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单词 advised


p. a.
1. well-considered经过周密考虑的。
△R. III. 1. 3. 318(317): “So do I ever—(Speaks to himself) being welladvised; / For had I cursed now,I had cursed my-self.”我一向这么做——(旁白)经过了周密的考虑;因为如果我现在诅咒,我就咒骂了我自己。
be advised: take careful thought,be well-considered仔细想想.好好考虑。
△R.III.2. 1. 107: “ Who,in mywrath,/ Kneeled at my feet and bade me be ad-vised?”有谁,在我愤怒之时,跪在我脚前求我慎重考虑一下?
2. prudent,deliberate,judicious,wise审慎的,深思熟虑的,明断的.明智的。
△H. V. 1 . 2. 178: “While that thearmed hand doth fight abroad,/ The advised headdefends itself at home:” (Exeter speaks as ifEngland’s army is its hand. while its government is itshead.) 当拿着刀剑的手在海外作战的时候.还有深思熟虑的头脑在国内保卫着自己。
△2H.VI. 5. 2. 46: “and to achieve /The silver livery of advised age.”如今到了白发如银、深思明辨之年。
3. informed. warned得到报告,受到警告。
△H. V. 2.Cho. 12: “The French,advised by good intelligence”,法国人,得到可靠情报的报告。
4. careful,heedful,cautious,wary小心的,注意的,谨慎的,警惕的。
△Oth. 1. 2. 55: “It is Brabantio,General,be advised,”那是勃拉班修,将军,要小心。
△Mer. 1. 1. 143(142):“with more advised watch”.更加小心地,拿出加倍的注意。
△L. L. L.4. 3. 368 (365):“be first advised,”首先要当心。
△H. V. 1. 2. 251: “And bids you be ad-vised.”叫你谨慎一点。
△2H.VI.2.4.34: “The ruthlessflint doth cut my tender feet,/And when I start,theenvious people laugh,/And bid me be advised how Itread.”无情的路石划破我娇嫩的脚,我疼得一惊跳,那些心怀恶意的人们就大笑,还叫我踩得小心一点。
△H.VIII. 1.1.139:“Be advised;/ Heat not a furnace for your foeso hot /That it do singe yourself.”要谨慎;不要为你的仇敌把火炉烧得太热,反而把你自己烫伤了。
5. aware觉察的,明白的。
△2H.IV. 1. 1. 172:“You wereadvised his flesh was capable/Of wounds and scars;”你明白他的肉体可能受到创伤。
△Shr.1.1.190 (186):“artthou not advis’d”. i.e. are you not aware,do you notobserve?难道你还不明白?
6. well-considered,in one’s right mind深思熟虑的,精神健全的。
△Com.5.1.214: “I am advised what I say”,i.e. I know very well what I say. 我说话很清醒(并非胡说)。
7. agreed 同意的。
△2H.VI.2.1.47:“Are ye advised?”i.e. Are you agreed?你同意了吗?





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