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单词 cloud
cloud/klaʊd/ nv [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n(1)云((variously-shaped weightless mass of)water vapour floating high in the sky)[CU]:The black~s soon cleared away.乌云很快飘散了。white/grey~s in the sky空中的白云/乌云;The top of the mountain was covered in/hidden under~.山顶笼罩/遮蔽在云中。

(2)烟(尘)雾(variously-shaped weightless mass of dustsmokesandetcfloating in the sky)[C]:The motor-car raised a~of dust.汽车扬起一阵灰尘。C~s of smoke rose above the bombed city.被轰炸的城市上空升起团团烟雾。

(3)大群(团)(large moving mass of insects in the air that appears to resemble a could)[C]:a~of insects/flies/mosquitoes/locusts一大群昆虫/苍蝇/蚊子/蝗虫;〖同〗swarm;

(4)混浊(之处)((an area of) darkness in a liquid or on a transparent object)[CU]:There was a/some~in the bottom of the beer. 底部的啤酒有点混浊。

(5)引起不幸(恐惧,疑惑,忧郁)的事物;阴影(thing that causes unhappinessfeardepressionuncertaintyetc)[C](fig):a~of suspicion/gloom/sadness怀疑/忧郁/悲伤的阴影;The~s of war are gathering.战争的阴云越来越密集。the gathering~s of revolution 越来越浓重的变革阴影;(sth) cast~of gloom over a party给聚会投下了一层忧郁的阴影;under~受怀疑,失体面;

→′cloudless adj 无云的;′cloudy adj 多云的;阴的;混浊不清的;不明确的;′cloudburst n 大暴雨;′cloud-bank n 低而密的云团;

v (1)(使)遮蔽((cause to) become covered with or as if with clouds)[T+nI+adv(over)]:The sun is~ed.太阳让云遮住了。The sunny sky suddenly~ed over. 晴朗的天空突然乌云密布。Fog/Mist~ed the mountain tops.雾/薄雾遮住了山顶。Exhaust fumes~ed the air. 废气在空气中弥漫。〖同〗darken,dim;cover,veil;〖反〗clear,uncloud;uncover,unveil;

(2)(使)混浊(朦胧)((cause to) become dullunclearindistinct or less transparent)[IT+n]:His eyes~ed with tears.他泪眼朦胧。(tears)~sb's eyes(眼泪)使某人的眼睛朦胧起来;(steam)~the window(蒸气)使窗户蒙上一层雾气;She lit a cigarette and soon~ed the room in smoke.她点着一根香烟,很快就使房间变得烟雾弥漫了。

(3)使不清楚(混乱)(make unclearuncertainconfusedetc)[T+n]:Age~ed his memory. 他上了年纪,记忆不清。His love for her~ed his judgement.他对她的爱使他判断不明。Superstition~ed their thinking.迷信使他们的思维迷乱。Her explanation~ed the issue. 她的解释把问题搞糊涂了。〖同〗confuse;〖反〗clear,clarify;

(4)显得忧郁((of sb's face)show sadness or worry)[II+adv(over)]:His face/brow~ed with anger. 他满面怒容。His face~ed (over) at the unhappy news/at the mention of that.一听到那不幸的消息/一提起那事他的脸就阴沉下来了。

(5)给……投下阴影(spoil(sth);threaten)[T+n]:The accident~ed his reputation.那次事故损害了他的名誉。(accident)~sb's enjoyment/happiness/friendship(事故)给某人的欢乐/幸福/友谊投下阴影





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