释义 |
anointedp. a. 1. consecrated by holy oil涂了圣油的。 △L.L.L. 5.2.522:“Anointed (i.e. king by divine right),I imploreso much expense of thy roval sweet breath as will ut-ter a brace of words.”涂了圣油的君主,我求您口吐一些芳香的御气,说一两句话。 2.consecrated with holy oil as king,sanctified涂过圣油授为国王的,神圣不可侵犯的。 △Lr.3.7.57: “nor thyfierce sister/ In his anointed flesh rash boarishfangs.”也不愿看见你凶恶的姐姐用野猪的獠牙咬进他那神圣的身体。 3. i.e.crowned涂过圣油的,(即)加过冕的。 △3H.VI.3.1.76: “I was anointed king at nine months old;”我在九个月时就是涂过圣油加了冕的国王。 |