adherevi. 1. be consistent,agree协调,一致。 △Wiv. 2. 1. 63(61):“but they do no more adhere and keep place to-gether than the hundred Psalms to the tune of ‘GreenSleeves.’”但是他的言行就像按照《绿袖》的情歌小调去唱第一百首圣洁的《赞美诗》那样不协调、不一致。 2. cohere,agree 符合,一致。 △ Tw. 3. 4. 87 (78):“Why,everything adheres together,”哼,一切都很符合 3. be suitable适宜。 △Mac. 1. 7. 51: “Nor time norplace / Did then adhere,and yet you would makeboth.”那时候,无论时间和地点都不适宜,你却偏要实现你的愿望。 4. be firmly attached密切依恋,亲密相伴。 △Ham. 2. 2.20: “And sure I am two men there are not living / Towhom he more adheres.” i. e. he is more firmly atta-ched. 我相信世界上再也找不出两个人比你们同他更要好。 adhere[ədˈhiə]v.黏着,附着,坚持,遵循 adj.带黏性的,黏着的 ◇ adhere to 坚持,遵守,粘住 adhere to principles坚持原则 ‖ adhering motion附议 adherence n.忠诚,加入 adherence to the principle of the constitution忠于宪法原则 adherent n.信徒,追随者,拥护者 adherent adjective修饰形容词 adhesion n. 支持,吸附力,黏合 adhesion contract附加合同 adhesion phenomenon黏附现象 adhesion to the protocol加入议定书 cultural adhesion文化坚持 adhesive adj. 带黏性的 /n. 黏合剂 adhesive bonding technique胶接技术 adhesive control 控制球在脚下 adhesive plaster橡皮膏 adhesive revenue stamp印花税票/ adhesive tape胶带 |