分析词义: "Reproduce" 是一个动词,有几种主要含义: - (生物)繁殖,生育,如:"Plants reproduce by means of seeds."
- 复制,再现,如:“This machine can reproduce the music with perfect clarity."
列举例句: - Animals reproduce and bring forth new life. (动物们繁殖并带来新生命)
- Artists can reproduce the beauty of nature on canvas. (艺术家可以在画布上复制大自然的美)
- She tried to reproduce the same results in her experiment. (她试图在实验中复制同样的结果)
词根分析: "Reproduce" 的词根是 "produc-", 来自拉丁语,意思是 "拉出,得出,产生". 词缀分析: "Reproduce" 的词缀有 "re-" 和 "-duce". "re-" 是前缀,表示【重复、再次】,"-duce"就是词根的一部分,表示【导出、引出】。 发展历史和文化背景: "Reproduce" 一词来自1590年代的拉丁词 "reproducere",含义是 "再生,复制"。在英语中,这个词是在19世纪产业革命时期开始被广泛使用的,主要用来描述复制或复制物品、艺术作品等。 单词变形: Reproduce 的名词形式是 "reproduction". 如, "The reproduction of this painting is excellent." (这幅画的复制品极好) 它的名词形式 (人或物)是 "reproducer". 如, "He is a reproducer of famous paintings." (他是著名画作的复制者) 记忆辅助: 可以联想“re-”表示“再次”,而“-duce”与“produce”发音相似,所以“reproduce”可以理解为“再次产生”。 小故事: Mary picked up a unique seashell on the beach one day. She loved it so much, she wanted to reproduce its beauty. So, she took a picture of the seashell, and then painted a large picture of it. She was so pleased with the reproduction, that she hung it on her living room wall. (玛丽有一天在海滩上捡到了一个独特的海贝,她非常喜欢,想要复制它的美。于是,她给海贝拍了一张照片,然后画了一幅大画。她对复制品非常满意,于是把它挂在客厅的墙上。) |