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单词 coat
coat/kə ʊt, AmE koʊt/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n(1)外套(long outer garment with sleeves worn over other clothes)[C]:a fur/leather/heavy/thick/thin/winter/waterproof~毛/皮/厚/厚/薄/冬季/防水外套;〖同〗topcoat,overcoat;

(2)(女)上衣(women's jacket worn as the top part of a suit with a skirt)[C]:a~and skirt一身套裙;

(3)动物的皮毛(furhair or wool of an animal)[C]:The horse's~was kept shiny by brushing.马的皮毛常刷得油光放亮的。a horse with a smooth~毛皮光滑的马;animals in their winter~s长出过冬厚毛的动物;〖同〗fur,hair,wool;

(4)一层(油漆等)(layer of sth spread over a surface at one time)[C]:put another~of paint on the door 给门再油一道漆;a thin~of dust 薄薄一层灰尘;〖同〗coating,covering,layer;

→′coat-hanger n 挂衣架;′coat-tails n 燕尾服的后摆;′coatroom n 衣帽间;

vt(涂,包,蒙)上一层……(cover (a surface)with a layer of sth)[T+nT+n+prep(in/with)]:~fish in batter给鱼裹上一层糊;~biscuits with chocolate/metal with a rubber solution给饼干涂上一层巧克力/给金属涂上一层橡胶溶液;(floor)be~ed with varnish(地板)涂了一层青漆;(furniture/face) be~ed with dust(家具/脸)蒙了一层灰尘;(pill) be~ed with sugar(药片)裹了一层糖衣;〖同〗cover,spread;

→′coating n 涂层;外衣料子





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