释义 |
applaudvt. 1.extol with shouts. praise对…欢呼,赞美。 △3H.VI.4.2.26:“You that will follow me to this attempt,/ Ap-plaud the name of Henry with your leader.”你们谁愿意随着我去冒这个险的,就跟你们的主帅欢呼亨利的名字。 △1H.VI.2.2.34:“Which of this princely train / Callye the warlike Talbot,for his acts / So much applau-ded through the realm of France?”请问在这高贵的一群人当中,哪位是由于他的表演(又译:事迹)而在法兰西全境受到喝彩(又译:赞扬)的英勇善战的塔尔博特呢? 2.express admiration for,express satisfaction with、praise对…表示赞美,对…表示满意,赞美。 △Mac.3.2.45:“Be innocent of the knowledge,dearest chuck,/Tillthou applaud the deed.”你暂时不必知道,最亲爱的宝贝,等到你对这一行动表示赞美时再说。 applaud[əˈplɔ:d]v.喝彩,鼓掌 ‖ applause n.掌声,欢呼声,喝彩声 |