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单词 act


1. action行动。
△H.V.1.2.188:“Creatures that by arule in nature teach / The act of order (i.e. orderlyaction) to a peopled kingdom.”这种小昆虫靠着自然规律向万民之国教导什么是有秩序的行动。
△2H.VI.1.1.195(194):“And,brother York,thy acts in Ireland,”约克兄弟,你在爱尔兰的行动。
△2H.VI.5.3.9: “thrice I ledhim off,/ Persuaded him from any further act;”我三次领他走开,劝他不要再参加战斗行动。
2. operation,influence作用,影响。
△Oth.3.3.329(328): “But with a little act upon the blood/ Burnlike the mines of sulphur.”可是只要在血液里稍稍发生一点作用,就会像硫磺矿一样燃烧起来了。
3. effect结果。
△Ham.1.2. 205:“the act of fear,”恐怖的结果。
4. motive动机。
△Oth.1.1.62: “The native act andfigure of my heart”,我内心的真实动机和意图。
5. performance表演,实行。
△Mer. 4.1.19: “the lasthour of act,”表演的最后时刻(又译:就要付诸实行的最后时刻)。
6. i.e. act of a play戏剧的一幕。
△2H.IV.1.1.155:“And let this world no longer be a stage / To feedcontention in a lingering act;”让这个世界不再成为一座舞台,好使得战斗长期演出。
7. ❶action行动;
❷division of a play戏的一部分,剧情。
△2H.IV.Ind. 3: “I. from the orient to the droopingwest,/Making the wind my post-horse,still unfold/The acts commenced on this ball of earth.”我,从东方到日落的西方,把风当做我的驿马,总在揭露在这地球上进行的种种活动(双关:演出的种种剧情)。
8. part of a play; activity角色;活动。
△ Tw. 5. 1. 257(247):“He finished indeed his mortal act / That daythat made my sister thirteen years.”他确是在我妹妹十三岁上结束了他人生的角色(又译:人生的活动)。
9. decision,decree,law决议,法令,法律。
△3H. vi.
1. 1244: “The soldiers should have tossed me on theirpikes / Before I would have granted to that act.”哪怕那些兵把我挑在他们的枪尖上,我也不会同意那项决定。
△Mer.4. 1. 315 (314): “Thyself shalt see the act ;”你自己可以看看法令。
10. ❶action,operation行动;作用;
❷discussion of athesis for a university degree,conferring of degrees讨论学位论文,授予学位。
△2H. IV. 4. 3. 124 (114): “andlearning a mere hoard of gold kept by a devil,till sackcommences it and sets it in act and use.”学问不过是由魔鬼看守的一堆藏金,只有靠着酒才能使它发挥力量(双关:获得学位)和使它见诸行动(双关:通过学位论文),派上用场。


1. do做,办。
△Lr. 2. 1. 20 (18):“Which I must act.”我一定得办。
2. perform,play表演,扮演。
△Tw. 1. 4. 26:“It shallbecome thee well to act my woes;”你来表演我的悲苦是很合适的。
△2H. IV. 4. 5. 196 (197):“For all my reignhath been but as a scene / Acting that argument.”我坐朝为王,不过就是扮演这种情节的一场戏。
3. put into action,make operative 实施. 使生效。
△2H. VI. 5. 1. 102:“Here is a hand to hold a sceptreup / And with the same to act controlling laws.”这才是一只执掌王杖的手,它能把严厉的法令付诸实施。


◇ act against违反(比赛规则)/act against duty违反义务行为
act all over the place夸张表演
act as扮演,起…作用
act as a guide带路
act as an advance party打前站
act as an assessor陪审
act as bail for sb.作…保释人
act as deputy署理
act as regent摄政
act as sales agent承销
act beyond one’s authority越权
act blindly盲动
act first and report afterwards先斩后奏
act for代理
act going against the law与法律相抵触的行为
act in在…方面行动
act in accordance with 遵照
act in a play演戏
act in collusion相互勾结
act in collusion to make each other’s confession tally串供
act in excess of authority越权行为
act in law法律行为
act in pais法院外的行为
act in violation of regulations违章行为
act inter vives生前行为
act like a tyrant作威作福
act on遵行
act on one’s own自主
act on the defensive采取守势(打法)/act presumptuously擅自行动
act rashly蛮干
act recklessly蛮干
act up to 按…行事,履行
act violently逞凶
act with justice秉公办事
go into the act插手,参加
have no act in没有参与…/in the act(of)还在…时
make a rash act轻举妄动
put on an act装模作样,装腔作势,夸夸其谈
read the riot act训斥,斥责,严重警告
‖ act against restraints of competition反限制竞争法
act and deed日后证据,契据
act announcer报幕员
act as mediator担任友好调解人
act call开演令
act-centered situation ethics以行动为中心的境遇伦理学
act change换景
Act Concerning Prohibition of Private Monopolies and Maintenance of Free Trade 禁止私人垄断与维持自由贸易法(1947年)/act contrary to declaration违反明文规定的行为
act curtain幕布
act instituting judicial proceedings起诉行为
act instituting the counterclaim提起反诉行为
Act for International Development of 1950~1950年国际发展条例
act habit行为习惯
act in self-defence自卫行动
act interval幕间休息
act in violation of regulation违规行为
act jure gestionis管理权行为
act jure imperii 统治权行为
act liability insurance行为责任保险
Act of Abjuration荷兰独立宣言令(1581年)/act of acceptance接受行为
act of accepting bribe受贿行为
act of accession加入他人之间已订立的合同的行为
act of acquisition取得行为
act of adhesion加入行为
act of administration行政行为
act of agression侵略行为
act of adjournal高等法院诉讼程序法
act of appropriation据为己有的行为
act of arbitration仲裁法
act of attainder剥夺公权法令
act of attention注意集中
act of authentication认证行为
act of authority授权行为,权力行为
act of bankruptcy破产行为,破产法(案)/act of brutality粗暴举动
act of business tax 营业税法
act of comity 礼让行为
act of commission委托行为
act of communication交换行为
act of company公司法
act of concealment隐匿行为
act of congress国会制定法
act of connivance 纵容行为
act of consideration有偿行为
act of contravention违法行为
act of corruption腐败行为
act of defence防卫行为
act of delimitation 划界行为
act of denunciation废(退)约行为
act of depredation掠夺行为
act of disposition处分行为,处分权
act of duty尽责行为
Act of Emancipation解放令(1829年)act of embezzlement侵吞行为
act of endowment捐赠行为
act of espionage间谍行为
act of execution执行行为
act of force暴力,武力行为
act of formal confirmation 正式确认行为
act of genocide种族灭绝行为
act of God不可抗力,天灾
act of government政府行为
act of grace宽恕行为,大赦
act of honor参加承兑
act of hostility敌对行为
act of illegitimate warfare不正当的战争行为
act of indecency猥亵行为
act of indemnity特赦行为
act of insolvency无偿还能力的行为act of insubordination不服从行为
act of interference干涉行为,中止时效的行为
act of intimidation恫吓行为
act of labour health劳动卫生规程
act of law法律行为
act of life time生前行为
act of malice prepense恶意伤害行为
act of man人为行为
act of mediation仲裁条例
act of naturalisation 入籍行为
act of nature不可抗拒的天灾
act of neutrality中立法案
act of neutralization 中立化行为
act of nonperformance不履行债务行为
act of notary public公证行为
Act of Oblivion大赦法(1660年)act of omission不作为,消极行为
act of parliament议会制
act of party当事人行为
act of perfidy背信弃义行为
act of piracy海盗行为
act of private right私权行为
act of procedure诉讼行为
act of production生产行为
act of providence不可抗力
act of prudence谨慎行为
act psychology行动心理学
act of public enemies公敌行为
act of purchase and sale买卖行为
act of pushing 推销活动
act of rape强奸行为
act of ratification批准行为
act of recognition承认行为
act of reparation赔偿行为
act of reprisals报复行为
act of rescission废止法
act of revision修改行为
act of sabotage破坏行为
act of sale销售记录
act of sederunt 开庭规则
act of self-defence正当防卫行为,自卫行为
act of shooting投篮动作
act of sovereignty主权行为
act of state国家行为
act of supremacy君权至上法
act of swindling欺骗行为
act of terror恐怖行为
act of terrorism恐怖主义行为
act of the buyer买方行为
Act of the Crown王位继承确定法
act of theft盗窃行为
act of the seller卖方行为
Act of the Submission of the Clergy牧师服从法
Act of Toleration信教自由法(1689年)act of tort侵权行为
act of trademarks商标法
act of treachery背信弃义行为
act of treason叛变行为
act of unfair competition不正当竞争行为
act of union联合法
act of usury暴利行为
act of vandalism破坏文物行为
act of violence暴力行为
act of war战争行为
act of warfare作战行为
act of will意志行为
act of without responsibility无责任行为
Act on Conflict of Laws(泰国)法律抵触法案
Act on Interprovincial Conflict Law省际法律抵触法
act on sb.’s behalf代办
Act on Succession of the Crown王位继承法(1701年)Act on the Promotion of Economic competition促进经济竞争法
act or omission作为或不作为
act out无意识行为表现
act performed by way of counterclaim提出反诉
act psychology动作心理学,行为心理学
act recklessly轻率从事
act recog:nized as connecting judicial proceedings视为构成起诉的行为
act short of war次于战争的行为
act tax行为税
act time幕间时间
act to limit the immigration of aliens into the U.S.A.外国人移民限制法
Act to Regulate Commerce管理贸易法
act to rescue紧急避险
act tune幕间曲
act under coercion强制执行
act unit动作单位
act utilitarianism功利行为
act warning开幕信号
act which is in fraud of the law避法行为
act without consideration无偿行为
Adamson Act(美国)亚当森法(1916年)final act最后文件
illegal act不法行为
imperfect act不完全行为
rightful acts合法行为
sex act性动作
unit act单位动作
acts of will意志行动
acted prologue开场戏
acting adj.代理的,起作用的/n.署理,署任,演技
acting agent演出经纪人,临时代理人
acting allowance署理津贴,署任津贴
acting appointment署理职位,署任
acting area表演区
acting area light表演区灯光照明
acting as unit leader代职
Acting Chief Executive署理行政长官
acting clothes表演服装
acting commander代理指挥官
acting company演出公司
acting complainant代理原告
acting consul代理领事
acting copy脚本
acting crowd结伙,行动群众
acting day演出日期
acting department表演系
acting drama供舞台演出而写的戏剧作品
acting edition脚本,台本
acting executor兼有检验遗嘱职务的遗嘱执行人
acting exercise对抗训练
acting experience表演经验
acting fee演出费
acting force作用力
acting group表演团体,行动团体
acting headmaster代理校长
acting in concert一致行动
acting jack下士
acting king摄政王
acting manager代理经理
acting partner参与经营合伙人
acting plane舞台台面
acting play演出剧本
acting president代总统
acting prime minister代首相,代总理
acting property表演特点
acting prosecutor代理检察官
acting state行为国
acting style表演风格
Acting Sublieutenant 少尉
acting teaching主动教学法
acting text表演脚本
acting time作用时间
acting troupe表演团
acting version演出剧本
acting zone表演区
acts of bad faith 自欺欺人行为
acts of conscienousness意识活动
action n. 动作,战斗,行动委员会,具体情节,开拍
◇ action against the tortfeasor侵权诉讼
action at law法律诉讼,诉讼行为
action between husband and wife夫妻诉讼
action between parent and child父母与子女之间的诉讼
action decided against sb.败诉
action decided in favour of sb.胜诉
action for compensation for loss要求赔偿损失的诉讼
action for indemnity要求赔款的诉讼
action in person债券诉讼
action on the case按照既定判例审理
bring (call) into action行动起来
by the action of由于…的作用
for further action请继续办理,请续办,请进一步办理
go into action投入战斗
out of action失去战斗力
take action采取行动
take action first and explain last先斩后奏
action adverb动副词
action agency诉讼代办
action agenda行动纲领,行动记录册
action and reaction作用与反作用
action anthropology行为人类学
action art行为艺术
action call谢幕
action check list复核备忘
action code操作码
action committee行动委员会
action course战斗航向
action cutting表演场次
action cycle工作周期
action design行动设计
action ex contract根据合同提起的诉讼,合同违约诉讼
action ex delicto根据侵权行为提起的诉讼
action field 表演区
action film(movie,picture)动作片,情节电影
action for account请求清算的诉讼
action for annulment of contract请求废除合同的诉讼
action for avoidance撤销案件的诉讼
action for collision船舶碰撞的诉讼
action for compensation for nondelivery就不交货要求赔偿的诉讼
action for confirmation确认之诉
action for consortium主张配偶权利的诉讼
action for criminal conversation因通奸而提起的诉讼
action for damages请求损害赔偿的诉讼
action for divorce请求离婚的诉讼
action for indemnity请求损害赔偿的诉讼
action for libel因诽谤而提起的诉讼
action for negligence因过失而提起的诉讼
action for recourse主张追索权的诉讼
action for reimbursement申请赔偿的诉讼
action for restitution请求返还原物的诉讼
action founded in contract基于合同的诉讼
action founded in tort account基于侵权行为的诉讼
action-frame of reference参考行动架构
action group行动小组
Action Group行动派
action in chief主诉
action information center作战情报中心
action in personam 债权诉讼
action in rem 物权诉讼,海事诉讼
action in respect of loss or damage to goods就货物灭失或损坏提起的诉讼
action in the air空中动作
action in tort因侵权行为而提起的诉讼
action introducing legal proceedings起诉行为
action in trover 请求追索非法占用的诉讼
action lag行动时滞
action leader行动领袖
action mode动作样式
action model行动模型(式)/action nominative记名股票
action noun行为名词
action of blocking拦网动作
action of conversion对侵占行为的诉讼
action of debt债务诉讼
action of drama戏剧行为
action of enforce judgement请求强制执行的诉讼
action of giving缓冲动作
action of malicious prosecution诬告行为
action of mandamus请求法院强制执行的诉讼
action of men人的行为
action of nullity 请求宣告无效的诉讼
action of performance请求履行的诉讼
action of real right物权诉讼
action of recover the price支付价金的诉讼
action of rescission解除合同的诉讼
action of subrogation主张代位权的诉讼
action of tort侵权行为诉讼
action of trover追索侵占物的诉讼
action of war作战
action on a contract因合同而引起的诉讼
action orientation面向行动
action-oriented negotiation面向行动的谈判
action-oriented programmers面向行动的方案
action-oriented research行动研究
action-oriented study面向行动的研究,动作画派
action outside the instrument根据票据外的关系提出的诉讼
action paint行动绘画
action painter 行为派画家
action painting行动(派)绘
Action Party行动党
action pattern行动模式,动作模型
action photography动作摄影
action plan行动计划,行动方案,工作计划
action position战斗位置
action potential行动潜能
action project行动计划
action program行动方案
Action Republic et Sociale法国共和与社会行动党(1952年)/action required公事待办,待办公事
action research行动研究
action scheme行动方案
action series技术动作连续图
action shot行进间投篮,动作照片
action sketch动作草图
action space活动空间,行为空间
action station战斗岗位
action still电影剧照
action system行动体系
action taken公事已办
action theory 行动理论
action thinking动作思维
action time反应时间
action to betaken公事待办
action to enforce judgment申请强制执行判决的诉讼
action to recover the price要求支付价金的诉讼
action threshold补偿界限
action warning 战斗警报
affectual action情感行动
affirmative action确认行动
assertive action肯定行动
cause of action诉讼理由
collective action集体行动
communal action公共行动
community action社区行动
corporate action 公司 行动
direct action 直接行动
expressive action表意行动
group action团体行动
idiographic action特异行动
industrial action工业行动
initial action初始行动
instantaneous action瞬时行动
logical action合理行动
mass action大众行动
non-logical action 不合理行动
plan of action行动计划
political action政治行动
punitive action惩罚行动
reflex action反射行动
remedial action矫正行动
righteous action正义行为
social action社会行动
social action theory社会行动理论
traditional action传统行动
actions civil民事诉讼
actions penal刑事诉讼
actions real物权诉讼
actions reasoning动作论证
actions strength 编制兵力
joint actions联合行动
rough actions 粗暴行动
actionable adj. 可起诉的
actionable fraud可起诉的欺诈行为
actionable libel可起诉的诽谤行为
actionable negligence可起诉的过失行为
actionable nuisance可起诉的妨害行为
actionable subsidy可诉补贴
actionable wrongdoing可起诉的违法行为
activate v.使活动
activation n.活化,激活
activation experiment激活试验
activation pattern激励模式
activation theory of emotion情绪激动说
active adj.活动的,活跃的,积极的,交易频繁的,有效的
active account活动账户,有效账户
active aircraft现役飞机
active air defense积极防空
active air defense facilities 积极防空实施
active air fleet现役航空兵部队
active alert战斗警报
active analysis主动分析
active area活动面积
active archives现行档案
active armed forces现役武装部队
active army现役军人
active asset活动资产
active attention主动注意
active auditing主动审计
active avoidance积极躲避
active balance顺差,活动余额
active balance of international 国际收支顺差
active balance of payment国际收支顺差
active bank account尚有存款的银行户头
active beauty动态美
active being主动的存在
active blockage 主动禁止兑换
active bond活动债券
active business银行授信业务
active business pursuits活跃业务纪录
active capital流动资本
active circulation流通货币
active commerce直接贸易
active conduct of business业务活动
active constraint主动约束
active crime现行犯罪
active debt需付利息的债务
active defence积极防御
active demand畅销
active deposit活期存款
active discipline 自觉纪律
active duty (service)现役
active experience活动经验
active feeling能动的感情
active force活力,主动力
active forgetting自动遗忘
active funds生息基金
active guidance主动制导
active homer主动寻的器
active homing主动导航
active hostility实际敌对行为
active immunity 自动免疫性
active improvement trade主动加工贸易
active income主动收入
active inhibition主动抑制
active in market市场活跃
active intellect能动的知性
active investment 能动投资
active learning主动学习
active leave balance假期总额
active list现役军人名册
active market成交活跃的市场
active millitary unit现役军队
active missile主动(制导)导弹
active money流通货币
active movement主动运动
active nihilism能动的虚无主义
active of balance payment国际收支顺差
active part (participation)主动参与
active participant积极参与者
active partner参与经营合伙人
active-passive alternation主动-被动选择
active population经济活动人口
active practice主动练习
active principle主动原则
active program活动程序
active reason能动的理性
active recall主动回忆
active recollection 主动回忆
active record常用档案
active records现行文件
active recovery 积极性恢复
active referee执行裁判
active reserve活动准备金
active responding 主动回应
active rest积极性休息
active role活跃角色
active rope活绳
active sabotage现行破坏活动
active securities 热门股票
active self-regulation积极自我调整法
active service现役,实际服务期,实际服务
active sleep主动睡眠
active sleep theory主动睡眠理论
active society主动社会,有活力的社会
active speech 主动言语
active spirits能动的精神
active standard现行(比赛)标准
active station活动站
active status 主动地位
active stimulus有效刺激
active stock买卖活跃的股票,流通股票
active structure主动结构
active substance放射性物质
active thinking积极思考
active trade balance贸易顺差
active transport主动传递
active treatment积极治疗
active trust有经营权的信托
active turnover周转
active type活泼型
active vocabulary主动词汇,积极词汇
active voice 主动语态
active warhead 真弹头
active warm-up积极准备活动
actively adv. actively cultivate new points of economic growth 积极培育新的经济增长点
activeness n.activism n.行动主义,行动论,能动主义,激进主义
activist n. 行动主义者,能动主义者,积极分子,活动家,活跃分子,激进主义分子
activities for solving one’s problems and offer them support and encouragement解困送温暖活动
activist groups实践主义团体
activities of achieving specific standard达标活动
activities of fostering advanced units and individuals “创先”活动
activist psychology能动心理学
activity n.活动,流动性,机构,设施
achievement-oriented activity成就取向活动
activity account活动账户
activity accounting业务会计,责任会计,权责单位会计制
activity analysis活动分析
activity-based costing以活动为基础的成本系统,以作业为本的成本计算
activity book活动指南
activity chart工作图
activity curriculum活动课程
activity cost活动成本
activity designator机构番号
activity factor活动因素
activity leader活动领袖
activity methods活动教学法
activity of personality个性积极性
activity of physical training体育活动
activity pattern活动模型
activity pedagogy活动教育学
activity programs活动节目
activity quota 作业定额
activity rate活动率
activity ratios经营比率activity relating to civil law民事活动
activity rhythm活动节律
activity room活动室
activity sampling工作抽样检验
activity situations行为情境
activity status活动状况
activity teaching活动教学
activity theory活跃论
activity to assist the impoverished students助学行动
collective activity集体活动
creative activity创造活动
expressive activity表意活动
extra curricular activity课外活动
group activity团体活动
illegal activity非法活动
instrumental activity工具活动
intelligence activity 情报活动
leisure time activity休闲活动
mass activity大众活动
organized activity组织化活动
partial activity部分活动
recreational activity娱乐活动
social activity社会活动
comprehensive activities综合活动
actor n. 男演员,行动者,原告
actor classificatory variables角色分类变量
actor rep演员代理人
collective actor集体行动者
corporate actor公司行动者
non-actor n. 非专业演员
one-actor n.独幕剧
actor’s agent演员经纪人
actors’ check list演员签到簿
actors’ equity演员协会
actors’ Equity Association演员公会
actors’ file演员档案
actors’ mask演员面具
actor’s art表演艺术
actors’ script演员用的脚本
actors’ skill演员演技
actors studio男演员工作室
actors’ theater 演员剧场
actors’ union演员同盟
actorish adj.不受演技优劣影响的
actress n. 女演员
actressy adj.具有专业演员水准的





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