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单词 chain
chain/tʃeɪn/ n & v

n(1)链(子)(series of connected metal links or ringsused for holdingpullinglifting or fastening things or as a decoration)[CU]:a bicycle/watch~自行车链条/表链;an anchor~锚链;The dog is fastened to a post by a~.那狗被链子拴在柱子上。a lot of~很长的链;a length of~一段链子;~bridge 吊桥;wear a silver/gold~round one's neck 脖子上戴着银/金项链;

(2)一连串(系列)(series of connected or related things)[C]:a~of mountains山脉;a~of events/ideas/circumstances一连串的事件/想法/情况;a mountain~山脉;the island~s of the Pacific太平洋的链形岛屿;a nuclear~reaction核连锁反应;a~of supermarkets (a supermarket~) 连锁超级市场;a~of 100 food stores 100家食品连锁店;〖同〗series,sequence;

(3)束缚(sth that restrains or confines)[C,通常pl]:the~s of poverty贫穷的锁链;break the~s of captivity争脱束缚的锁链;live one's life in~s 不自由地生活;free the slaves from their~s 把奴隶从枷锁中解放出来;

(4)(一)链(measure of length equal to 66 feet(about 22m))[C](旧时长度单位,相当于66英尺);

→′chain-gang n 用链子连在一起干活的囚犯;′chain-letter n 连锁信;′chain-smoke v 一支接一支地抽烟;′chain-smoker n 一支接一支抽烟的人;′chain-store n 连锁店;

v(1)(用链子)拴住(fasten or bind with chains)[T+n passT+n+prep(to),T+n+adv(up)]:~a dog/a bicycle/a prisoner securely to a post把狗/自行车/囚犯牢牢地拴在柱子上;The dog was~ed up every night.那狗每天夜里都拴起来。〖同〗fasten,tie,bind;〖反〗unchain,unfasten,untie;

(2)束缚(confine or bind as if with chains)[T+n passT+n+prep(to),T+n+adv(up)]:feel~ed to the kitchen sink/down with a wife,a house and children感到被拴在厨房的洗碗池边/被妻儿家庭束缚着;When her father was ill,she was~ed to the house.她父亲生病时,她被拴在了家里。His work~ed him to his desk.工作使他离不开办公桌。〖反〗free,liberate





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