释义 |
attorneyn. 1. advocate,pleader辩护者,申诉人。 △R.Ⅲ. 4.4. 127:“Windy attorneys to their client’s woes,” i.e.words.which are airy pleaders on behalf of one who is suf-fering.言词不过是当事者苦难的空虚的申诉人。 2. agent,proxy代理人。 △Com. 5.1.100: “And willhave no attorney but myself,”我不愿别人代我做。 3. deputy,representative 代表。 △1H.VI.5.3.164(165):“And yet methinks I could be well content/Tobe mine own attorney in this case.”i.e. to act on myown behalf. 但是在这件事情上要是能代表我自己,我就可以十分满意了。 △R.III.4.4.413 (412): “Therefore,dearmother-I must call you so—/Be the attorney ofmy love to her.”所以,亲爱的岳母——我只有这样称呼你了——请你做我向她求爱的代表吧。 △R.III.5.3.84 (83):“I.by attorney (i.e.as deputy),bless thee from thymother.”我,作为代表,替你的母亲向你祝福。 4. substitute代替者。 △As.4.1.97 (94): “No,faith.die by attorney.”不,真的,还是找个人替你死吧。 attorney[əˈtə:ni]n.代理人,律师 ‖ a letter of attorney委托状/ a power of attorney 委托书 attorney at law律师 attorney fee律师公费 Attorney General司法部长,首席检察官 attorney in fact代理人 attorney of record 记录在案的律师 attorney of the day值班律师 attorney’s lien律师 letter attorney授权书的留置权 attomeyship n.代理人,代理权 |