分析词义: "Intermittent" 是个形容词,意指"不连续的,间歇的"。它用于描述频繁开始和停止的事物或事件。 列举例句: - I've been having intermittent problems with my computer. (我的电脑一直有断断续续的问题。)
- The radio program was transmitted at intermittent intervals. (广播节目以间歇的间隔播放。)
- His attendance at school was intermittent because of illness. (他因病缺课时断时续。)
词根分析: "Intermittent"的词根是“-mit-”或“-mitt-”其来源于拉丁语“mittere”意为“to send”,额外添加了前缀"inter-"(表示"在...之间")和后缀“-ent”(表示动词的现在分词),于是我们得到了“inter” + “mitt” + “ent”, 表示“在两者之间寄送(或发送)”,引申为间歇、断断续续的含义。 词缀分析: "Intermittent" 的前缀是 "inter-",表示"在...之间";后缀 “-ent”是形容词和名词后缀,表示动词的现在分词。其它词包括:Interconnected (相互连接的), Intersection (交叉点), Interview (面试). 发展历史和文化背景: 这个词源自于罗马时代的拉丁语 "intermittentem",意为 "逐渐让步"或 "偶尔停下",这是由于罗马人的日常生活和战斗中,有许多事情都是间歇性的。 单词变形: 单数形式:Intermittent (间歇的) 动词形式:Intermit (间歇) 名词形式:Intermittence (间歇性) 副词形式:Intermittently (间歇地) 记忆辅助: 将单词与具体实例相链接,比如"雨断断续续的下", "电视信号间歇地消失"等。 小故事: An elderly gentleman owned an old, intermittent car. It would work one day and stop the next, causing him frustration and consternation. But he loved his car and wouldn't give up on it. (一个老年先生有一辆老旧的、间歇性故障的汽车。它一天能用,第二天就坏了,给他带来了挫折和困惑。但他热爱他的车并且不会放弃它。) |