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单词 aeneas:


1. (Gr.&Rom. myth.)i.e. the Trojan hero who,af-ter the fall of Troy,embarked on a long voyage of ad-venture.On his journey from Greece to Italy he wasshipwrecked off the coast of Africa,and was receivedbyDido. Queen of Carthage,who listens greedily tohis tale of the capture and destruction of Troy.WhenAeneas sailed away and deserted Dido,she burnedherself on a funeral pyre.埃涅阿斯,特洛伊的英雄。特洛伊城破之后,他逃至海上,长期历险。从希腊到意大利途中,船只失事,他在非洲受到迦太基女王狄多款待,狄多听他谈讲特洛伊失陷毁灭的故事,为之入迷,埃涅阿斯后乘船复逃,狄多自焚而死。
△Ham.2.2.476 (445): “One speech in ’t I chieflyloved,'twas Aeneas' tale to Dido.”其中有一段台词我最喜爱,也就是埃涅阿斯对狄多讲故事的那一段。
2. Aeneas carried away his father Anchises upon hisshoulders when Troy was in flames at the end of theTrojan War and,after various wanderings and adven-tures,settled in Italy and became the forefather ofthe Romans. 埃涅阿斯于特洛伊城破时背负其父安喀塞斯逃出,经历种种冒险后定居于意大利并成为罗马人之祖先。
△2H.VI.5. 2. 61: “Come,thou new ruin of oldClifford’s house: / As did Aeneas old Anchises bear,/So bear I thee upon my manly shoulders;”来吧,你这古老克利福家族的新遗骸:我要像埃涅阿斯背起老安喀塞斯那样,把你背在我这强壮的肩膀上。





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