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attendvt. 1. pay attention to,listen to注意,倾听。 △Rom. 5. 376: “What said my man,when my betossed soul/Didnot attend him as we rode?”我的仆人说些什么话,当我们骑马而来的时候,我因为心情激动不安,没有注意听他? 2. be intent upon,direct the mind to. attend to专心注意,专心于,致力于。 △1H. vi. 1. 1. 173: “Each hath hisplace and function to attend.” 人人都有自己的职位和责任,可以尽力。 △1H.IV.1.3.210: “But not the form ofwhat he should attend.”但是没有注意应该听取的切近的要点。 △Wiv. 5. 5. 46 (40):“Attend your office and yourquality.”要尽你们的责任,办你们的正事。 3. give ear to,listen to听,倾听。 △Tw.1.4.27: “Shewill attend it better in thy youth”,她将会更容易听取你这样年轻人的陈述。 △Mer.5.1.102:“The crow doth singas sweetly as the lark/When neither is attended;”假如没有人欣赏,乌鸦的歌声也就和云雀一样美妙。 △Rom. Prol.13: “The which if you with patient ears attend.”对此只要诸位肯耐心细听。 △Rom.3.1.202 (196): “and at-tend our will;”听从我的命令。 △3H.VI.2.1. 168: “At-tend me,lords.”听我说,诸位大人。 4. wait for,await等待,等候。 △Ham.5.2.203(196):“who brings back to him that you attend him in thehall.”据他回去报告,说你就在大厅里等候。 △Tw.3.4.65(59):“He attends your ladyship’s pleasure.”他在等候着小姐的意旨。 △Shr.2.1.169 (168):“attend her here”,在这儿等她。 △Ado.5.4.36: “We here attend you.”i.e. We are waiting here for you. 我们正在这儿等着你们呢。 △Wiv.1.1. 281 (269): “The dinner attends you.sir. ”等你用饭呢,先生。 △R.III.1.2.228 (226): “No,toWhite-Friars; there attend my coming.”不,到白衣僧院去;在那里等候我来。 △1H.IV.4.3.70: “Attended himon bridges,stood in lanes,”在桥上等候他,在小路上肃立。 △3H.VI.4.6.81: “He was conveyed by Richard.Duke of Gloucester,/ And the Lord Hastings,whoattended him/ In secret ambush on the forest side.”他是被葛罗斯特公爵理查和海斯丁斯勋爵秘密带走的,他们在森林的边上悄悄埋伏下来等着他。 5. expect期待。 △L.L.L.5. 2.847 (839):“What hum-ble suit attends thy answer there.”多么谦逊的等候在期待着你的答复。 △Mac. 3. 2.3:“Say to the King,I wouldattend his leisure/For a few words.”去告诉国王,我等他有空要跟他谈一两句话。 6. lay wait for埋伏着等待。 △Tw.3.4.246 (223):“at-tends thee at the orchard-end.”在花园的尽头处正埋伏着等你哩。 7. wait upon,be in attendance on服侍,伺候。 △As.1.2. 179(167): “I attend them with all respect and du-ty.”我敬谨伺候。 △As. 4. 1. 190 (180):“I must attendthe Duke at dinner.”我一定要侍候公爵吃饭。 △Mac.3.1.45 (44):“Attend those men/Our pleasure?”那两个人来听候我的吩咐了吗? △R.Ⅲ.3.7. 242 (244):“Tomor-row then we will attend your Grace;”那么明天我们再来服侍陛下。 8. go and wait on: usher in去招待;引进。 △Lr.1.1.36(34): “Attend the lords of France and Burgundy,Gloucester.”葛罗斯特,你去把法兰西国王和勃艮第公爵请来。 9. accompany,escort 伴随,护送。 △Ham.3.3.22:“Attends the boisterous ruin”. 在轰然一响里都跟着同归于尽。 △Tw.1.4.36:“Some four or five attend him;/All,if you will;”去四五个人护送他;全去,也可以。 △Tw.1.5.109(102): “’Tis a fair young man,and well at-tended.”他是一位漂亮的青年,随从很多。 △Rom.3.3.47(48): “Howling attends it.”伴随它的还有号叫之声。 △H.V.2.4.29: “That fear attends her not.” i.e.There is no cause to fear her. 那么又何必怕她! △2H.Ⅵ.2.3.37:“When I am dead and gone,/Mayhonourable peace attend thy throne.”当我死去之后,但愿光荣的和平伴随着你的宝座。 △R.Ⅲ.3.7. 229 (231):“But if black scandal or foul-faced reproach / Attendthe sequel of your imposition,”但是如果你们强使我承当国君的重任之后,邪恶的诽谤或丑恶的诋毁也伴随而来。 ~ vi. 1. be attentive. listen留神,听。 △Ham.4.5.96 (97):“Attend!/ Where are my Switzers?”听! 我的瑞士卫兵呢? △1H.IV.1.3.234:“Farewell,kinsman! I’ll talkto you/When you are better tempered to attend.“冉见了,侄儿! 等你脾气好一些、能听我讲话时,我再跟你谈。 △R. Ⅲ.3.1.13:“Your Grace attended to their sug-ared words,/ But looked not on the poison of theirhearts.”殿下只听到他们的甜言蜜语,但没有看到他们内心的狠毒。 △H.Ⅷ.1.1.158:“Attend.”请听我说。 2. wait,be ready for service等待,听候差遣。 △Wiv.4.6.31:“where a priest attends,”有一位牧师在那里等候着 △H.Ⅷ.5.2.17(18):“But their pleasures/Must befulfilled,and I attend with patience.”但是也只好按照他们的意志行事,我就耐心在这里等着吧。 3. be ready for service 听候差遣。 △As.5.1.69(62):“I attend,I attend.”我就来,我就来。 Phrase: attend on (upon): ❶wait for等待。 △Gent.3.1.186: “Tarry I here,Ibut attend on death,”在这里逗留,我不过是等死。 △Oth3.4.192(193):“I do attend here on the general.”我在这里等候将军。 ❷wait on (upon)恭候。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.1.55:“I will attend upon your lordship’s leisure.”我恭候大人有暇时的吩咐。 ❸wait on,i.e. visit恭候,(指)拜访。 △1H.Ⅵ.2.2.51: “And therefore tell her I returngreat thanks,/ And in submission will attend onher.”所以请告诉夫人我对她非常感谢,并愿意遵命往访。 ❹beready for service听候差遣。 △As.3.4.34 (33): “Heattends here in the forest on the Duke your father.”他到这树林里来是为伺候你的父亲老公爵的。 ❺accompany伴随。 △H.Ⅴ.2.2.23: “Nor leave not one behind thatdoth not wish/ Success and conquest to attend onus.”而留在后方的,也没有一个人不希望成功和胜利伴随着我们。 △1H.Ⅵ.1.1.19: “Upon a wooden coffin weattend,/ And death’s dishonourable victory/Wewith our stately presence glorify,”我们现在陪伴一具无情的棺材,简直是以我们这庄严的一大群人来为死神的可耻胜利增光添彩。 ❻tend照料。 △Oth.1.1.51: “Keep yet theirhearts attending on themselves,”但是一心一意只照顾着自己的利益。 attend[əˈtend]v. 出席,参加,陪伴,服侍,专心,仔细考虑 ◇ attend on (upon)看护,伺奉 attend to注意,留心,倾听,照应 be attended by(with)伴随着,带来 ◇ attend a banquet赴宴 attend a celebration or ceremony观礼 attend a meeting参加会议 attend court 出庭 attend school 就读 attend to one thing and lost sight of another顾此失彼 attend without voting rights 列席 attended station 值班电台 attended study 到 校 上 课 ,面授 attendance[əˈtendəns]n.与会人数,出席(的人数),照料,列席,伺候 ◇ have a high attendance 出席率高 in attendance出席,服侍 attendance accounting出席统计 attendance allowance 出席费 attendance area (zone) 就 学 区 attendance bonus加班奖金 attendance book会议签到簿 attendance centre管教中心 attendance law强迫学生入学法 attendance money出勤工资 attendance of witness证人出庭 attendance officer学校中负责调查旷课的员工,就学管理员 attendance order就学令 attendance rate 出勤率,上座率 attendance ratio入学比率 attendance record出席记录 attendance register考勤簿,签到簿 attendance report 考 勤 报告 attendance sheets 点名册 attendance time 出 勤时间 medical attendance 护理 attendance-builder n.增加与会者人数的举措 attendant n.对他人负有义务者,服务员,侍者,随从,伴随物,公务员,列车员 attendant claim附带要求 attendant key近系调 attendant of bride or bridegroom at wedding傧相 attendant on a train乘务员 fight attendant客机服务员 medical attendant医务人员 attendee[ætenˈdi:]n.出席者,参加者,在场者,剧院主顾,经常去剧院看戏者 attendee profile观展者档案 educated attendee 懂行的观展者 attender n.参加者 attention n.注意,注意力,关心,立正 attract attention引起注意 attract (draw) sb.’s attention ◇引起某人的注意 come to attention立正devote one’s attention to专心于 focus(center) one’s attention on把注意力集中到…方面 give one’s attention注意 have special attention受到特别注意 pay attention to注意 rivet one’s attention 引起…注意 rivet one’s attention on (upon)集中注意,注视 turn one’s attention to 开始注意 attention concentration注意(力)集中 attention-getting adj.引人注 意的 attention hypothesis注意假说 attention mobility注意(力)转移 attention position立正姿势 attention position after landing跳下落地姿势 attention span 注 意广度 attention training注意力训练 attention value 注意值 attention will 注 意力 attentively adv. attentive adj.注意的,专心的 attentiveness n. attentiveness to duties尽忠职守 |