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单词 all


△R.III.1.2.251 (249):“On me,whoseall not equals Edward's moiety?”我的全部禀赋还比不上爱德华的一小部分。
2. the whole全部。
△Com.2.2.155 (151):“Want witin all one word to understand.”i.e. Want wit to un-derstand one word in all that you have been saying.你说的话我一个字也听不懂。
but in all: all told总计。
△1H.Ⅵ. 4.1.20: “Whenbut in all I was six thousand strong/ And that theFrench were almost ten to one.”那时我总共只有六千人,而法国人却几乎有我的十倍。


1.all who 所有那些…的人。
△H.Ⅷ.4.1.50: “Those men are happy,and so are all are near her.”那些人真幸福,所有那些能挨近她的人也都幸福。
2. all I have; all of us我的全部所有;我们大家。
△Mac.14. 20:“Only I have left to say,/ More is thy due thanmore than all can pay.” i.e. I have only this left tosay that what you deserve is more than all of us canpay (or,that all I have is not enough for me to repayyou). 我现在只能说,你应得的报酬已经超过了我所能给的了。
3. everything 一切。
△H.Ⅷ. 2.1.124: “Heaven hasan end in all.”一切都是天意造成。
4. nothing but只有。
△H.Ⅷ.3.1. 52 (53): “whereall faith was meant.”完全出于耿耿忠心。


1. only,nothing but 惟一的,只有(的)。
△Mer.4.1.322(321):“The Jew shall have all justice.”犹太人得到的只有公平。
2. perfect 完美的。
△2H.Ⅳ.5.5.32 (29):“ Tis all inevery part.” i.e. in a condition of absolute perfec-tion. 一切的一切,完美无缺。


1. entirely,completely. fully,altogether 完全地,全部地。
△ Tw.3.3.6:“And not all love to see you,”并不全是为了看你。
△Mid.2.1.157:“Cupid all aimed.’全副武装的丘匹德,弯弓搭箭的爱神。
△Lr.4.7.41 (40):“ ’Tis wonder that thy life and wits at once/Had notconcludedall. ”这真是怪事,你的生命和神智还没有一齐统统完结。
△Oth.5.2.244 (246):“Let it go all.”全都由它去吧。
△3H.Ⅵ.2. 1. 49: “Say how he died,for I willhear it all.”说一说他怎么死的,我要全部听一遍。
△H.Ⅷ.3.1.25: “I would be all,”i.e. I would be entirely ahousewife. 我倒希望自己完全成为一个家庭妇女。
2. only,exclusively仅仅,排他地。
△Lr.1.1.101 (99):“Why have my sisters husbands,if they say/Theylove you all?”为什么两位姐姐要有丈夫,如果她们说她们只爱你?
△Lr.1.1.105 (103): “Sure I shall never marrylike my sisters,/To love my father all.”假如我只爱我的父亲,我一定不会像我两个姐姐那样结婚。
3. just恰恰,正。
△Mer.3.2.83:“all as false”,正是同样靠不住。


conj. although 尽管。
△R.Ⅲ.4.4. 225: “Whosehand soever lanched their tender hearts,/Thy head,all indirectly,gave direction.”不管动手刺穿他们那柔嫩的心的人是谁,总是你的头脑(尽管是转弯抹角地)下的指示。
Phrases & Expressions:
all along: flat,at full length平的,全身平伸。
△Rom5.3.3:“Under yond yew trees lay thee all along,”你到那边紫杉树下平躺下来。
all amort: dejected,out of spirits情绪低落,不高兴。
△Shr.4.3.36:“What,sweeting,all amort?”怎么,亲爱的,不高兴了?
all as: equally 同样地。
△Mer.2.7.8:“all as blunt,”也同样莽撞。
all at once: all in a breath,all at the same time一口气,同时。
△As. 3. 5. 36:“you insult,exult,and all at once,/ Over the wretched?”你对于这个不幸的人加以侮辱,同时还自鸣得意?
“All hid,all hid”: the children’s cry at the game of hide and seek大家藏好了,大家藏好了(小孩子玩捉迷藏时的叫声)。
△L.L.L.4.3.78 (76): “‘All hid,all hid,’an old infant play.”全藏好,全藏好;简直是捉迷藏。
all in all: ❶all things in all respects,everything in every respect,everything put down to account一切的一切,合计起来的一切。
△R.Ⅲ.3.1.168:“He will do allin all as Hastings doth.”海斯丁斯所做的一切,他也都会做的。
△2H.Ⅵ.2.4.51:“For Suffolk,he that can doall in all/ With her that hateth thee and hates usall,”因为萨福克,他对于那个既恨你又恨我们大家的女人能够为所欲为。
❷in every respect在每个方面。
△Oth. 4.1.275(264):“Is this the noble Moor whom our full SenateCall all in all sufficient?”难道这就是我们整个元老院所称为全才全能的高贵的摩尔人吗?
△H.V.1.1.41:“Hear him debateof commonwealth affairs,/You would say it hathbeen all in all his study;”听他讨论国家政事,你不由得要说这是他长期一贯的研究。
all is one: ❶it does not matter没有关系。
△Ado.51.49:“Are you so hasty now? well,all is one.”你现在这样忙吗? ——好吧,那也没有关系。
❷ All right 好吧。
△Oth.4.3.23:“All’s one”好吧。
All is one for that: It does not matter 没有关系。
△1H.Ⅳ.2.4. 175 (155):“All is one for that. APlague of(= on) all cowards. still say I.”那没关系,我还要说,让一切懦夫都遭瘟!
all of all: sum of all 一切的一切,总而言之。
△L.L.L.51.118(109): “The very all of all is...that the King would have me present the Princess...with some de-lightful ostentation,”总而言之是这么一回事:国王要我给那公主表演一些有趣的节目。
all one: ❶all the same一模一样。
△Shr.4.2.101:“As much as an apple doth an oyster,and all one. ”犹如一只苹果之像一只蛤蜊,一模一样。
❷no matter没什么,不要紧。
△Tw.5.1.203(196): “That’s all one. He has hurt me,and there’s the end on’t.”没有什么要紧。他把我打伤了,如此而己。
all points: in all points,in every respect在一切方面
△As.1.3.119(116):“suit me all points like a man”,把我自己完全打扮得像个男人。
all’s: ❶all is,all was这一切都…。
△Mac.1.2.15:“But all’s too weak,” i.e. But all proves of no avail.可是这一切都无能为力。
❷all his他的一切。
△As.5.2. 17(15):“all’s contented followers.”他那所有的知足的随从者们。
all so soon as: as soon as一当…就…
△Rom.1.1.139(134): “But all so soon as the all-cheering sun/Should in the farthest east begin to draw/The shady curtains from Aurora’s bed,”但是一当那鼓舞众生的太阳在遥远的东方刚把曙光女神床上的灰黑色帐幔拉开。
“All the world’s a stage”: One of the half-dozen bestknown and most quoted passages in all Shakespeare, ranking wit h Portia’s “The quality of mercy”(Mer,4.1),Hamlet’s “To be,or not to be”(Ham. 3. 1),and Antony’s “Friends,Romans,countrymen”(Cae. 3.2).The idea that “all the world’s a stage” and the di-vision of human life into seven stages are very old andwere commonplaces in Elizabethan literature. ButShakespeare alone has given a most pictorial descrip-tion about them. “全世界是一座舞台”——这是在全部莎剧中最常被人引用的五六个著名片断之一,其中所提出的“世界即舞台”和“人生七阶段”等说法虽是很古老的思想,并且在伊利莎白时代文学中也屡有提及,但只有莎士比亚才对此作出了最生动的描绘。

△As.2.7. 139-166.all to all: all good wishes to all; let everybody drinkto everybody以一切善意敬祝大家;请大家互相祝酒干杯。
△Mac.3.4.91(90):“Would he were here! to all,and him,we thirst,/And all to all.”但愿他也在座! 对大家,对他,我干一杯,请大家互相祝酒干杯。
all ways away: off in all directions分头散开,各自散去。
△Mid.4.1.47 (41): “Fairies,be gone,and be all ways away. ”仙子们,走开,分头散去吧。


◇ all along始终,一贯
all along the line到处
all and sundry全部,所有的人
all around到处,各处
all hands retreat全体隐蔽
all in all总的说来,完全地
all kinds of各类
all men各就各位
all out竭尽全力,全面(进攻)/all over到处
all-round development全面发展
all the colors of rainbow五颜六色
all the cry最新式样
all the fashion风靡一时
all the go风靡一时
all together总共
all too clear昭然若揭
all up原稿排完
at all events 总之
at all times时时
best of all最
by all means一定
for all尽管
in all总共
one and all全部
‖ all-ability system免试入学学校
all-age school中小学混合学校
all aport左满舵
all arms诸兵种
all around多才多艺的,全能的
all-around championships综合性运动会
all-around competition综合全能马术比赛三日赛
all around competition in eight events八项全能比赛
all around events全能项目
all-around player技术全面的运动员
all astarboard右满舵
all ball training method始终带球的训练法
all band全波段
all banks account全国银行账户
All-Burma Peasants Organization全缅农民组织
all channel全频道
all channel antenna全频道天线
all charges paid全部费用已付
all-civil officers全体文官
all clear清场完毕
all cloth全布面装
all comers比赛参加者
all-court game 全场打法
all-court pass全场传球
all-court player擅长于全场打法的球员
all-court press全场紧逼
all cut以削球为主的战术
all-day class全日班
all-day schools全日制学校
all dentschtum 大日耳曼主义
all-expense tour包价旅行
all financial resources全部财力
all forms of education at all levels各级各类教育
all grant programme全赠款方案
all hands全体雇员,全体船员
all-inclusive income statement总括式损益表
All-India Muslim League全印穆斯林联盟 (1906年)/All-India National Congress印度国民大会
all-in price总价格
all-in rate总运费
all interests有关利益方
all-in wrestling自由式摔跤
all lighting舞台全光
all-loss insurance 综合险
all market time全部市场时间
all money debenture全面抵押的公司信用债券
all night通宵开放,彻夜
all-night service通宵服务
all obedience百依百顺
all occasions历次
all or different levels各级
All Ordinaries Index (AOI) 所有普通股指数
all-or-none law全或无定律
all-or-none order全部完成或放弃买卖盘
all-or-none principle全有或全无原则
all other perils一切其他风险
all-out alert 全面戒备
all-out assault全面进攻
all-out attack全面突击
all out attacking game全进攻型打法
all-out ban全面禁止
all-out efforts全力以赴
all-out nuclear war全面核战争
all outstanding advance全部尚未归还的放款
all over the body全身,周身
All Peopie’s Congress (APC)全国人民大会党
all people’s property全民所有制
all-plastic fitting全塑料灯具
all-risk policy综合险保险单
all play with all循环赛
all previous government历届政府
all published全部出版
all-purpose balance sheet通用资产负债表
all-purpose bank通用银行
all-purpose financial statement通用财务报表all received收讫
all right preserved版权所有
all rights reserved版权所有
all risks综合险
all risks clause一切险条款
all risks insurance一切险保险
allround n. 全能adj. 多方面的,多才多艺的
all round actor多才多艺的演员
all round athlete全能运动员
all round champion全能冠军
all round competition全能比赛
all round development全面发展
all round education全面教育
all-round excellent project全优工程
allround person 通才
all-round service全方位服务
all round sportsman全能运动员
all-round the ethical,moral education intellectual and physical development德智体全面发展
all-round title全能冠军
allrounder n. 全面发展的学生
All-Russian Congress of Soviets苏维埃全国大会
All Saints Day万圣节
all service全天候服务
all stroke全力挥棒
all the children of the Yellow Emperor炎黄子孙
all the details原委
all the people are soldiers全民皆兵
all through the ages历来
all through the night连夜
all-through school一贯制学校
all-time high空前最高纪录
all-time low空前最低纪录
all told全部容量
All-Union Communist Party全联盟共产党
All-Union Leninist Communist League of Youth全联盟列宁主义共产主义青年联盟
all weather全天候的
all-weather aircraft全天候飞机
all weather track全天候跑道
all washed up企业倒闭





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