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单词 come
释义 词性词形谱(v)come(n)comer coming
come (came come) 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:177


The alphabet we now use 【came】 down to us over a long period of time.我们现在使用的字母表是经过漫长的时间流传下来的。(1987年全国卷完形填空)He put his head in his hands and tried to remember his lines, but nothing 【came】 to his mind.他把头放在手里,试图记住他的台词,但脑海中什么也没有想到。(1991年全国卷MET完形填空)Help! Help!'' The cry 【came】 from the river.救命! 救命! 哭声是从河里传来的。(1991年全国卷NMET完形填空)The bus 【came】 round the corner and I got on.公交车来到拐角处,我上了车。(1993年全国卷MET完形填空)Everything they know about you 【came】 through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away.他们对你一切的了解全都源自那个小装置。那些人有时会距离你数百英里远。(2016年全国II卷完形填空)My first novel 【came out】 while I was at college.我的第一部小说是在我上大学时出版的。(2005年安徽卷完形填空)Fireworks were lit long before the moon 【came out】.在月亮出来之前,烟花早就被点燃了。(2007年安徽卷完形填空)The man who had his bright lights on 【came over】 and told Larry he had made an emergency call.那位开着强光的车主走了过来,告诉拉里他已经拨打了急救电话。(2016年全国I卷完形填空)Finally, we 【came to】 a crossroad near a highway.最后,我们来到了一个靠近公路的十字路口。(2010年湖南卷完形填空A篇)The east wind, which had swung around from the south-west, 【came to】 her help and pushed the boat towards the mountains.东风从西南方向吹来,向她伸出援手,把船推到了山上。(2005年天津卷完形填空)With that thought in mind, Pruitt 【came up with】 a plan and posted it on the community website.带着这种想法,普鲁伊特想出了一个计划,并在社区网站上公布。(2021年3月天津卷完形填空)So I 【came up with】 a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help.所以我想出了一个计划,并从我的公司召集了40个人来帮忙。(2010年浙江卷完形填空)They represent the earth 【coming】 (come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings.它们代表着大地【恢复】生机和对新的开始的美好祝愿。(2020年全国新课标II卷语法词汇填空)But at the moment, school 【comes】 (come) first.但是目前,学业第一。(2017年全国III卷语法词汇填空)Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation(动机), we considered it important to note what seemed to encourage interest.虽然许多学生选择加入课程的动机是合理的,但我们认为重要的是要注意到似乎能鼓励兴趣的东西。He's come all the way from Beijing to see you!他大老远从北京赶来见你!His murder in 1865 shocked the whole American nation who had come to love him dearly.他在1865年被谋杀,震惊了整个美国民族,他们对他爱得深沉。As a result, English words of politics and the law come from French rather than German.因此,政治和法律的英语词汇来自法语而不是德语。It's first come, first served.它是先到先得的。But at the moment, school comes first.但此刻,学校是第一位的。Even then his search had not come to an end.即使这样,他的寻找也没有结束。The boy’s mind seemed to come alive.这个男孩的思想似乎活了过来。Almost every day we come across situations in which we have to make decisions one way or another.几乎每天我们都会遇到这样或那样的情况,我们必须做出决定。
came 全国卷频次:135
Though I am a student now, I will work very hard to make my dream come true.虽然我现在是个学生,但我将非常努力地工作,以实现我的梦想。I came to know that controlling the direction of the wheelchair was not going to be an easy task.我渐渐知道,控制轮椅的方向并不是一件容易的事。Finally, when we came up to the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus.最后,当我们走到下一站时,那个男孩跑上了巴士的门。In analyzing his and other research, Dr. Prinstein came to another conclusion:在分析他和其他研究时,普林斯坦博士得出了另一个结论。She's been through so many difficulties and came through them all.她经历了这么多困难,都走过来了。How words came into being is unknown.文字是如何产生的,不得而知。Then the first village came into sight.然后,第一个村庄出现在眼前。




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