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单词 audit


1. final account. accounting决算,清算。
△Mac.1.6.27: “To make their audit at your Highness’pleasure./Still to return your own. ”i.e.To give anaccount of all our possession whenever you please andalways to return to you what is in reality yours.随时听候陛下稽查,把本来属于陛下的依然交还给陛下。
2. account,final reckoning账目。
△Ham.3.3.82:“And how his audit stands who knows save heaven?”i.e. what his final reckoning is turning out to be... 他最后一篇功过的账,除了上天谁知道?
3. statement of accounts,balance-sheet; examinationof accounts账目报表,资产收支表;查账。
△H.VIII.3.2.140(139):“You have scarce time / To steal from spir-itual leisure a brief span /To keep your earthly au-dit:” (earthly audit: in contrast with the heavenly au-dit of the Last Judgement.)你几乎没有时间从你那些宗教活动中抽出片刻工夫来查查你在尘世上的财产账目。




◇ audit account查账
audit adjustment查账调整
audit analysis审计分析
audit and control system审核管理制度
audit body审计机关
audit budget 审计预算
audit bureau 审计局
audit by test抽样审计
audit certificate审计证书,审计报告,审计证明书
audit clerk查账员
audit collection and payment on industrial-commerclal consolidated tax工商统一税征收审计
Audit Commission审计署
Audit Commission Auditors Association审计署审计师协会
Audit Commission Examiner Grade Association审计署审查主任级协会
Audit Committee审核委员会
audit committee查账委员会
audit conclusion审计结论
audit contract审计合同
audit cost审计成本
Audit Department Clerical Staff Association核数署文员协会
audit diary查账日记
audit evidence审计根据
audit expenses审核费用
audit fee审 计 费
audit financial revenue and expenditure财务收支审计
audit financial statement财务报表审计
audit for balance account结算往来审计
audit for balance of finance财政结余审计
audit for balance sheet资产负债表审计
audit for borrowing money from the bank银行借款审计
audit for credit operations信贷业务审计
audit for non-budgeting funds预算外资金审计
audit for special appropriation funds专项拨款审计
audit for synthesis finance and character loan plan综合财政信贷计划审计
audit instruction查账指南
Audit Law审计法
audit machinery 审计机构
audit memorandum查账备忘录
audit note查账通知
audit notebook查账备忘录
audit of account titles会计科目审计
audit of collection and payment on customs duty关税征收审计
audit of bank loan银行借款审计
audit of cost account成本核算审计
audit of deed tax契税审计
audit of discount on export出口折让审计
audit of expenditure 支出审计
audit of financial expenditure财务支出审计
audit of financial settlement财务报表审计
audit of foreign exchange deposit外汇存款审计
audit of foreign exchange dispatch in and out外汇调进调出审计
audit of foreign exchange loan外汇贷款审计
audit of foreign exchange payment on export出口外汇支出审计
audit of foreign exchange quota外汇额度审计
audit of foreign exchange 外汇审计
audit of fund management and use资金管理利用审计
audit of fund useful effect资金利用效果审计
audit of loan repayment with payable tax以税还贷审计
audit of loans贷款审计
audit of loans for special purpose专用借款审计
audit of notes payable应付票据审计
audit of public loans公债审计
audit of public properties公有财产审计
audit of receipt from export tax refund出口退税收入审计
audit of reserve fund后备基金审计
audit of returns决算审计,赢利审计
audit of savings business储蓄业务审计
audit of settlement on foreign exchange accounts外汇账款结算审计
audit of special deposit专项存款审计
audit of special fund专项资金审计
audit of tax gathering 税款征收审计
audit of tax payment纳税审计
audit of tax refund税收退库审计
audit of tax registration税务登记审计
audit of tax relief减税免税审计
audit of value added tax on import products进口产品增值税审计
audit of vault cash库存资金审计
audit on allocation of commerce profits商业企业利润分配审计
audit on banking business银行业务检查
audit opinion审计意见
audit period查账期间
audit phases审计阶段
audit plan查账计划
audit plan and supervision审计计划和监督
audit policy审计政策
audit practice inspection对审计工作的审查
audit procedure of loan items贷款项目审计程序
audit procedure查账程序,审计程序,检查程序
audit program审计程序表
audit project审计项目
audit rating sheets审计等级 表
audit record 审计记录
audit regulations审计条例
audit report审计报告
audit report liability审计师的报告责任
audit report of refusing to express opinion拒绝表表示意见的审计报告
audit report on financial statement财务报表审计报告
audit review of interim statements期中报表审计
audit standards查账标准
audit target审计对象
audit technique审计技术
audit test稽核测试
audit the books查账
audit trail审核线索,复核
audit voucher审核凭证
audit working papers 审计工作材料
audit working sheet查账计算表
audit year审计年度
audited accounts经审核账目
audited financial statement已审核的财务报表
audited net sales扣除折让,退货后的净销售额
audited voucher已审查凭单
auditing administration审计署
auditing amount审计金额
auditing body审计机构
auditing bulletins审计报告
auditing bureau审计局
auditing committee经费审查委员会
auditing department稽核部,审计部门
auditing firm 审计公司
auditing inspection税务稽查
auditing norm审计规范
auditing notice审计通知书
auditing notice delegated power 授权审计通知书
auditing notice entrusted委托审计通知书
auditing of account 查账
auditing officers查账员
auditing offices审计机关
auditing on financial statements财务报表审计
auditing practice审计实务,查账实务
auditing principles审计学,审计原理(则 )/auditing procedures 审计手续
auditing proof 审 计 证 明
auditing punishment 审计制裁
auditing revisit system审计回访制度
auditing service审计业务
auditing standard 审计标准
auditing system 审计制度
audition of account查账
auditor n.查账人,稽察员,审计员 (师)/auditor card审计证
auditor general审计长
auditor’s certificate审计证明 书
auditor’s renumeration 审计费
auditor’s report审计报告
auditors’ report核数师报告
certified internal auditor注册内部审计人
chief auditor审计长
external audit外部审计
field auditor现场监查员
independent audit 独 立 审 计
independent auditor独立审计员
internal auditor内部审计员
internal audit内部审计
itinerating auditor 赴外稽核
other earnings audit其他收入审计
pre-emptive audit事前审计
professional auditor专业查账员
programme result audit事后审计
resident auditor常驻审计员
staff auditor雇用查账员
standing auditor 常任审计
theoretical system of audit审计理论体制
third-party beneficiary of auditing审计第三受益人
third-party on auditing审计第三关系人
traveling auditor巡回查账员
auditorship n.会计稽查员





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