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单词 action


1. activity 活 动。
△Rom. 2. 3. 22: “And vicesometime’s by action dignified.” i. e. a bad qualitymay,under certain circumstances,put to good use.好好利用,有时罪恶也会有好的结果。
△Oth. 1. 3. 84: “theyhave used / Their dearest action in the tented field;”它们一直都是在战场上展开它们最有力的活动。
2. movement,attitude举动,姿态。
△Ham. 1. 2. 84:“For they are actions that a man might play,”因为这是人人可以假扮出来的举动。
△Ham. 1. 4. 60: “courteousaction”,礼貌的动作。
3. attitude,gesture,gesticulation 姿态,手势,姿势。
△Ham. 3. 4. 127 (128):“Lest with this piteous actionyou convert / My stern effects,”否则你这种可怜的神情会改变我的坚决的主意。
△L. L. L. 5. 2. 99: “Action and ac-cent did they teach him there.”他们就在那里教他动作的姿势和说话的声调。
△2H. VI. 5. 1. 8:“I cannot give dueaction to my words,/ Except a sword or sceptre bal-ance it.”我无法给我的语言做出适当手势,除非手握宝剑或王杖以增加它的分量。
4. military operation军事行动。
△2H. IV. 4. 4. 88:“The manner how this action hath been borne / Hereat more leisure may your Highness read,”这次军事行动如何进行的经过,请陛下有暇时可以阅看。
△2H. IV. 4. 5. 213(214):“that action,hence borne out,/ May waste thememory of the former days.”这样一来,在外国进行的军事行动就可以消除往日的回忆。
5. fight战斗。
△Oth. 2. 3. 388 (379): “Pleasure andaction make the hours seem short.”欢乐和打斗使得时间显得短了。
△2H. IV. 1. 2. 242 (212): “There is not adangerous action can (= that can) peep out his headbut I am thrust upon it.”只要一有什么危险的战斗出现,总要把我推上前去。
△2H VI. 5. 2. 26: “My soul and bodyon the action both!”让我的灵魂和肉体都投入战斗吧!
6. fight,campaign战斗,战役。
△Ado. 1. 1. 307 (297):“When you went onward on this ended action.”当你还在进行这一场刚刚结束的战事之际。
△Ado. 1. 1. 5: “Howmany gentlemen have you lost in this action”这次作战你们损失了多少人?
7. engagement遭遇战。
△1H. IV. 2. 4. 21 (20): “I tellthee,Ned,thou hast lost much honour that thou wert(= were) not with me in this action.”我告诉你,奈德,刚才这场遭遇战,你没有跟我在一起,失去了一个得到荣誉的机会。
8. legal action. lawsuit诉讼,案件。
△Tw. 5. 1. 285(275):“He upon some action / Is now in durance,”他为了一点案情而被拘留了。
△2H. IV. 1. 2. 172 (149): “Youmay thank the unquiet time for your quiet o’erpostingthat action.”你该感谢这个不安静的时代,让你安静地逃避了那场官司。
△2H. IV. 5. 1. 87 (78):“to keep Prince Har-ry in continual laughter the wearing out of six fash-ions,which is four terms,or two actions,”使得哈利王子笑个不停,直到六种时尚的结束,也就是等于一年内的四个开庭期,或者说打两场官司的时间。(按:福斯塔夫在此既挖苦了时尚流行时间的短暂,又嘲笑了司法机关的拖拉作风。)
enter the action: record the Iawsuit,begin the lawsuit把诉讼登记在案,开始诉讼。
△2H.IV. 2. 1. 1: “MasterFang,have you entered the action?”爪牙先生,告状的事你立案了吗? (按: action又作exion,义同。)
9. accusation,charge告发,指控。
△Oth. 1. 3. 69:“yea,though our proper son / Stood in your action.” i. e.Faced your charge. 嗯,哪怕他是我的亲儿子,也得接受你的控告。
△Tw. 4. 1. 37 (34):“I’ll have an action of batteryagainst him,”我要告他非法殴打的罪。





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