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单词 clock
clock/klɒk, AmE klɑ:k/ n & vt

n (1)(时)钟(instrument for measuring and indicating time(not carried or worn like a watch))[C]:alarm/digital~s闹钟/数字钟;the church~s 教堂的钟; wind up/set a~给钟上弦/对时间;put the~right把钟拨准;The~gains/loses (time).这钟走得快/慢。put theback/on/forward把钟拨慢/快/快;a~hand/tower(钟的)指针/钟塔;the~face表盘;〖同〗 watch;

(2)计(里)程表(instrument for measuring speed of a vehicle and recording distance travelled by a vehicle)[C]:a second-hand truck with 50,000 miles on the clock一辆计程表已指到五万英里的旧卡车;The~showed that the car had done 100,000 miles.里程计表明这车已行驶10万英里。The car has 1000 miles on the~.计程器显示这车已行驶了1000英里。〖同〗taximeter,milemeter,speedometer;

(a)round the clock夜以继日地,连续24小时地:work (a)round the~夜以继日地工作;

→′clockwise adv & adj 顺时针方向地(的);′clockwatcher n 混时间的人;′clockwork n 钟表内的机构;发条装置;

vt (1)计时(record the time of (sth) with a stop-watch;time)[T+n]:He~ed me while I ran the 100-meter race. 我跑百米赛时,他给我计时间。

(2)计程(分);达到(某)速度(record(a distance travelledpoint wonetc or the speed of))[T+nT+n+adv(up)]:~9.5 seconds for the 100 metres百米跑达到9.5秒(的速度);What time did he~for the race? 他跑了多快?(vehicle)~up 100 miles an(per)hour(车辆)时速达100英里;We~ed up 100 miles coming here.我们到达这里走了有100英里。He has~ed up more than 200,000 miles in a lifetime of cycling.他一生骑车行程已达20万英里。~(sb)in/on/out/off上/上/下/下班计时(或打卡);

(3)打,揍(strike)[T+n](BrE)(sl):I'll~you(one) if you say that again.你再说那种话我就揍你了!





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