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单词 address
address n / ə′dres, AmE ′ædres/ [-es / ɪz/]; vt / ǝ′dres/ [-es / ɪz/]

n(1)地(住)址(details of where a person works or esp lives)[C]:What is his~? 他的地址是哪儿? His home/business~is 10 Wood St,Manchester.他的家庭/商号地址是曼彻斯特市伍德街10号。one's permanent/new~永久/新地址;

(2)通信地址(such information written downas on a piece of mail)[C]:I can't read the~on this letter.我认不出这封信上的地址。write down sb's name and~记下某人的姓名和地址;change/leave one's~变更/留下地址;a return~回信地址;an~book 通讯录;

(3)讲演,演说(formal speech made to an audience)[C]:The president gave a TV~last night.总统昨夜发表了电视演说。make a long~发表长篇演说;give an~to the association/the nation 向协会/全国发表演说;the President's inaugural~总统的就职演说;〖同〗speech,talk;

vt(1)写收件人姓名和地址(write (on a piece of mail)the name and address that is to be delivered to)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:Please~this letter for me.请替我写一下信封的地址。Please~the parcel/the envelope clearly.请把包裹/信封的地址写清楚。

(2)寄……给(direct a letter to sb)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:The letter was wrongly~ed to (me at) my old home.这封信错寄到了我家的旧地址。~a petition to the senate 向参议院递请愿书;

(3)对……演说(讲话)(give a speech to sbesp formally)[T+n]: ~a meeting/the United Nations/ the troops 对与会者/联合国/部队讲话;~the audience on the subject of war 就战争问题向听众演讲;He will~our club.他将对我们的俱乐部发表演说。

(4) 对……说(写)(speak or write to)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:~sb respectfully 尊敬地对某人说话;~a few words to sb 对某人说几句话;~one's complaints/one's request/one's remarks to the jury 向陪审团提出申诉/请求/看法;I'll~my remarks to you only.这些看法我只对你说。He never seemed to~her a civil word.他似乎从未对她说过一句客气话。

(5)称呼(use(a particular name or title)in speaking or writing to sb)[C+n+n/adj]:She~ed the boy as “my dear brother”.她称呼这个男孩为“我亲爱的兄弟”。A~the judge as “Your Honour”.称法官为“阁下”。~sb as major/officer 称呼某人为上校/长官;How should one~a senator? 应该如何称呼参议员?

(6)致力于(direct one's efforts or attention to)[T+n(oneself)+prep(to)](fml):~oneself to a new task/the main difficulty/the business in hand 致力于一项新的任务/主要困难/手头的工作;

→͵addres′see n 收信(件)人;

【辨异】名词address是事先准备好的正式演说,内容为某一题目,通常场合较隆重;speech 则无这些限制,为常用语;lecture为学术上的演讲。





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