释义 |
aeryn. 1. lofty nest,nest of an eagle高高的巢,鹰巢。 △R.III.1.3.263 (262): “Ay. and much more; but I was bornso high,/Our aery buildeth in the cedar's top,”不错,而且涉及我更多;但我生来地位就高,我们家的鹰巢筑在苍松翠柏之颠。 2. (an eagle's) nest,brood(of nestlings) (鹰的)巢,(雏鸟的)窠。 △Ham.2.2.362 (339): “but there is,sir. anaery of children,”但是,殿下,有一窠小娃子。 3. brood of young eagles一窝幼鹰。 △R.III.1.3.270(269): “Your aery buildeth in our aery's nest.”你们的幼鹰是在我们幼鹰的窠里筑巢的。
aerya. airy,consisting of air,unsubstantial空气的,由空气所构成的,虚幻的。 △R.III.4.4.13:“Hover about mewith your aery wings/And hear your mother's lam-entation!”那就用你们那虚无缥缈的翅膀翱翔在我身边,听听你们的母亲的哀号吧! |