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单词 allow


1. acknowledge承认。
△As.1.1.49 (46): “The cour-tesy of nations allows you my better.”各国的习俗承认你的身份比我优越。
△2H.IV.1.3.5:“I well allow the oc-casion of our arms,” 我充分承认我们这次出兵的理由。
△H.VIII.1.2.81:“What we oft do best,/By sick in-terpreters (once weak ones) is/Not ours,or not al-lowed;”我们所做的最好的事,在那些心怀妒忌的批评者(同时也都是智能薄弱的人)看来都不是我们做的,再不然就不予承认。
△H.VIII.2.4.3: “It hath already publicly beenread,/ And on all sides the authority allowed;”委任状已经公开宣读过了,它的权威也得到各方面的承认。
2. approve,approve of赞成,称许。
△Lr. 2. 4. 193(190):“If you do love old men,if your sweet sway /Allow obedience,”如果你爱护老人,如果你们的仁慈统治嘉许孝道。
△2H.IV.4.2.54:“I like them all,and do al-low them well,” i.e. accept them as satisfactory. 我对这些条件全都喜欢,并且对它们非常赞成。
3. grant,give授予,给予。
△2H.IV.5.5.71(66):“Forcompetence of life I will allow you,”至于生活费用,我会供给你的。
4. assign as a right,accord (作为一种权利)委派,授予。
△H.VIII.2.2.113(112): “Scholars allowed freely toargue for her.”委派几位学者尽量为她辩护。
5. prove证明。
△Tw.1.2.57(59): “That will allowme very worth his service.”i.e.that will prove me tobe very worthy of serving him. 可以证明我的确非常称职。
~ vb.
allow not: if you don't allow如果你不允许。
△Lr.2.4.269 (266): “Allow not nature more than natureneeds,”如果你不允许人生超过生存的最低需要。
allow of: admit,acknowledge承认。
△Tw.4.2.63(58):“Thou shalt hold the opinion of Pythagoras ere Iwill allow of thy wits,”你得赞成毕达哥拉斯的意见,我才承认你头脑健全。


◇allow bail 允许保释
allowed by law 法律允许的
allow for考虑
allow for in the budget分配拨款
allow free entrance to允许自由进入
allow in the cost考虑成本因素
allow into允许进入
allowed into evidence可接受作为证据
allow of对…留有余地
allow different voices to be heard允许言论自由…留有余地,定量供应,发补助
‖ allow a discount打折扣
allow a loss as general average作为共同海损补偿的损失
allow employees to hold some shares允许职工持股
allow flexibility in the policy and enliven economy 放开搞活
allow money-losing enterprise to merger or go bankrupt 允许亏损企业兼并或破产
allowed credit给予信贷
allowed cost容许成本
allowed time容许时间
allowing a goal判投中有效
allowable adj.allowable daily intake日容许摄入量
allowable error容许误差
allowable in general average作为共同海损而获取补偿
allowable limit容许限度
allowable periodic cut定期可伐量
allowable value 容许值 allowance[əˈlauəns]n.津贴,补贴,折扣
◇make allowance for sth.考虑到… travel subsistence allowance 出差费
allowance and rebate折让及回扣
allowance at cut rate 折扣
allowance for bad and doubtful debts坏账及呆账备抵
allowance for bad debts备抵坏账
allowance for breakage货物破损折扣
allowance for cash付现折扣
allowance for couples living in separate places夫妻分居补助
allowance for damage货损允许率
allowance for depreciation折旧提存,折旧率
allowance for exchange fluctuation外汇牌价允许波动范围
allowance for funds资金补偿
allowance for settling in安家补助费
allowances for uncollectable accounts坏账备款
allowance in kind实物津贴
allowance in respect of a dependent spouse抚养配偶的津贴
allowance of quarters住房津贴
allowance on sales销售折扣价
allowance payment 津贴支付
allowance reserve折让准备
allowance standard补助标 准
allowance system 津 贴 制度
allowance to parent out of child’s estate从子女的财产中拿出一部分补贴父母
entertainment allowance招待费,交际费
tax allowance减税额
travel allowance出差补助
allowances charged to general average作为共同海损的补偿
allowances for a business trip 出差费
allowedly adv.坦白地
allowness n.





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