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单词 against


prep. to面临。
△2H.Ⅵ.4.1.76:“And thou thatsmiledst at good Duke Humphrey’s death/ Againstthe senseless winds shall grin in vain,”他曾对于善良的亨弗雷公爵之死得意地笑,现在却只好面对无情的寒风龇牙咧嘴了。
2. towards向,朝着。
△H.Ⅷ.3.2.118(117):“andanon he casts/His eye against the moon.”忽然他又抬起眼睛望着月亮
3. in the face of. before在…的面前。
△Oth.2.3.385(376):“Though other things grow fair against thesun. /Yet fruits that blossom first will first be ripe.”虽然一切草木在阳光下都欣欣向荣,但最先开花的果子总是最先成熟。
4. when about to face,in time for就要面对,赶上。
△2H.Ⅳ.4.2.81:“Against ill chances men are evermerry,”人就要碰上厄运时总是先觉得高兴。
5. by,before在…旁,在…前。
△Lr.4.7.36 (35):“Mineenemy’s dog. Though he had bit me,should havestood that night/Against my fire.“哪怕我的敌人的狗,虽然它咬过我,在那样的夜里,也得让它留在我的炉边。
6. just before,immediately before正在…之前,在…紧紧之前。
△Ham.2.2.513 (483): “against some storm,”暴风雨将到之前。
△As.4.1.157(151):“more clamorousthan a parrot against rain,” i.e.when rain is immi-nent.我要比下雨前的鹦鹉还要爱吵闹。 the time that 等着。
△Shr.4.4.103:“to bid thepriest be ready to come against you come with yourappendix.”叫牧师准备好,等待着你和你的新娘子到来。
8. in anticipation of the time when 准备着,在…之前。
△Rom.4. 1. 113: “In the mean time,against thoushalt awake,”同时,在你将醒之前。
△Rom.3.4.32:“Prepare her,wife,against this wedding-day.”叫她在婚期之前准备准备。 anticipation of,in expectation of 预料到,预期着。
△Ham.3.4.50:“as against the doom.”像是要到了世界末日一般。
10. in preparation for,ready for 为了,为…作好准备。
△Mid. 1. 1. 124: “I must employ you in somebusiness/Against our nuptial,”我必须差你们为我们的婚礼办些事。
△Mid.5. 1.75:“against your nuptial”,为了准备参加你的婚礼。
△H.Ⅷ.3.1.25:“I would be all,a-gainst the worst may happen. ”我倒希望自己完全成为一个家庭妇女,好为将来可能发生的最恶劣情况作准备。
△Rom.4.2.46 (45): “to prepare up him / Against to-morrow.”叫他为明天作好准备。
11. in opposition to反对。
△Oth.4.1.6:“It is hypoc-risy against the devil.”i.e.It is hypocrisy to cheat thedevil. 这真是伪善欺骗魔鬼。(按:意谓一般伪善者道貌岸然以骗世人,而此处的伪善者与情人裸体同床而无邪念,岂不是欺骗诱人作恶的魔鬼?)
against the which: on the other hand在另一方面。
△Ham.1.1. 90: “Against the which a moietycompetent/Was gaged by our king,”在另一方面我们的国王也提出同样的一份领土作为抵押。


conj. in expectation of the time when,by thetime that在…之前,在…之时。
△Mid.3.2.99: “I'll charm his eyes against she do appear.”我在她出现的时候,对他的眼睛施以魔法。


◇ against one’s conscience昧心
against one’s will 违心地
against public interest与公共利益抵触
against the form of the statute违反法律规定
be against反对
over against在…对面…相比
‖ against actuals交换现货,以期换现售后服务
against all risks保全险
against delivery货到付款
against document凭单证
against expectation出乎预料
against logy加一杆赛against one who grabs your breast摸胸反击法
against one who grabs your shoulders from behind抓肩反击法
against par标准击数比赛
against rule犯规
against security担保贷款
against the current逆流
against the light 逆光
against time尽快地,争分夺秒地
against vote 反对票





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