释义 |
Agamemnon:(Gr. myth.) commander of the Greekarmy in the Trojan war阿伽门农,特洛伊战争中希腊人的统帅。 △2H.IV.2.4.235 (219):“Thou art as valorous asHector of Troy,worth five of Agamemnon,”你像特洛伊的赫克托一样勇敢,抵得上五个阿伽门农。 △H.V.3.6.6:“The Duke of Exeter is as magnanimous as Agamem-non,”爱克塞特公爵就像阿伽门农一般伟大(又译:英勇)。 Agamemnon’s brother: i.e. Menelaus,cuckolded byParis阿伽门农的兄弟,(即)墨涅拉俄斯(其妻海伦被帕里斯拐走)。 △3H.VI. 2.2.148: “And ne’er wasAgamemnon’ s brother wronged/By that false woman(i.e. Helen) as this king (i.e. Henry VI) by thee.”阿伽门农的兄弟被那个不正派女人所欺骗,还没有这个国王被你欺骗得厉害呢。 |