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articlen. 1. item 项目。 △2H.Ⅳ. 4.1.73: “And have the sum-mary of all our griefs,/ When time shall serve,toshow in articles,”已经把我们的所有冤情都列举出来,只要有合适的时间,就一条一条公布。 2. detail细节。 △Oth.3.3.21:“If I do vow a friend-ship,I’ll perform it/To the last article.”如果我发誓答应帮忙,我一定帮忙到底。 3. point论点。 △Oth.1.3.11:“But the main article Ido approve/In fearful sense.”但是我相信主要的一点应该引起我们的戒惧。 4. single clause in a stipulation,provision in a legaldocument,term of agreement,item in an inventory规定的条款,法律文件的规定,协议的条件,清单中的一项。 △H.V.5.2.77:“I have but with a cursitory eye/O’erglanced the articles.”那些条款,我只是粗略地看了一遍。 △3H.Ⅵ. 3. 3. 135:“And now forthwith shall ar-ticles be drawn”,现在,立刻就起草条款。 △H.Ⅷ.1.1.169: “The articles o’ the combination”,盟约的条款。 △3H. VI.1.1.180:“I cannot stay to hear these arti-cles.”我不能留下来听这些条件。 5.charge,item in an indictment(指控的)罪状,(起诉书中的)项目。 △H.VIII.3.2.294 (293):“Produce the grandsum of his sins,the articles/Collected from his life.”请把他的大量罪恶,把从他一生中搜集起来的一条条罪状,都全部指出来。 △H. VIII. 3. 2. 300 (299):“Those articles,mylord,are in the King’s hand!”大人,那些罪状都在国王手里。 △Oth.5.2.54:“to deny each article with oath”,发誓否认每一条罪状。 6. scope. importance能力,重要性。 △Ham.5.2.122(116):“I take him to be a soul of great article,”我承认他是一个非同小可的人物。(按:article又可解为“清单中的 一项”,与上文中inventorially相衔接。) 7. character 性质。 △Wiv.2.1.52: “and so thoushouldst not alter the article of thy gentry.”i.e.change the character of your rank or station. 所以,你也就不必改变你这乡绅的地位了。 article[ˈɑ:tikl]n.物件,工艺制品,物品,文章,论文,项目,协定,协议,条款,章程,细则,冠词 ◇a leading article社论 articles in a statute法规条文 article sb. to sb.雇用某人为受合同约束的受训者 ‖ a superior articles优等品 additional article附加条款 article receipt货物收据 articled clerk见习职员 article serials论文集 articles awarded获奖论文 articles haberdashery装饰品 articles of agreement(雇佣)协议条款 Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development国际复兴开发银行协定条款 Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund国际货币基金协定条款 articles of apprenticeship学徒合同 articles of association公司章程,组织章程,组织细则 Articles of Confederation邦联条例(美国第一部宪法,1781~1789年)/articles of confederation 邦联条款,邦联条例 articles of co-partnership合伙合同 articles of corporation公司章程 articles of crime犯罪物品 articles of expenditure 支 出 项目 articles of impeachment 弹 劾 条款 articles of incorporation公司(的组织)章程 articles of law法律条款,法律条文 articles of luxury奢侈品 articles of partner合伙章程 articles of partnership合伙条款 articles of peace安全保障条款 articles of personal consumption个人消费品 articles of pupilage从师规约 Articles of Religion国教信条(16世纪,英国)/Articles of Six Dynasties六朝文论 articles of war战争法规 duty-free articles免税商品 final articles最后条款 second-hand articles 旧货 |