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单词 address


vb. direct正对着…(走来)。
△L. L.L. 5. 2. 92:“Toward that shade I might behold addressed / Theking and his companions. ”我看见正对着树阴走过来了国王和他的伴侣。
~ vt.
1 . prepare,make ready,get ready准备.准备好。
△Mid2 . 2 . 143 : “And all my powers,address your love andmight / To honour Helen and to be her knight.”让我拿出自己全部的爱情和力量,去尊崇海伦,做她的情郎
2. equip,levy装备,征集。
△As. 5. 4. 163 (156): “Ad-dressed a mighty power,” i. e. gathered a great army.调动一支大军。
3. direct指引。
△Tw. 1. 4. 15:“address thy gait untoher,” i.e. direct thy steps,make your way,go (toher). 到她那里去。
~ vb. refl. make (oneself) ready,prepare (oneself)使(自己)准备好,使(自己)准备。
△ Mac. 2. 2. 26 (22): “Butthey did say their prayers,and addressed them/Again to sleep.” i. e. (the two chamberlains) preparedthemselves once more to sleep. 但是他们祷告了一番,随后又睡了。
△Ham. 1. 2. 215: “Yet once methought / Itlifted up it head and did address / Itself to motion likeas it would speak;”有一回我觉得它抬起头来.好像是准备要说话了。
△Mer. 2. 9. 19: “And so have I addressedme.” i. e. I have prepared myself. 我已经有所准备了
△Wiv. 3. 5. 138 (133): “I will then address me (=myself) to my appointment.” 那么我要准备去赴约了。
△2H. VI. 5. 2. 27: “A dreadful lay! Address thee in-stantly.”好可怕的赌注! 你就准备好吧。


◇ address a solemn appeal郑重呼吁
address for service传票等送达地址
address in mitigation请求减刑
address on general policy施政方针演说
address oneself to从事于,着手,致力于
address sb. respectfully尊称
draft out an address起草演讲稿
give a closing address致闭幕词
make a farewell address发表告别演说
addressing the ball瞄球 站好位,准备击球
‖ address book通讯录
address commission回佣,委托佣金,租船佣金
address of congratulation祝词
address of thanks答谢辞
address of welcome欢迎词
address the bar接近横竿
address the target侧身向靶瞄准/a form of address称呼
an address of welcome 欢迎词
closing address 闭幕词
opening address开幕词
addressing inquiries质询
addressee n.收件人,收信人,收文者,受话人
addresser (or)n .发言人,发信人,发文者





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