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单词 climb
climb/klaɪm/ v & n

v (1)攀登,爬(go upover or through(sth)by effortesp using one's hands and feet)[T+nII+prepI+adv]:~a tree/a mountain/a hill/a ladder/a rope/the stairs爬树/山/山/梯子/绳/楼梯;Monkeys can~well.猴子善攀登。~high爬得高;~up(down)a tree/a wall/a cliff/the stairs爬上(下)树/墙/悬崖/楼梯;~up (down) the road顺坡路而上(下);~into (out of) a car/a cab/a cave/bed/the cockpit 钻进(出)汽车/司机室/山洞/被窝/飞机座舱;~along a ridge/a rail顺山(屋)脊/铁轨爬;~over a gate/a fence/a wall翻(爬)过门/篱笆/墙;~through a hedge/a window/a hole/a hatch 穿(爬)过篱笆/窗户/洞/船舱口;~to the roof/the top of a hill爬上屋顶/山顶;~aboard a train 爬上火车;~down carefully小心地向下爬;〖同〗mount;〖反〗descend;

(2)登(爬)山(go up mountainsetc as a sport)[I]:go~ing去登山;

(3)升(爬)高((of aircraftthe sunetc)go higher in the sky;rise)[I]:The rocket~ed steadily.火箭稳步上升。The plane~ed to 40,000 feet.飞机升到四万英尺高。The sun~ed in the sky.太阳升到空中。Her fear began to~.她的恐惧心理开始加剧。The aircraft had to~steeply to avoid the cliff.飞机只好急剧爬升以免撞上悬崖。〖同〗rise;〖反〗go down;

(4)陡升起来(rise or slope upwards)[I]:The mountain~ed steeply.山势陡峭起来。The road~ed steeply for two miles. 有两英里长的一段路是持续向上的陡坡。〖同〗rise;

(5)(植物)向上攀缘((of plants)grow upwardsesp by clinging to or twining around sth)[I]:The ivy~ed to the roof/up the wall of the house.常春藤爬上屋顶/顺房墙往上长。

(6)匆忙或费力地穿(脱)衣服(get into or out of clothesusu hurriedly or with effort)[I+prep(into/out of)](infml):~into one's uniform/out of a wet suit费力地穿上制服/脱下湿衣服;

(7)(地位)升迁(rise higher to one's social positionetc by one's own effort)[I]:The Blacks have~ed socially since Mr Black became an MP.自从布莱克先生当上议员以来,布莱克一家的社会地位提高了。She quickly~ed to the top of her profession.她很快升迁到了职业的顶峰。〖同〗 rise;

(8)提高,增长((of currencytemperatureetc)increase in value or amount)[I]:The dollar/Prices/His debts/Grain output is(are)~ing.美元在升值/价格在上涨/他的债务在增加/粮食产量在提高。The cost has~ed to £10 million.费用已升到1000万英镑。〖同〗rise;

climb down (over)(v adv)承认错误,让步(vi):She~ed down and accepted our decision.她让步了,接受了我们的决定。

→′climber n 攀爬的人或物;′climbable adj 可攀登(爬上去)的;′climb-down n 认错让步;

n(1)攀登,爬(升)(act or instance of climbing)[C,通常 sing]:enjoy a good~in the mountains喜欢在山中尽情攀登;be out of breath from the~爬得上气不接下气;a difficult/hard~up a mountain 一次艰难/艰难的登山;an exhausting~ 令人精疲力竭的攀登;start/continue one's~开始/继续爬;The plane went into a steep~.飞机急剧爬升。His~to stardom/power/fame/the top of his profession took 10 years.他登上明星宝座/掌权/成名/升到职业的顶峰花了10年时间。His~to the mountain took 10 hours.他爬上那座山花了10个小时。〖同〗climbing;

(2)要攀登的地方或距离(steep placeroute or distance(to be climbed))[C]:It's a long/short/steep~to the summit (the top).到顶峰(顶点)要攀登很长距离/很短距离/一段陡峭的坡路。an hour's~一小时的攀登;We have quite a~in front of us.我们面前是一条很陡的山路。That peak (hill) is quite a~/a good~.那座山峰(山)很难攀登。The guide showed us the best~.向导指给我们看最好攀登的地方。

【辨异】climb mount scale4都表示向上移动。climb 指费力地攀登或上升,如:climb a steep hill(攀登陡峭的山);mount(登,上)指逐渐地、庄严地登上一定的高度(不一定费力气),还含有登到顶处或上马之意,如:mount a platform/a horse(登上讲台/骑上马);scale(攀登,爬)是一个文学色彩较浓的词,指艰难地、有危险地登上或攀越某物,如:scale a summit(登上顶峰);还有ascend(登)指逐渐地、庄严地登上一定的高度(不一定费力气),常可用 mount 替换,如:ascend the Himalayas(登上喜马拉雅山)。





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