释义 |
alarumn. 1. call,summons号召,召唤。 △Oth.2.3.26: “Andwhen she speaks. is it not an alarum to love?”她一说话,不就是爱情的号召吗? 2. trumpet call to arms,signal for battle; symbol forthe sounds of battle off-stage战斗警号,战斗信号;(演戏中在后台)表示战斗的号角声。 △Mac.1.2.0.s.d:“Alarumwithin.”内号角声。 △H.V.3.Cho.33s.d: “Alarum.and chambers go off.”战斗号响,火炮发射。 △2H.Ⅵ.2.3.96 (92): “Sound,trumpets,alarum to the combat-ants!”喇叭手们,向决斗双方吹起战斗信号! 3. call to assaults,signal to arms with drum andtrumpet冲锋的呐喊,战斗的鼓角声。 △R.Ⅲ.1.1.7: “Ourstern alarums changed to merry meetings,”我们那尖厉的鼓角声变成了欢乐的聚会。 4. trumpet signal to advance进军号。 △Lr.5.2.0.sd.:“Alarum within.”内进军号声。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.3.0.sd.:“Alarum. Excursions.”战号声,冲杀。 5. sudden attack突然攻击。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.5.84: “I feelsuch sharp dissension in my breast,/Such fierce alar-ums both of hope and fear,”我在胸中感到如此尖锐的冲突、如此猛烈的希望与忧虑的交攻。 |