awardvt. adjudge,decree判决,注定。 △R.III.2.1.13:“Lest He that is the supreme King of kings/Con-found your hidden falsehood,and award/Either ofyou to be the other’s end.”不然的话,那至高无上的万王之王就要摧毁你们隐藏的狡诈,并且注定使你们彼此互相残杀。 award[əˈwɔ:d]v.授予,给予,赔款,判定,判决,评分,记分/n.裁决(书),公断书,裁定额,奖金(品) ◇ award a contract=award of contract签合同 awarded by court 经法院判定 award enforceable at law可依法强制执行的裁决 award of bid中标 award rendered in the absence of the respondent在被告缺席情况下作出的仲裁判决 hand out awards to向…颁发奖品 make an award判定,判决 obtain an award获奖 ‖ award a prize授奖 award and punishment奖惩 award containing reasons注明理由的仲裁裁决 award fund奖励基金 award having the authority of res judicate产生即判力的仲裁裁决 award made by consent of the parties经双方同意的仲裁裁决 award made ex aequo et bono依据公平合理原则作出的仲裁判决 award made in writing书面的仲裁判决 award marks给分 award meeting决算会议 award of bid决算,决标 award of contract决标 award prize发奖 award punishment判刑 award rendered by default缺席仲裁 award rendered in the absence of the respondent在被告缺席情况下作出的仲裁裁决 award upon settlement根据和解作出的仲裁裁决 foul without free throw award造成掷界外球的犯规 the first award一等奖 Awards Committee奖励委员会 awarded book获奖图书 awarded goal判中一球 awarded marks奖励分,加分 awarding a prize授奖 awarding of points判分 awarding prizes发奖 awardee n.受奖者 awarder n.授奖者 |