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单词 church
church/tʃ ɜ:t, AmE tʃ ɜ:rtʃ/ n [-es/ ɪz/]

(1)教堂(building made for public Christian worship)[C]:build a new~盖一座新教堂;The~was empty.教堂里空无一人。I went to the~to see the carvings.我去那座教堂看雕刻了。a~service/steeple礼拜/教堂的尖顶;

(2)礼拜(仪式)(public Christian worship in such a building)[U]:I never went to~.我从未去做礼拜。be in/be at/attend~在/在/去做礼拜;come from~做礼拜回来;C~begins/is at 9 o'clock.礼拜9点开始。do sth after~做完礼拜后做某事;

(3)教会,全体基督教教徒(all Christians regarded as a group)[Cthe C~]:He belongs to the C~.他是教徒。be received into the C~被吸收为教徒;

(4)(基督教的)教派(specified group of Christians)[CC~]: the Anglican/Catholic/Methodist/Baptist C~圣公会/天主教会/美以美教会/浸礼教会;the C~of England/Rome英国国教/罗马教会;Established C~国教;

(5)教会(势力)(religious power(as compared with state power))[Cthe C~]:the separation of/conflict between (the) C~and (the) State 政教分离/冲突;

(6)教会的职业,圣职人员(profession of the clergy;priestsetc as a group)[Cthe C~]:go into/enter/join the C~成为/成为/成为教士;give up/leave the C~放弃/放弃教会职务;

→′churchgoer n 经常去教堂做礼拜的人; ͵church′warden n 教会执事;′churchyard n 教堂庭院(墓地);′churchman n 牧师,教士;′churchwoman n 女牧师,女教士;

【注意】当church 指具体建筑物时,用在介词后要加定冠词 the,如:be at the church(在教堂那里);当church指基督教仪式(礼拜)时,用在介词后不要加定冠词the,如:be at church(在做礼拜)。其他,如:school,university,college,hospital,prison 等也有这种不同用法。





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