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单词 composition
composition/ ͵kɒmpǝ′ziʃn/ n

(1)组(构)成;作曲;写作;排版(actprocess or art of composing stheg a piece of music or writingtype for printingetc)[U]:a piece of music of one's own~一首自己作的曲子;the~of the novel/the report/the symphony那小说/报告/交响曲的写作;study~at a college of music在音乐学院学习作曲;〖同〗composing,forming;

(2)作品(诗,书,曲,画)(work created by such an act or processesp in literaturemusicor painting)[C]:The orchestra played a modern~.管弦乐队演奏了一首现代曲子。write a~for the piano写一首钢琴曲;I like his earlier poems but not his later~s.我喜欢他早期的诗,但不喜欢他晚期的作品。Her~is too modern for my taste.她的作品太现代,不合我的口味。〖同〗work,piece;

(3)作文,习作(short piece of writing(essaystory) done as an school exercise)[C]:do an oral~entitled “Holiday”/about one's holiday 做一篇题为“假日”/关于假日的口头作文;give the students a written~to write让学生们写一篇作文;

(4)组成成分(various parts or constituents of which a whole is made up)[U]:study the~of the soil/the candy/the metal/the mineral/the brass/the chemicals研究土壤/糖果/金属/矿物/黄铜/化学药品的成分;the~of the government政府的组成;

(5)混合物(materialesp an artificial oneconsisting of a mixture of substances)[CU]:a chemical~化合物;fill a tooth with some~which had silver in it用一种含银的混合物补牙;

(6)构图(arrangement of parts or elements in an artistic worksuch as paintingphotographetc)[C]:The~of the painting is very graceful.这幅画的构图很雅。The painter's~is poor.这位画家的构图不好。〖同〗 structure,design;

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