释义 |
accountn. 1. reckoning算账。 △Ham. 1. 5. 78: “but sent to myaccount”,i.e. sent to settle his account with God. 就叫我去(到上帝那里)算账了。 2. calculation,computation 计算。 △Mer. 3. 2. 158(157): “Exceed account”. 多到无法计算,不可胜计。 △1H IV. 3. 2. 176: “by which account,” i.e. accord-ing to which computation of time. 按照这样的计算。 △L. L. L. 5. 2. 201 (200): “That we may do it stillwithout account.”我们对此是从不加以计算的。 3. computation,estimation计算,估价。 △R. III. 5. 3.11:“Why. our battalia trebles that account !”哼,我们的军队相当于这个数目的三倍! 4. number,store,collection数量,贮存.收集。 △Rom. 51. 44:“and about his shelves╱ A beggarly account ofempty boxes.”他的架子上放着数量贫乏可怜的几只空盒子。 5. estimation评价。 △ R. III. 3. 2. 69: “The Princesboth make high account of you.”两位王公都对你评价很高。 △1H IV. 5. 1. 37: “When yet you were in placeand in account/ Nothing so strong and fortunate asI.”当时你的地位和身价还一点也不如我那样强大而幸运。 △ 1H. VI. 2. 3. 7: “Great is the rumour of this dread-ful knight,/ And his achievements of no less ac-count:”这位可怕的骑士名声很大.他的成就也确实不小。 6. estimation. esteem 评价.尊重。 △Mer. 3. 2. 156(155): “That only to stand high in your account,” 为了在你的心目中占据一个很高的地位。 △Lr. 1.1. 19: “But Ihave a son. sir. by order of law. some year elder thanthis,who yet is no dearer in my account. ”但是我还有一个合法的儿子.比这一个差不多大上 一岁.然而我却并不偏爱他7. explanation given to a superior,answering for con-duct (向优越者作出的)解释.(为自己的行为作出的)回答 △Ado. 2. 1. 66 (61): “to make an account of her lifeto a clod of wayward marl?”要把她的终身托付给一团顽固的泥巴? △ 1H.IV. 3. 2. 149: “And I will call him to sostrict account ╱ That he shall render every glory up.”(The idea is that one who subdues a champion suc-ceeds to all the honours that the champion has won. )我要严格地叫他把账算清,让他把他的 一切光荣都交出来。 by this account: according to this reason根据这种理由。 △3H. VI. 3. 1. 35: “By this account,then,Margaretmay win him./For she’s a woman to be pitiedmuch. ”根据这种理由.玛格利特可能会争取到他,因为她是一个非常可怜的女人。
accountvt. 1. think. consider. esteem认为,把…看做。 △R. III. 5. 3109 (108): “O Thou whose captain I account myself,”啊,上帝,我把我自己看做是你手下的一个小带兵官。 △1H. VI.2. 4. 119: “And if thou be not then created York,/ Iwill not live to be accounted Warwick.”如果你到那时候还不被授予约克公爵之位.我也不愿活着被当做沃里克伯爵了。 △3H. VI. 3. 2. 169: “And whiles I live,t’(= to) ac-count this world but hell,”在我有生之年,要把这个世界当做地狱。 △Tw. 2. 1. 27 (26):“was yet of many accoun-ted beautiful;” i. e. who was yet considered beautifulby many people. 许多人都认为她很美。 2. reckon on,expect指望,期待。 △R. III. 3. 2. 69: “Theprinces both make high account of you / For theyaccount his head upon the Bridge.”两位王公都对你评价很高,因为他们正想着(双关:估计)让他的头悬在伦敦桥上。 3. consider,regard考虑,看待。 △1H. IV. 5. 1. 94: “Ihave a truant been to chivalry,/ And so I hear hedoth account me too;”我在骑士当中是一个不务正业者,我听说他也是这样看待我的。 △Mac. 1. 7. 38: “From thistime / Such I account thy love.”i . e. I consider yourlove to be of the same sort (i. e. green and pale,or.“so great in promise,so poor in performance”). 从此我就要同样看待你对我的情爱了。 account of: appreciate,prize珍视。 △Gent. 2. 1. 68(61): “How esteem’st thou me? I account of her bcau-ty.”你怎么看待我? 我就赏识她的美貌, account[əˈkaunt]n.账目,账单,账户,会计科目,报告,重要性,(信用证)开证申请人,账户主/v. 陈述,说明,解释,认为,看作 ◇ account as recorded in a ledger总账 account for说明 account for one’s own私人账户 account in arrear积欠 account in balance结平的账户 account in dispute有争议的账目 account in operation使用中的账户 account in transit 未达账 account in trust信托账户 account not in order账目不清 account through the bank通过银行结算 block account冻结账户 by all accounts=from accounts据说 for account of入…账,代销 for long account股票看涨 for seller’s account由卖方承担 for short account股票看跌 have an account with the bank银行有账户 in account with与…有贸易往来,与…有账务往来 keep account of计较 keep the accounts 记账 make out an account记账 of no account毫不重要,毫无意义 on account记账 on one’s account为了…利益 on one’s own account自行负责,依靠自己 open an account开立账户 take an account of 把…列表 take into account 考 虑 ,重视 turn (put) ...to (good) account 利用 There is no accounting for tastes.萝卜白菜,各有所爱 ‖ account-account dealing对账交易 account activity账务动态 account agent信贷保险经纪人 account analysis账目分析 account and controller general 会计及 审计主任 account and secretary 账房先生 account balance 账户余额,对销余额 account bill账单 account book 账簿,账册,账本 account book paper账册用纸 account books auditing账簿审计 account business account classification 账户分类 account category账户分类,会计科目分类 account chart会计科目一览表 account classification账户(科目)分类 account clerk记账员 account closing procedure 结算 手续 account code账簿代号 account credit贷方对销 account current往来账目,活期存款账户,往来账户 account day交割日,结算日 account day’s loan 结账日放款 account debit借方对销 account debtor债务人,账目借方 account distribution memorandum入账通知单 account due应收到期账款 account due from customers顾主欠客账 account duty受遗赠人所课的税金 account enroute未结账 account executive业务经理,业务员 account file账目 account flow chart 会计流程图解 account form账户格式 account form balance sheet账户式资产负债表 account form of balance sheet账户式资产负债表 account form of profit and loss账户式损益表 account form of profit and loss statement账户式损益书 account headings 账户名称 account holder 客户 ,账户持有人 account in bankruptcy破产账款 account interest应计利息 account item会计账目 account ledger账簿 account list科目一览表 account management policies客户管理策略 account manager账户经理 account manual 会计手册 account names账户名,读者户名 account nonresident 非居民账户 account note 账单 account number账号,账目编号 account number plan账户编号法 account of advance预付账户 account of application of fund资金运用账户 account of assets资产账 account of bankruptcy破产账 account of bills purchased购货账目 account of business营业报告书,损益表,营业科目 account of cash现金账 account of cash in vault库存现金簿 account of charges成本账 account of countries国别账户 account of credit sales赊销账户 account of disbursement (expenses)支出账 account of finance财务账 account of goods purchased购货账目 account of income statement收益账 account of investment投资账目 account of invisible trade 无形贸易账目 account of money现金账户 account of payments支出账户 account of payments and receipts收支账 account of practice实习总结报告 account of proceeding会计汇编程序 account of purchase购货账单 account of receipts收入账 account of receipts and payments收支表 account of return报酬说明 account of sales销货账 account of the exchequer资金账 account of treasury金库账,国库账 account of visible trade有形贸 易 账户 account officer 会计主管 account on transfer transaction转账账户 account paid账项付清,已付款 account payable应付账款 account payable account应付账款账户 account payable division应付账款部门 account payable interline应付账款 account payable ledger应付款分类账 account payable register应付账款登记簿 account payable subsidiary ledger应付款明细账 accounts payable to sales应付账款比销售收入 account payee收款人账户 account payments支出账户 account period 会计年度 account purchase 赊购 account receivable应收账款 account receivable assigned应收账款转让 account receivable discounted 应 收 账 款 贴现 account receivable financing应收筹资账款 account receivable from installment分期付款销售的应收账款 account receivable interline应收账款 account receivable ledger应收款明细账,应收款分类账 account receivable register应收账款登记簿 account receivable turnover 应收账款周转率 account rendered借贷细账 account rigging伪造账目 account roll账目档案 account sales赊销,销货清单,承销清单 account section会计科 account settled已付讫账户 account sold销售账 account stated对账单,确认账目,账务状况 account statement账单 account structure账户结构 account titles账户名称 account title for annual expenditure岁出账目 account titles for annual receipts岁入科目 account to give支出账目 account to receive 收入账目 account trading 账面交易 account transfer转账科目 account transfer instruction (ATI)户口转移指示 account transfer memorandum转账通知单 account turnover周 转账户 account valuation 估价账目 account working业务账户 account year会计年度 an open account未结算账目 master account总账 open-book account记账交易 release of bank account银行存款解冻 accounts n.会计报表 accounts clerk会计员 accounts due 应收到期账款 accounts manager会计部经理 accounts of assets资产台账 accounts of finance财务 账 户 accounts payable 应 付 账款 accounts payable register应付账款登记簿 accounts payable stretching应付账款伸展 accounts receivable应收账款 accounts receivable aging schedule应收账款账龄表 accounts receivable assigned已转让应收账款 accounts receivable discounted已贴现应收账款 accounts receivable fmancing应收账款的资金筹措 accounts receivable insurance应收账款保险 accounts receivable ledger应收账款分类账 accounts receivable register应收账款登记簿 accounts receivable turnover应收账款 accounts status应收账款 accounts section会计科 accounts to be credited应列贷方科目 annual accounts年度决算 final accounts年终决算 group accounts集团总账 personal accounts记名账户 impersonal accounts不记名账户 accounting n. 会计学,清算账目 accounting act会计法 accounting activity会计活动 accounting adjustment账务调整 accounting agency operation 代理商会计 accounting and auditing bulletins会计及审计公告 accounting and auditing practice会计审计实务 accounting and financial audit会计及财务审计 accounting archives会计档案 accounting assistant会计助理 accounting assumption会计假设 accounting audit财务审计 accounting basis会计基本方法 accounting book(会计)账簿 accounting by counter柜组核算 accounting by electronic data processing会计电算化 accounting by machine method机器计账法 accounting by month月份结算 accounting card财务卡 accounting change会计变更 accounting circular会计通告 accounting circular memorandum会计通函 accounting class会计职类 accounting classification会计科 目 分类 accounting clerk 簿 记员 accounting code 会计条例 accounting code number会计编号 accounting control会计管理,会计监督 accounting convention会计惯例 accounting conventions or practices会计习惯做法 accounting cost记账成本 accounting cost control会计成本管理 accounting criteria会计标准 accounting cycle会计周期 accounting data核算资料 accounting data process会计数据处理 accounting date会计结算日 accounting department会计部门 accounting departmentalization会计管理部门化 accounting depreciation账面折旧 accounting division会计部门 accounting document会计凭证,会计单据 accounting entity会计单位,账务处理单位 accounting entry会计分录 accounting equation会计程序,会计等式,会计方程式 accounting errors会计错误 accounting ethics会计道德 Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities会计职业道德与责任 accounting event会计事项 accounting evidence会计证据 accounting exchange rate会计汇率 accounting files会计档案 accounting firm会计事务所 accounting fiscal year会计年度 accounting for acceptance承兑结算的会计处理 accounting for a pooling联合经营会计 accounting for branch office分公司会计 accounting for changing money value币值变动会计处理 accounting for construction contracts建筑合同会计 accounting for distribution costs发行成本会计处理 accounting for equities产权会计处理 accounting for foreign operation国外业务会计处理 accounting for human resources人力资源会计 accounting for inflation通货膨胀会计处理 accounting for internal reporting内部报告会计 accounting for inventories盘存会计 accounting for investment投资会计 accounting for joint ventures合资企业会计处理 accounting for leases租赁会计 accounting for management管理会计业务 accounting for management planning业务计划会计 accounting for public enterprises公营企业会计处理 accounting for taxes on income所得税会计 accounting for treasury金库核算 accounting for various classes of stock各类股票的会计处理 accounting form 账户簿,会计簿 accounting framework会计架构 accounting function会计职能 accounting gimmick(legerdemain)会计欺诈 accounting house账房 accounting income 会计所得 accounting indices核算指标 accounting information会计信息 accounting information system 会计信息系统 accounting in industrial enterprises工业企业财务会计 accounting item 会计账目 accounting manager会计部经理 accounting machine会计计算机 accounting manual会计规程 accounting measurement会计计量 accounting method会计方法 accounting of business营业会计处理 accounting of capital construction基本建设会计处理 Accounting Officer会计主任 accounting of return投资回报率 accounting on accrual basis收支应付会计制 accounting on cost basis成本会计制 accounting on obligation basis责任发生会计制 accounting on the accrual basis应收应付会计制 accounting on the basis of quantities实物核算制 accounts operation会计运算 accounting organ 会计机构 accounting period 会计期 accounting period convention 会计期间惯例 accounting personnel 会计人员 accounting policy会计政策 accounting postulates 会计准则 accounting practice会计实践,会计惯例,会计实务 accounting price会计价格,账面价 格 accounting principles 会 计学 accounting principles for business enterprise企业会计原则 accounting procedure会计手续,会计程序 accounting profession会计职业 accounting rate会计汇率 accounting rate of return会计收益率 accounting records会计记录 accounting reference period账目查询期 accounting report会计决算,会计报告 Accounting Research Methods会计研究方法 accounting rule会计规则 accounting scandal会计丑闻,财务丑闻 accounting scheme叙述方式 accounting social社会会计 Accounting Society of China (ASC)中国会计学会 accounting stall会计部职员accounting standard会计准则,会计标准 accounting statement会计报表 accounting subject会计科目 accounting supervision会计监督 accounting supervisor会计主管 accounting system会计系统 accounting tabulating machine会计制表机 accounting terminology会计术语 accounting theory会计理论 accounting transaction会计交易 accounting treatment会计处理方式 accounting unit会计单位 accounting valuation 会计评价 accounting year会计年度 computerized accounting 电算化会计 disclosure of accounting policies公开会计政策 depreciation accounting折旧会计 financial accounting 财务会计 accountability n.有责任,有义务,可说明性,教学效能核定,问责,问责制,问责性 accountability for assets资产的会计责任 accountability system责任制 accountable adj.负有责任的,可说明的 ◇ accountable to…对…负责 accountable allowance实报实销的津贴,凭单据证明的津贴 accountable articles可说明性条款 accountable disbursing officer陆军出纳 accountable office rental allowance实报实销的办事处租金津贴 accountable officer会计主管人 accountable receipt应予计列的收据 accountable strength统计实力 accountable warrant正式凭单 accountancy n.会计工作,会计师职务 accountancy&equipment analysis 会计与设备分析 accountancy & financial analysis会计与财务分析 accountancy functional constituency 会计界功能界别 accountancy general会计主任 accountancy law会计法 accountancy organization核算组织 accountancy profession会计员 accountancy service会计业务 accountancy section会计科 accountancy subsector会计界界别分组 |