n. abjectly servile subject,person belonging tothe lowest social condition卑贱的臣民,地位最低贱的人。
△R. III. 1 . 1 . 106: “We are the Queen’s abjects,andmust obey.”我们是王后的卑贱臣民,必须服从。
1. lowly born,low出身卑贱的,下贱的。
△2H. VI. 2. 410: “Sweet Nell,ill can thy noble mind abrook / Theabject people gazing on thy face,/ With enviouslooks laughing at thy shame,”亲爱的耐儿,你那高贵的心灵肯定很难忍受那些下贱的老百姓盯着你的脸,带着恶毒的神情嘲笑你的羞辱。
2. mean,despicable卑下的,可鄙的。
△2H. VI. 4. 1. 104:“O that I were a god,to shoot forth thunder / Uponthese paltry,servile,abject drudges!”啊,但愿我是一位天神,放出雷电劈死这些卑鄙下贱的奴才!
abject terms: despicable words卑鄙的言词。
△2H. VI.5. 1 . 24: “O,I could hew up rocks and fight withflint,/ I am so angry at these abject terms;”啊,我简直要劈开岩石、与石头作战,因为我听了这些卑鄙的言词太愤怒了。3. despicable,contemptible可鄙的,可鄙视的。
△H. VIII. 1. 1. 126: “and his eye reviled / Me as his abject ob-ject;” i. e. as his object of contempt. 他的眼睛也在辱骂我,把我当做他鄙视的对象。
‖ abject poverty 赤贫,一贫如洗
abjectly adv.abjection n.羞辱,驱逐