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amainad. 1.at full speed,with full speed全速,火速。 △Com.1.1.92:“making amain”,i.e. proceeding at full speed.全速前进。 △2H.VI.3.1.282: “Great lords,from Ire-land am I come amain,”诸位大人,我从爱尔兰以全速赶来。 △3H.VI.2.3.56: “Foreslow no longer,make wehence amain !”不要再迟延了,我们立刻去吧! △3H.VI.48. 4: “And with his troops doth march amain to Lon-don;”并且率军全速向伦敦开来。 post amain: ride at once and at full speed火速疾驰。 △3H.VI.2.5.128: “Mount you,my lord; towardsBerwick post amain.”上马吧,我的主公;火速向柏利克奔驰。 2. swiftly迅速地。 △2H.VI.5.1.114: “Call hitherClifford; bid him come amain,”把克利福叫到这里来;叫他赶快来。 △3H.VI.4.8.64: “Brave warriors. marchamain towards Coventry.”勇敢的战士们,迅速向考文垂进军吧。 3.with full force,with all one's strength用全部力量,拿出全部力气。 △1H.VI.1.1.128: “‘A Talbot! A Tal-bot!' cried out amain /And rushed into the bowels ofthe battle.”使出全部力气大喊着“拥护塔尔博特! 拥护塔尔博特!”冲进了战斗的中心。 |