authorn. 1. agent动因。 △Ham.4.5.80:“and he most violentauthor Of his own just remove;”他闹出乱子,被逐出国,也是咎由自取。 2.cause原因。 △H.V.4.1.163(153):“you may callthe business of the master the author of the servant’sdamnation. ”你也可以说那个主人的差遣就是这个仆人被害得沦入地狱之苦的原因。 3. first cause or creator主宰者,造物主。 △3H.Ⅵ.4.618:“He was the author,thou the instrument.”上帝是主宰者,你是他的代理人。 4. originator 创始者,起因。 △H.Ⅷ.2.1.137: “Sir,itcalls,/I fear. too many curses on their heads/Thatwere the authors.”先生,无数诅咒怕要落到那些主使者头上了。 author[ˈɔ:θə]n.作者, (剧)作家,创造者,创始人v.写作,编辑,创始 ◇ author abstract作者文摘 author affiliation著者简历 author at his death遗稿 author card 作者卡 author catalogue 著者目录 author index著者索引 Author of all being上帝,造物主 author of the injury加害人 author series 自著丛书,个人丛书 corporate author集体作者 joint author合著者 author’s correction作者自行订正 author’s remuneration 稿酬 author’s solution of chess problems棋式的正解 author’s theatre剧作家戏剧 author-director n.导演自己所编剧本的剧作家 authoress n.女作家 authorial[ɔ:ˈθɔ:riəl]adj. authorship n.right of authorship 著作权 |