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单词 a


a. one,the same 同一的,同样的。
△Rom.2.4.221(206):“Doth not rosemary and Romeo begin bothwith a letter?”rosemary(迷迭香) 和Romeo是不是都用同样一个字母开头?
△As.5.3.16(14):“and both in atune,like two gipsies on a horse.”i.e.singing one(the same) tune,like two gipsies on one horse.两个人要唱出一个调子,就像两个吉卜赛人同骑在一匹马上。
△Ham.5.2.279 (265):“These foils have all a length?”这两把剑都一般长吗?


a-doing: in doing在制作中。
△R.Ⅲ.3.6.7: “Theprecedent was full as long a-doing,/And yet withinthese five hours Hastings lived,”原稿在写时也完全需要同样长久的时间,然而在五小时以前海斯丁斯还活得好好的。
a-making: in the making在进行之中。
△Mac.3.4.34(33):“while ’tis a-making,”当他正在进行的时候。
2. in在…里,在…上。
a-bed: in bed上床,睡觉。
△Tw.2.3.1:“Not to bea-bed after midnight is to be up betimes;”午夜过后未睡,那就是早起。
△Oth.3.1.33 (31): “You have not beena-bed then?” 你一直没有睡觉吗?
△Mac. 2.1.12:“What,sir,not yet at rest? The King's a-bed.”怎么,爵爷,还没有安歇? 国王已经睡下了。


prep. (fr. Fr.) to (used in war-cries rallying men toa leader) 向,随同。
△1H.IV. 1.1. 128: “A Talbot! aTalbot!”i.e. rally to Talbot. 拥护塔尔博特! 拥护塔尔博特!


interj. (variant of) ah啊。
△3H.VI. 4.8.50 s.d :“A Lancaster! A Lancaster!”啊,兰开斯特! 啊,兰开斯特!(按:此语又作“A York! A York!”表示亨利的警卫人员发现爱德华军队偷袭时的惊呼声。)


‖ a bad habit 习气,恶习 /a banding machine 自动存取机 /a bar girl 吧女
a base person 小人 /a basic state policy 基本国策 /a beautiful sentence 妙句 /a bending or lifting of the head 俯仰 /a benefit performance for relieving the victims of natural calamities 赈灾义演 /a benefit performance 义演
a better-off life 小康 /a big calamity or insolvency and a major disaster being looming close 大祸临头 /a big city 都市 /a big flood 洪灾 /a big shot 头面人物 /a bigwig 头面人物 /a bill signed in acknowledgement of debt 欠条 /a black shee p 害群之马 /a blind person 盲人 /a bloody incident 血案
a boat for carrying grain to the capital 漕船 /a book of rubbings 拓本
a branch school 分校 /a brave warrior 猛士 /a briefcase company 皮包公司 /a broad brush comprising a row of pen-shaped brushes 排笔 /a bulletin of glad tidings 喜报 /a business licence营业执照 /a business permit 营业执照
a buyer's interests 买方利益 /a buyers' market 买方市场 /a calendar contained one year's time printed 年历 /a caravan bookshop流动书店
a case involving false changes 假案 /a case involving the killing of a person 命案 /a cassette recorder 录音机 /a cause for a quarrel or dispute衅端 /a ceremony to celebration,celebration 庆典 /a certificate fro drawing 凭单... a change of heart 改邪归正 /a charity auction 慈善拍卖会 /a chronicle of somebody's life 年谱 /a class adviser 年级辅导员 /a clean and efficient government 廉洁高效 /a clever way 妙诀 /a coaching lessons 辅导课 /a coaching report 辅导报告 /a coffin containing a corpse,bier 灵柩
a comfortable level of living 小康 /a commodity grain production base 商品粮基地 /a company for head hunting 猎头公司 /a company of looking for talented people 猎头公司 /a company run by the local people 民办公司 /a compromise proposal 折衷方案 /a computer company 电脑公司 /a constructive strategic partnership 建设性战略伙伴关系 /a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and doctoral study 硕博连读
a contract for travel 旅游合同 /a contracted period 承包期 /a contractor 承包人 /a convict awaiting title execution 死囚 /a cosy nest 安乐窝 /a counter offer 还价 /a course of lectures 讲座 /a craftsman who makes articles from bamboo strips 篾匠 /a crafty plot (trick)诡计 /a cut above other people 高人一等 /a dark place 暗处 /a deaf person 聋子 /a debate 辩论会 /a debt of blood 血债 /a definite amount 数额 /a deposit form 存款单 /a developing country (nation)发展中国家 /a different class or species 异类 /a difficult problem 难题 /a disabled person 残废,残疾人 /a discussing meeting 洽谈会 /a distinguished family 名门 /a double-dealer 两面派 /a double-faced person 两面派 /a driver's licence 驾驶证,驾驶执照 /a driver's certificate 驾驶证,驾驶执照 /a fair maiden 淑女 /a fairly comfortable life 小康 /a family's social standing 家世 /a famous city with culture heritage at state level 国家级文化名城 /a famous scenic spot 胜地 /a faulty expression or flaw in writing 败笔 /a faulty sentence 病句 /a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting 败笔 /a favourable turn 转机 /a few isolated words and phrases 只言片语 /a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world 世外桃源 /a fight with weapons between groups of people 械斗 /a film star 电影明星 /a fine piece of writing 佳作 /a fixed number 数额 /a fortification with built-in can 炮台 /a frightful calamity 惨祸 /a frightened dream 噩梦 /a frontier sentry post or a strategic sentry post 哨卡 /a full-length 长篇 /a full-length novel 长篇小说 /a full load working system 满负荷工作法 /a full-time member 专职委员 /a fund kept in reserve 机动资金 /a fundamental charter 根本大法 /a fundamental thought根本思想 /a fundamental way 根本途径 /a galaxy of talent 人才济济 /a game played with black and white pieces on a board of 361 crosses围棋 /a general term 通称,统称 /a gift of money礼金 /a golden idea 金点子 a gold medal hopeful 有望夺金者 /a good wife 贤内助 /a grace period 宽限期 /a grand ceremony 盛典 /a great and proud country 泱泱大国 /a great change 巨变 /a great disparity 悬殊 /a great disparity in numerical strength 众寡悬殊 /a great disturbance 轩然大波 /a great event in one's life终身大事 /a great matter 重大事件 /a great robber 江洋大盗 /a great thinker of the past,sage 先哲 /a group of living on interest 吃息族 /a guidance material 辅导材料 /a guide to action 行动指南 /a guiding principle for running a school 办学方针 /a handsome reward 重奖 /a harbour club 码头俱乐部 /a heavy blow 沉重打击 /a hidden traitor 内奸 /a high economic growth rate with low inflation 高增长,低通胀 /a high handed way of dealing with people 高压手段 /a high-priced girl 高价姑娘 /a horizontal inscribed board 匾额 /a horrible disaster 惨祸 /a horror film 恐怖片 /a huge sum 巨额 /a huge sum of money 巨款 /a jerry-built project “豆腐渣”工程 /a joint action 联合行动 /a joint letter 联名信 /a judge in Hades 判官 /a keeping period 保存期 /a key university 重点大学 /a kind of thrush 画眉 /a kind of traditional Chinese shadow boxing 太极拳 /a land of fish and rice 鱼米之乡 /a land of plenty 鱼米之乡 /a land rich in fish and rice 鱼米之乡 /a last territory 幅员辽阔 /a leading authority 泰斗 /a learned scholar 博学 /a legal adviser法律顾问 /a legal film 法制片 /a legal person of state 国家法人 /a less known and inferior brand杂牌 /a letter (note) left by one immediately before death 遗书 /a list of plays or operas 剧目 /a list of required reading 必读书目 /a loner 孤家寡人 /a long life 长寿 /a long-pending case 积案 /a long-range credit 长期信贷 /a long range plan 长远规划 /a long-term credit 长期信贷 /a long-term goal 长期目标 /a long-range goal 长期目标 /a long-term insurance 长期保险 /a long-term interest rate 长期利率 /a long-term investment 长期投资 /a long-term loan 长期贷款 /a long-term plan 长远规划 /a long-term trust长期信托 /a look of shame 愧色 /a loose woman荡妇 /a losing business 赔本生意 /a love nest 安乐窝 /a lower level 下级 /a loyal heart 丹心 /a magic weapon or formula 法宝 /a major class 重点班 /a major event 头等大事 /a major incident重大案件 /a major sports country 体育大国 /a major university 重点大学 /a man of noble character 君子 /a manual worker in a school or other place 工友 /a manufacture line production information 生产线 /a married woman's parents'home 娘家 /a massage center 按摩中心 /a matter of prime importance 头等大事 /a matter within one's duties 分内之事 /a measurement and control center 测控中心 /a mediocre person 庸人 /a meeting site 会址 /a member of a society,club,etc.社员 /a member of the Communist Youth League of China 团员 /a member of the same clan or the same family 本家 /a memorial to the throne 奏折 /a mentor 辅导教师 /a mere skeleton 空架子 /a metaphor for sth. that is very popular and loved by people so that too many wish to jin it 爆棚 /a mighty uproar 轩然大波 /a military pledge 军令状 /a minimum standard of living for city residents 城镇居民最低生活保障 /a minimum standard of living 基本生活保障 /a miracle 人间奇迹 /a man made miracle 人间奇迹 /a method of operating at full capacity 满负荷工作法 /a mischief 恶作剧 /a mobile shop流动商店 /a model for calligraphy or painting 范本 /a moment of fun 开心一刻 /a monitor 监视器 /a movie star 影星,电影明星 /a multipolar world 世界多极化 /a “nailed down” household钉子户 /a name brand (trade mark)知名商标 /a name card 席位卡 /a narrow escape from death九死一生 /a nation of a particular country residing abroad 侨民 /a national high and new technology industrial development zone 国家高新技术产业开发区 /a national invention 国家发明 /a neighborhood for low-income families 安居小区 /a network of commercial establishments 网点 /a new international order 国际新秩序 /a newborn baby 赤子 /a night owl “夜猫子”a note of comment 按语 /a nuclear-free country 无核国家 /a nuisance call 骚扰电话 /A ordinary share A级普通股(简称 “A股”)a package of proposals一揽子建议 /a partial sabbatical from work 半脱产 /a pedestrian precinct 步行街 /a permanent investment 长期投资 /a permanent worker 正式工 /a person's handwriting 笔迹 /a person having no capacity for civil conduct 无民事行为能力人 /a person of immense wealth 巨富 /a person of outstanding talent 俊杰 /a person who has rendered outstanding service 功臣 /a person with limited capacity for civil conduct 限制民事行为能力人 /a philanthropic act or project 善举 /a picture-story book 连环画 /a picture taken as a souvenir 留影 /a pioneering spirit 创新精神 /a pithy formula 口诀 /a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard 琵琶 /a poem with five characters in a line 五言诗 /a Polaroid picture 一次成像照片 /a popular rural folk dance 秧歌 /a pornographic press 黄色新闻 /a pornographic novel 黄色小说 /a port club 码头俱乐部 /a powerful minister 柄臣 /a prevalence of one child per married couple 一胎化 /a priceless treasure无价之宝 /a primary state policy 基本国策 /a private detective 私人侦探 /a private eye 私人侦探 /a private house 民房 /a private offer 小金库 /a proactive fiscal policy 积极的财政政策 /a probationer 试用人员 /a production line 生产线 /a project of vital and lasting importance 百年大计 /a projector 投影仪 /a public network 公共网 /a public notice or announcement 告白 /a publication appearing once every ten days 旬刊 /a pupil who joins a class in the middle of the course 插班生 /a recorder 录音机 /a region attractive to investors 投资热点 /a regular freight慢件 /a regular subscriber 长期订户 /a relocated unit or household 搬迁户 /a remittee 收款人 /a remitter 寄款人 /a report on current affairs 时事报告 /a respectful form of address for an elder brother 兄长 /a rich man's son 阔少 /a rich man阔佬 /a rich person 富翁 /a riddle about a character or word 字谜 /a right of pre-emption 优先购买的权利 /a righteous man 义士 /a ring of light 光环 /a rise out of 起于,由…出身 /a risk prevention mechanism 风险防范机制 /a river for transport grain to the capital 漕河 /a road tyrant路霸 /a rotary hall 旋转餐厅 /a round-table conference 圆桌会议 /a rubbing from ancient tablets as a model of calligraphy 碑帖 /a rubbing from stone 拓本 /a scanner 扫描器(仪)/a scenic resort 风景名胜区 /a scenic spot 风景点 /a scenic tour spot 风景旅游点 /a scenic tour zone风景旅游点 /a scenic zone 风景名胜区 /a school for noncommissioned officers 士官学校 /a school subject 功课 /a science and technology development fund 科技发展基金 /a season sale换季大拍卖 /a secret meeting of lovers 幽会 /a secret place 暗处 /a secret signal 暗号 /a secretary in charge of sth 干事 /a section of 地段 /a sellers' market 卖方市场 /a sense of justice正义感 /a sense of righteousness 正义感 /a sentence of two or more clauses 复句 /a separate case 另案 /a series of books 丛刊,丛书 /a series of policies and measures 一系列政策措施 a server 服务器 /a service center 服务中心 /a sex novel 黄色小说 /a sightseeing group 观光团,参观团 /a shining example 光辉榜样 /a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China 元宝 /a slave girl 婢女 /a sleeper卧铺 /a slow class 慢班 /a small clique 小圈子 /a small group 小组 /a small letter 小写 /a small number 少数 /a small weapon 寸铁 /a snob 势利小人 /a social engagement 应酬 /a socially exclusive person 势利小人 /a Song Dynasty block-printed edition 宋刻本 /A Song of the Moral Sense 《正气歌》 A Southern Song 南歌子 /a special economic zone 经济特区 /a special example of a battle 战例 /a specialized enterprise定点企业 /a standing body 常设机构 /a standing committee 常委会 /a state high and new tech zone 国家高新技术区 /a state innovation system国家创新体系 /a state invention 国家发明 /a state visit 国事访问 /a steel bulwrak 钢铁长城 /a stratagem which ensures success 胜算 /a strong opposer 钉子户 /a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations 进士 /a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties举人 /a suit of armour 盔甲 /a sum of money 款子 /a super grain producer 产粮大户 /a survey ship 测量船 /a survey station 测量站 /a sycophantic official or courtier 佞臣 /a symmetrical distribution不对称分配 /a synchronism 音画分立 /a synchronous sound 非同步声 /a system for reporting statistics on the capital fund so state-owned and collectively-owned enterprises国有企业和集体企业资本金统计报告制度 /a system of a major field of specialization plus a minor field 主副修制 /a system of promotion and salary rises 晋级增资制度 /a system to ensure a minimum standard of living 居民最低生活保障制度 /a talented scholar 才子 /a tall story 海外奇谈 /a tape recorder 录音 /a technology contract 技术合同 /a theme song 主题歌(曲)a tom book被撕毁的书 /a tourist spot 风景游览区 /a tourist visa 旅游护照 /a tourist vocabulary 旅游词汇 /a tourist zone 风景游览区 A Town Besieged 《围城》 /a trade talk 贸易洽谈会 /a transition period转轨时期 /a translated term or name 译名 /a travel agency 旅行社 /a travel map 旅游地图 /a travel zone 旅游区 /a traveller's company 旅游公司 /a traveller's tale 海外奇谈 /a travelling bag旅行包 /a treasured book 宝典 a treaty of alliance盟约,盟誓 /a treaty of amity 友好条约 /a trouble heart 忧心 /a turn for the better 转机 /a turn in the course of events 转折 /a tutor 辅导教师 /a tutorial class 辅导班 /a two-part allegorical saying 歇后语 /a two-stringed bowed instrument with a high register 京胡 /a two-stringed bowed instrument with a lower register than jinghu,erhu fiddle 二胡 /a university run by the local people民办大学 /a valiant general 猛将 /a variant form of a Chinese character 异体字 /a verbal battle 舌战 /a vile creature 恶人 /a violent change 剧变 /a virtuous and talent person 贤能 /a visit to the parents of school children or young workers 家访 /a visiting group 观光团,参观团 /a visiting professor 访问教授 /a visiting scholar 访问学者 /a vulgar person 俗人 /a vulnerable spot 薄弱环节 /a walking street 步行街 /a wall scroll 条幅 /a weak link 薄弱环节 /a web worm 网虫 /a well-known phrase 名句 /a well-paid job 待遇优厚的工作 /a white-collar worker 白领工人 /a wicked idea 邪念 /a wide gap 悬殊 /a wifeless man 鳏夫 /a woman matchmaker 媒婆 /a word or two 只言片语 /a work addict 工作狂 /a work song sung to synchronize movements 号子 /a working conference(meeting)办公会 /a world sports power 体育强国 /a writing brush made of weasel's hair 狼毫 /a written contract 书面合同 /a yellow book 黄皮书 /a yellow news 黄色新闻 /A Young New Comer in the Organization Department 《组织部来了个年轻人》 /a zerobase budgeting system 零基预算制度










‖ A 学习成绩最优的符号 /A-certificate A 级片(儿童不宜)/A formation A 字阵形 /A levels高级考试 /A-list n.精英,名流群 /A major A大调 /A minor A 小调 /A minor scale A 小调音阶 /A picture A 级片 /A-proposition A 命题,全称肯定命题 /A-sentence 全称肯定语句 /A shares A 类股票,A 股 /A-statement A 陈述,全称肯定陈述





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