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单词 abuse


1.ill-treatment,ill usage; wrong,injury侮辱虐待;侵犯,伤害,侮辱。
△3H.VI.3.3. 188: “Did I let pass th’(=the) abuse done to my niece?”他对我侄女的玷污,我可以不顾吗?
△Wiv.5.3.8 (6):“My husband will not re-joice so much at the abuse of Falstaff as he will chafeat the doctor’s marrying my daughter.”我的丈夫看了福斯塔夫受辱固然高兴,可是知道医生娶了我的女儿怕要大为冒火的。
2. offence. insult冒犯,侮辱。
△2H.VI.2.1.40: “Inthine own person answer thy abuse.”你既冒犯了我,就由你亲自付出代价。
wilful abuse: deliberate insult,deliberate defamation故意侮辱,故意诽谤。
△2H.IV.2.4.340 (311): “I shalldrive you then to confess the wilful abuse,and then Iknow how to handle you.”那么我就要强迫你供认故意诽谤罪,然后我知道该怎样处置你。
3. deception欺骗。
△1H.VI.4.1.68: “Why,then.Lord Talbot,there shall talk with him,/ And givehim chastisement for this abuse.”嗳,那么,塔尔博特大人,你就去跟他谈谈,并且为了这种欺骗对他惩戒一番。
△2H.VI.5.1.91: “False king,why hast thou brokenfaith with me,/ Knowing how hardly I can brookabuse?”欺诈的国王,你为什么对我言而无信,明明知道我对欺骗多么难于容忍?
4. deception; insult 欺骗;侮辱。
△3H.VI.4.1.12:“Which are so weak of courage and in judgement /That they’ll take no offence at our abuse.”(Clarencespeaks with scornful irony.)他们太没有勇气,也没有判断力,所以他们对我们的欺骗(又译:侮辱)并不生气。
5. deceit. trick欺诈,诡计。
△Ham. 4.7.50:“Or is itsome abuse,and no such thing?”莫非这是什么诡计,根本没有这么回事?
6. corrupt practice邪恶行径。
△1H.IV.1.2.173(156):“for the poor abuses of the time want countenance.”因为在这种年头,不景气的歪门邪道正需要贵人赞助。
7. fault缺点。
△2H.IV. 2.3.26:“For those that couldspeak low and tardily/Would turn their own perfec-tion to abuse/To seem like him;”因为那些本来低声慢语说话的人宁愿把他们自己的优点变成缺点,以便说起话来能够像他。
8. wrong,offence错误;罪过。
△H.V.2. Cho.31:“andwe’ll digest/the abuse of distance;”咱们要处理好不同地点变换的问题。
9. error; deception错误;欺骗。
△1H.VI.2. 3. 67:“Vic-torious Talbot,pardon my abuse;”胜利的塔尔博特,请原谅我的错误(又译:欺骗)。
10. crime罪行。
△Rom. 3. 1. 199 (193):“Nor tears norprayers shall purchase out abuses;”眼泪和祈求都不能赎免罪责。


1. treat ill,maltreat虐待。
△Tw. 4. 2. 52 (46):“and Isay,there was never man thus abused.”我说,从来不曾有人这样受虐待过。
△Tw. 4. 2. 96 (87):“Fool,there wasnever man so notoriously abused;”傻子,从来不曾有人这样厉害地被人欺侮过。
△Com. 5. 1. 199: “That hathabused and dishonoured me.”虐待我.羞辱我。
2. treat unjustly,wrong不公平对待,冤枉。
△Lr. 3. 7.91:“O my follies! then Edgar was abused.”啊,我好糊涂! 这么说,爱德伽是受冤枉了。
3. disgrace,dishonour玷污,使受耻辱。
△Oth. 4. 2. 13(14): “It doth abuse your bosom ”那要玷污你的心胸。
△Lr. 5. 1. 11:“That thought abuses you.”这样想.有失你的体统。
△Wiv. 2. 2. 309 (292): “My bed shall beabused,”我的床要被玷污。
△1H. VI. 4. 5. 41: “Yes,your renowned name: shall flight abuse it?”能,那就是你的赫赫英名,我逃跑岂不使它受辱?
4. insult侮辱。
△H. V. 4. 8. 53 (49): “It was ourselfthou didst abuse.”可是你的确侮辱了为王本人。
△Lr. 22. 156(149): “To have her gentleman abused,assaul-ted,”听任她的家臣受到侮辱、殴打。
5. insult,offend侮辱,冒犯。
△Wiv. 1. 1. 3: “he shallnot abuse Robert Shallow,esquire. ”他不能欺侮到我夏禄老爷头上。
6. spoil,mar. disfigure 糟蹋,毁损,毁损…的外貌。
△Rom. 4. 1. 29: “Poor soul,thy face is much abusedwith tears.”可怜的人儿,眼泪大大毁损了你的美貌。
△As3. 2. 383 (360): “that abuses our young plants withcarving ‘Rosalind’ on their barks;”他在树皮上刻满“罗萨琳”这个名字,糟蹋了不少棵小树。
7. revile辱骂。
△Oth. 5. 1 122: “I am no strumpet,but of life as honest / As you that thus abuse me.”我不是娼妓,我过的生活和辱骂我的你一样清白。
△H. VIII. 1. 3.28: “Abusing better men than they can be / Out of aforeign wisdom,”拿从外国学来的小聪明来嘲骂比他们更高明的人们。
△H. VIII. Epi. 5: “others,to hear the city/Abused extremely,and to cry,‘That's witty! ’”(Satiri-cal city comedies were then popular. especially in theprivate theatres,where “abuse of citizens was a stocktheme”. The Globe was a public theatre.)另一些人是想听见市民被大骂一通,他们就喊:“骂得俏皮!”
8. violate,disturb侵犯,扰乱。
△Mac. 2. 1. 50: “andwicked dreams abuse / The curtained sleep;”邪恶的梦来侵扰帷帐里的睡眠。
9. cheat,deceive,impose upon,delude欺骗,哄骗。
△As. 3. 5. 78: “though all the world could see. ╱None could be so abused in sight as he.” i. e. thoughall men could see you,none but he could be so de-ceived as to think you beautiful. 虽然世上的人都会看见你,但只有他才会看花眼把你当做天仙。
△As. 4. 1. 225(213):“that blind rascally boy that abuses every one’seyes because his own are out,”那个瞎眼的坏孩子,因为自己眼瞎了就把每个人的眼睛都蒙蔽了。
△Tw. 3. 1. 126(113): “so did I abuse / Myself,my servant and. Ifear me (= I fear),you.”我欺骗了我自己,欺骗了我的仆人,恐怕也欺骗了你。
△Tw. 5. 1. 22 (20): “and by myfriends I am abused;”而从我的朋友那里我却受到了欺骗。
△Ado. 5. 2. 104 (98): “mightily abused,”大大地受骗了。
△Ham. 1. 5. 38: “Rankly abused;” i. e. grosslydeceived.被恶毒地欺骗了。
△Lr. 4. 7. 77 (76):“Do notabuse me.”不要骗我。
10. beguile诱骗。
△Ham. 2. 2. 640 (603):“Abuses meto damn me.”诱骗我去遭劫难。
11. mystify蒙蔽,迷惑。
△Oth. 1. 2. 74:“Abused herdelicate youth with drugs or minerals”,用什么药物迷惑了她脆弱的青春。
12. confuse弄糊涂。
△Lr. 4. 7. 53 (52):“I am mightilyabused;”我被弄得大大的糊涂了。(又译:我受了大大的欺骗了。)
13. slander,calumniate诽谤,诬蔑。
△Oth. 2. 1. 318(306): “Abuse him to the Moor in the rank garb”,用下流的方式在摩尔人面前诽谤他。
14. pervert歪曲。
△R. III. 1. 3. 52:“But thus his simpletruth must be abused ╱With silken,sly,insinuatingJacks?”他这单纯的忠诚本性就一定要这样被那些娇里娇气、狡诈、爱阿谀奉承的下贱东西们所歪曲吗?
15. misapply,misemploy,put to a bad use误用,错用,滥用。
△2H. VI. 5. 1.171: “Why,art thou old andwant’st experience?/ Or wherefore dost abuse it,ifthou hast it?”唉,你这把年纪难道还缺乏经验? 如果有经验,你为何把它滥用?
△2H. IV. 4. 2. 13: “Would he abuse thecountenance of the King.” 倘若他滥用了国王的宠信。
△L. L. L. 2. 1. 224 (226):“This civil war of wits weremuch better used ╱ On Navarre and his book-men,forhere ’tis abused. ”这样唇枪舌剑的斗嘴,最好还是用来对付那瓦尔国王和他那些学者们.而不应该在自己人当中滥用。
16. misapply; delude误用;(又解)哄骗。
△Lr. 1. 3. 21(20):“when they are seen abused.”(they: ❶flatter-ies;
❷old fools.)眼见得它们(阿谀)被滥用的时候。[又译:眼见得他们(老傻瓜们)被哄坏了的时候。]


◇abuse one’s authority 滥用职权
abuse one’s power 滥用职权
abuse sb.’s confidence 辜负…的责任
abuse the privilege 滥用特权
put an end to abuses 废除陈规陋习
root up abuses 根除弊端
‖ abuse droit 滥用权利
abuse of asylum 滥用庇护所
abuse of authority 滥用职权
abuse of competence 滥用职权
abuse of credit 滥用信贷
abuse of discretion 滥用裁决权
abuse of distress 擅自动用扣押物
abuse of flag 滥用旗帜
abuse of flag of truce 滥用休战旗
abuse of franchise 滥用选举权
abuse of freedom 滥用自由
abuse of immunity 滥用豁免
abuse of international law 滥用国际法
abuse of judical discretion 滥用司法裁决权
abuse of justice 滥用司法
abuses of language 语言滥用
abuse of law 滥用法律
abuse of monopoly 滥用垄断权
abuse of neutrality 滥用中立
abuse of neutral asylum 滥用中立国保护权
abuse of power 滥用权力
abuse of power for personal gain,abuse of post for personal gain 以权谋私
abuse of privileges滥用特权
abuse of process 合乎法律程序的违法行为,非法起诉
abuse of right 滥用权利
abuse of taxation 横征暴敛
abuse of the age 时弊
abuse of the air 滥用空间
abuse of the elective franchise 妨碍选举罪
abuse of the power of agency 滥用代理权
abuse of trust 滥用信用
abuse oneself手淫
abuse one’s official powers 滥用职权
abuse one’s privilege 滥用特权
carnal abuse 强奸未遂
child abuse 虐待儿童
drug abuse 滥用药物
existing abuse 现存的弊端
personal abuse 个人弊端
spousal abuse 虐待配偶
trade abuse 商业弊端
wife abuse 虐待妻子
word of abuse 诅咒语
abusive adj.责骂的
abusive exercise of power 滥用权力的行为
abusive expression 滥用恶语
abusive language 辱骂性语言
abusive officials 滥用职权的官员
abusive parents 有虐待倾向 的父母
abusive personal attack 谩骂式的人身攻击
abusive statement 侮辱性陈述
abusive treatment 虐待
abusively adv.滥用





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