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单词 company
company/′kʌmpǝni/ n [-yies/z/]

(1)相(陪)伴(act of being together with another or others)[U]:enjoy/be glad of sb's~喜欢/高兴与某人在一起;be grateful for/get rid of sb's~感激某人的陪伴/摆脱某人;be good/bad~相处愉快/不愉快;Her~was a great help. 她的陪伴帮大忙了。〖同〗companionship;〖反〗isolation,aloneness;

(2)伴侣,同伴(companionor companions)[U]:get into/keep good(bad)~交/交好(坏)朋友;know sb by the~he keeps根据一个人和什么人交往便知道他是什么人;find sb not very lively~发现某人不是活跃的伴侣;My daughter is very good~.我的女儿是很好的伴儿。

(3)客人(guest or guests)[U]:We are expect-ing/having~today.我们今天有客人要来。We had~and I couldn't get away.我们有客人,我走不开。C~is coming for dinner.有客人要来吃饭。~manners(在宾客面前的)彬彬有礼;broth good enough for~ 可用来待客的好汤;〖同〗guest, visitor;〖反〗host(ess);

(4)一群人(group of people together for a certain purpose)[CGP]:A~of travellers are(or is) expected to arrive soon.一群旅游者预计即将到来。a~of tourists/players/men/motorists旅游团/一群运动员/一群男人/一群司机;the ship's~船员们;a theatrical/theatre~剧团;the Royal Shakespeare C~皇家莎士比亚剧团;Among the~was an old man.那群人中有一位老先生。〖同〗assembly,group,band,party;

(5)公司,商号(group of people working together as a business;firm;business enterprise)[CGp]:a bus/manufacturing/oil~公共汽车/制造/石油公司;a business~商号;John Smith & Co. 约翰·史密斯公司;a~manager公司经理;〖同〗firm,corporation;

(6)连(body of(usu about 120)soldiers in the army)[CGp]:a~commander 连长;

for company作伴:They invited two people along for~.他们邀了两个人作伴。

keep company (with) 与……交往(结伴,要好):Never keep~with dishonest/lazy people.决不要与不诚实/懒惰的人交往。

keep sb company与某人作伴:I'll come too,and keep you~.我也来,和你作个伴。

in company with与……一起:John came in~with several girls I didn't know.约翰和好几个我不认识的姑娘一起进来的。

in company有(客)人在时:Don't swear/whisper in~.有客人在时不要骂人/耳语。

in the company of有……在时:She was shy in the~of strangers.有生人时她害羞。

part company(with)(与……)分手:We parted~after the argument.我们那次争论后分手了。The two parted~at the bus stop.两个人在汽车站分手了。

【注意】company 用于(4)至(6)义时为集合名词,作主语时,谓语数的使用(如(4)中第1例)见 AUDIENCE。

【辨异】company band2party troop的区别见 BAND2





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