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单词 coil
coil/kɔ ɪl/ v & n

v (使)盘(缠)绕((cause to) wind or twist into the shape of a ring or a series of loops)[II+prep(around/round),I+adv(up),T+nT+n+prep(around/round),T+n+adv(up)]:The snake~ed (up) ready to strike.蛇盘成一团准备攻击。(snake)~(a)round the tree(蛇)绕在树上;(rope)~(a)round the pulley(绳子)缠绕在辘轳上;The smoke~ed up over the fields.烟在田野上缭绕。~(up)a(length of)rope/wire/flex/clothesline/hose把(一段)绳子/电线/花线/晾衣绳/软管盘起来;~one's hair(a)round one's finger/a wire(a)round a pencil/a rope (a)round the anchor把头发缠在手指上/电线缠在铅笔上/绳子缠在锚上;(snake)~itself (a)round the tree(蛇)缠绕在树上;(vine)~itself (a)round the pulley(藤蔓)缠绕在辘轳上;The snake~ed itself into a ball.蛇盘成一团。〖同〗wind,twist,loop,circle,curl;

n(1)盘,卷(length of ropeetc wound into a series of rings or loops)[C]:a~of rope/flex/wire 一盘绳子/花线/电线;〖同〗loops,rings,curls,rolls,circles;

(2)一圈(卷)(single one of such a series of rings or loops)[C]:a~of hair一卷头发;the thick~s of a python紧紧盘成许多圈的莽蛇;The animal was held fast in the snake's~s.那动物被蛇牢牢地缠住了。〖同〗loop,ring,curl,roll,circle;

(3)(导电)线圈(wound length of wire for conducting electricity)[C]:the~in an electric fire 电炉中的线圈;

(4)避孕环(device worn inside a woman to stop her having more babies)[Cthe~]:use the~instead of the pill 戴环而不吃避孕药





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