包含着一桩极其重大的事情。 25.❶carry携带。 ❷endure忍受。 △2H.IV.1.2.257(226):“bear crosses”,i.e.❶carry silver coins拿银币; ❷endure adversity忍受苦难。 26.bring forth,give birth to产生,生出。 △3H.Ⅵ.2.1.41:“Nay.bear three daughters.”不,生出三个女儿吧,(按:sun与son同音,bear有“佩带”与“生出”的不同意思,因此理查这样开玩笑。) 27.carry on,execute,perform,carry out进行,履行,施行,执行。 △Ado.2.3.240 (221):“the conference was sadly borne(=seriously conducted);”谈话是很严肃地进行的。 △Com.2.1.28:“bear some sway”,履行权威。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.4.88:“The manner how this action hathbeen borne/Here at more leisure may your Highnessread,”这次军事行动如何进行的经过,请陛下有暇时可以阅看。 △H.Ⅴ.1.2.211: “So may a thousand actions,onceafoot,/End in one purpose,and be all well borne /Without defeat.”因此上千件工作,动起手来,能达到同一目的,而且全都可以顺利进行,不致失败。 28. perform演出。 △Mac.3. 5. 8:“Was never calledto bear my part,”却不曾请去扮演我的角色。 29. administer给予。 △H.Ⅷ.1.1.212:“Nay,hemust bear you company.”不,他也得陪你一起去。 30. win,carry,capture赢得,攻占,夺得。 △Oth.1.3.23:“So may he with more facile question bear it,”而且还可以用更不费力的战斗来夺取它。 31.load,freight装满,装货于。 △2H.Ⅳ.2.4.397(363):“like the south,/Borne with black vapour,”像那满载着黑雾的南风。
bearvi. 1.carry. support loads(马等)驮,负重。 △Shr.2.1.200(199):“Asses are made to bear,”驴子生来就是驮人的。 △H.Ⅴ.3.7.50 (45):“Your mistress bears well.”i.e.has much experience in carrying her riders. 你的情妇很会驮人。 2. be indulgent,have patience. endure,forbear宽容,忍耐,忍受,容忍。 △2H.Ⅳ.2.4.63 (59):“One mustbear,and that must be you(i.e.Doll),”做人总要忍耐,该忍耐的是你。 △2H. Ⅳ.5.3.28:“What you want inmeat,we’ll have in drink,but you must bear,theheart’s all.”菜不够,我们有的是酒,请多包涵,要紧的是一片诚心。 △ R.Ⅲ.4.4.61:“Bear with me.”对我宽容一点吧。 3. behave 表现。bear low: be humble in behaviour在举止上表现得卑下。 △3H. Ⅵ.5.1.50:“I had rather chop this hand off ata blow,/And with the other fling it at thy face,/Than bear so low a sail to strike to thee.”我宁愿把我这只手一下子剁下来,用另一只手把它扔到你的脸上,也不愿低首下心向你降下船帆。 4. lie,be situated位于,在。 △Shr.5.1.10(9):“Myfather’s bears more toward the market-place,”我岳父的家离市场还要近一些。
bearvb. refl. carry,behave,conduct处身,表现,举止。 △Rom.1.5.70(66):“’A(=He) bears him like aportly gentleman:”i.e.He behaves himself like a dig-nified gentleman. 他的举止倒像一位规规矩矩的绅士。 △L.L.L.5.2.742(734): “If overboldly we haveborne ourselves”,如果我们表现有什么莽撞之处。 △Ado.1.1.13: “He hath borne himself beyond the promiseof his age,”他的表现超出了他的年龄所许可的界限。 △Ado.2.3.244 (225):“they say I will bear myself proudly,if I perceive the love come from her;”他们说我要露出骄傲的样子,如果我发现了她在爱我。 △Ado.2.3. 13: “Bearthee well in it,and leave us alone.”你好好地做去,不要管我们。 △Ham.1.5. 170:“How strange or odd soe’er Ibear myself-”无论我的举动多么离奇古怪。 △1H.Ⅳ.1.3.286 (285): “For bear ourselves as even as we can.”因为不管我们在行动上如何谨慎小心。 △1H.Ⅳ.5.4.35: “Ifear thou art another counterfeit,/And yet in faiththou bearest thee(= yourself) like a king.”我怕你又是一个冒牌货,但是,说实话,你的举止倒像是一个国王。 △2H.Ⅳ.5.1.73(66):“They,by observing him,do bear them-selves like foolish justices;”他们,由于顺从着他,就都在举止上表现得像是愚蠢的法官。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.1.184(183): “Inever saw but Humphrey,Duke of Gloucester,/Didbear him like a noble gentleman.”据我长期看来,葛罗斯特公爵亨弗雷为人处世的确像一位高贵的君子。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.1.6:“With what a majesty he bears himself/How inso-lent of late he is become,/How proud,how peremp-tory,and unlike himself?”他表现出一副多么威严的样子,近来他变得多么无礼、多么骄傲、多么专横,完全不像他原来那样了! △3H.VI.4.3.43(44):“Of thee thyself and all thycomplices,/ Edward will always bear himself asking.”对于你自己和你所有的同伙,我爱德华要永远表现出国王的气概。 △H.VIII.2.1.30:“After all this,how did hebear himself?”在这一切之后,他的表现如何? △3H.VI.2.1.13:“Methought he bore him in the thickest troop/As doth a lion in a herd of neat,”在我看来,他在万马军中表现得就像是牛群中的一头猛狮。 bear him: behave himself,comport himself举止端正,举动适宜。 △1H.VI.2.4.14: “Between two horses,which doth bear him best,”要是判断两匹马,哪 一匹跑得最稳当。 Phrases & Expressions: bear a brain: have a good memory记性好。 △Rom.1.3.29:“Nay,I do bear a brain”,哼,我的记性不坏。 bear away: sail away开船。 △Com. 4. 1. 88 (87):“And then,she bears away.”然后,船就要起航。 bear down: push to the ground,overwhelm,over-throw,vanquish,crush把…推倒在地,压倒,打倒,战胜,击溃。 △2H.IV.1.1.9: “contention,like a horse/Fullof high feeding,madly hath broke (= broken) loose,/And bear down all before him.”战争,就像一匹喂饱了丰富食物的马,疯狂地挣脱了缰,把它面前的一切全都压倒。 △Mer.4.1.214:“malice bears down truth.”仇恨压倒公理。 bear fair: treat encouragingly,lead on (with falsehope) 引诱。 △Shr.4.2.3:“she bears me fair inhand.”她还在勾引我。 bear hard: take (sth.) ill,begrudge,resent对(某事)生气,对…抱怨,对…忿恨。 △1H.IV.1.3.270: “True,whobears hard/His brother’s death at Bristow,the LordScroop.”不错,他兄弟,斯克鲁普爵士,当年死在布里斯托尔,他一直怨恨在心。 bear in hand:lead on by false promises,deceive withfalse hopes or false appearances,delude,deceive诱骗,蒙骗,哄骗,欺骗。 △Ham.2.2.66:“That so his sickness,age,and impotence/Was falsely borne in hand,”i.e.kept under a false belief. 他因老病无能,竟被人蒙蔽。 △Ado.4.1.309 (303):“What,bear her in hand untilthey come to take hands(=join hands in marriage),”怎么,搀着她的手蒙骗她,一直到要携手举行婚礼。 △2H.IV.1.2. 40 (36):“to bear a gentleman in hand.”先用好话哄骗一位绅士。 borne in hand (borne,pa.p.): deceived or beguiledby false promises被蒙骗。 △Mac.3.1.81(80):“Howyou were borne in hand,”你们是怎样被捉弄的。 bear it out: ❶make it endurable使之可以忍受。 △Tw.1.5.21(20): “and for turning away,let summer bearit out”i.e.as for being dismissed,the summermakes it bearable;let the warm weather makes it (theloss of job) endurable — no one minds being turnedout of doors in summer-time. 至于说被赶出去,在夏天倒还可以受得了。 ❷carry the day,weather the storm得胜,平安度过风暴。 △Oth.2.1.19:“It is impossible they bear it out. ”他们要逃出这风暴是不可能的。 bear (oneself) on: rely upon,take advantage of依靠,利用。 △1H.VI.2.4.86:“He bears him on the place’s privilege,”他这样放肆,完全是利用了这个地方的豁免权。 bear out: ❶carry out,carry through进行下去,进行到底。 △2H.IV.4.5.213 (214):“that action,henceborne out,/May waste the memory of the formerdays.”(hence borne out: conducted in foreign lands.)这样一来,在外国进行的军事行动就可以消除往日的回忆。 ❷support,back up,help,corroborate,confirm支持,支援,帮助,确证,证实。 △2H.IV.5.1.52(48): “and if Icannot once or twice in a quarter bear out a knaveagainst an honest man,I have little credit with yourworship.”如果我在一季当中不能帮一个恶棍打一两次官司把好人打输,那么我在你老爷跟前也就太没有面子了。 bear up to: sail towards(船)驶向,开往。 △Oth.1.3.7:“yet do they all confirm /A Turkish fleet,and bear-ing up to Cyprus.”不过它们却一致肯定有一支土耳其舰队正驶向塞浦路斯。 bear with: have patience with,put up with,be indul-gent towards对…耐心,对…容忍,对…宽容。 △As.2.4.9: “I pray you bear with me,I cannot go no further.”请你担待我一点吧,我再也走不动了。(按: cannot...no....双重否定,表示强调语气) △As.2.4.11:“For my part,Ihad rather bear with you than bear you.”以我而论,我宁愿担待着你,可不愿担着你。(按:用bear的两种意思双关。) △Lr.4.7.83:“You must bear with me.”你一定要对我宽容一点。 △2H.IV. 2. 4. 62 (57): “You cannot onebear with another’s confirmities.”你们两个谁也忍不下谁的短处。 △R.III.3.1.127: “Uncle,your Grace knowshow to bear with him.”叔父,你知道怎么宽容他。 bear with: ❶be patient with,put up with对…耐心,对…容忍。 ❷act as bearer for为…捎带(东西)。 △Gent.1.1.128(120): “Well,I perceive I must be fain to bearwith you ”唉,我看我也只好对你忍耐一些了(双关:为你捎带东西了)。 bear熊熊科(Ursidae)大型哺乳动物的统称。有7种。分布于欧洲、亚洲和美洲。体笨大,毛粗乱,尾短,用脚掌行走。四肢强健,爪弯曲,能直立。目力、听力差,但嗅觉灵敏。能以任何食物生存,但以食草为主。雌性在穴中喂养仔熊,直至它们能外出。参见grizzly bear条。 bear[bɛə]n. 笨拙之人,卖空者,看跌者,打孔机,做空头者 v. 驮运,负担,忍受,经得起,表现,支持,具有,怀有,生育,生产,生利息,从军,战斗,拿走,提供,使跌价 ◇ a bear 粗鄙的人,鲁莽的人 bear arms 从军,战斗 bear away (off)夺取胜利 bear away避开逆风,改变航道 bear down 击败 bear down on 袭击,向…驶进,着重强调 bear off 证明 bear on (upon)对…施加影响,与…有关 bear oneself well 举止得体 bear out证明,证实 bear testimony to 为…作证,提供证据 bear the bag 掌握财权 bear the palm=carry off the palm=win the palm 得胜(奖),获胜 bear the record 向…作证 bear to 向左(右)拐 bear up 不气馁 bear with 忍受,容忍 ‖ bear account 卖主账,空头账户 bear and bull买空卖空 bear clique 空头集团 bear covering 空头补进 bear financial responsibility承担经济责任 bear fruit 奏效,结果实 bear interest 产生效益,负担利息 bear legal liability 承担法律责任 bear market 空头市场 bear operation 卖空行为 bear sales 抛售 bear seller 卖空的证券交易投机商,空头 bear speculation 空头投机 bear the original给演员提台词 ◇ bearing the crime 抵罪 have bearing on(upon)与…有关,对…施加压力,对…有影响 in full bearing 果实累累 lose one’s bearing 不知所措 bearable adj. 忍受得住的 beard and eyebrows 须眉 bearer bill 不记名汇票 bearer bond 不记名债券 bearer certificate 不记名证券 bearer check 不记名支票 bearer cheque 不记名支票 bearer company 担架连 bearer debenture 不记名债券 bearer draft 不记名汇票 bearer form 凭票即付 bearer from bond 无记名国债 bearer n. 送信人,带信人,持有人,无记名,担架兵,搬运工,运载工具,举矛的跑龙套演员,用于系绑布景的横杆 adj. 不记名的 bearer of bill 期票持有者 bearer of check(cheque)支票持有者 bearer paper 不记名票据 bearer scrip 证券 bearer securities 不记名证券 bearer shares 不记名股票 bearer share 不记名股票 bearer stock certificate 不记名股票 bearer stock 不记名股票 bearer theory 载体理论 Bearer Treasury 不记名式国库券 bearing n. 联系,关系,举止(pl.)方向 bearing capacity 承受能力 bearing diagram 方位图 bearing error 方位误差 bearing force 支承力 bearing line 方位线 bearing n. 联系,关系,举止(pl.)方向,支承,轴承 bearish adj. 笨拙的,熊市的 Bearish market 熊市,市场疲软 bearish put money spread 货币套利 bearish tendency 股票行情看跌 beard[biəd]n. 络腮胡子 ‖ bearded n. 戴假须扮演男性的女性演员 / beardless adj. 没有胡须的,年轻无经验的 |