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单词 catch
catch/kætʃ/ v [-es / ɪz/;caughtcaught/kɔ:t/]; n

v(1)接(抓)住(get hold of(sth moving through the air),esp in the hands)[T+n]:~sth in one's mouth/with both hands用嘴叼住/用双手接住……;~sb's arm to stop him抓住某人胳膊以拉住他;
 (2)逮(抓,捉)住(capture or seize (sb/sth) esp after chasing or hunting)[T+nT+n+prep]:~mice/fireflies/flies/birds/fish/thieves逮老鼠/萤火虫/苍蝇/鸟/鱼/贼;~sb by the arm/the throat/the scruff of the neck抓住某人胳膊/喉咙/后颈;~sb/sth alive活捉住……;〖同〗 seize,take,capture;〖反〗 free,release;
 (3)无意中发现(遇着)(come upon suddenly;take by surprise)[C+n+-ingT+n+prep]:~sb stealing/smoking/cheating/napping发现某人在偷东西/抽烟/作弊/打瞌睡;~sb in a theft/in the act of embezzling money/in such activities 发现某人在偷东西/盗用钱财/做这种事情;~sb with his fingers in the biscuit tin发现某人手正伸进饼干桶里;~sb unawares出其不意地将某人捉住;〖同〗 discover,detect,spot;
 (4)赶(追)上(be in time for(sth);reach in time to board)[T+n]:~the(last/5:00)train/bus/plane/boat 赶上(最后一班/5点的)火车/公共汽车/飞机/船;~the post赶在邮递员取信之前;~one's opponent at the finish line/sb before he had reached town在终点赶上对手/在某人到达城里前赶上他;〖反〗miss;
 (5)挂(卡,钩,夹,绊)住((cause to)become accidentally stuckfixedhookedheldfastened in or on sth)[II+prep(in/on),T+nT+n+prep(in/on)]:The belt buckle won't~.皮带扣扣不上。The lock doesn't~.锁锁不上。Her dress (sleeve) caught on a nail/a hook/the rosebush.她的裙子(袖子)挂在了钉子/钩子/玫瑰丛上。His coat (shirt) caught in the door.他的外衣(衬衫)夹在了门里。The thorns/nail/closing door caught her overcoat(thumb).荆棘/钉子/正关的门挂(夹)住了她的外衣(大拇指)。~one's trousers on a nail/a wire/a tree root裤子挂在了钉子/铁丝/树根上;~one's foot (finger) in the car door脚(手指)被车门夹住了;〖同〗fasten, hook;
 (6)打(hit either by intention or by accident)[T+nT+n+prepD+n+n]:The blow(punch) caught him on the head/the chin/the shoulder.那一击(一拳)打在他头/下巴/肩上。The stone (snow ball) caught her in the stomach.石头(雪球)打在她肚子上。I caught him on the head/the chin with a heavy blow. 我重重地打在他头/下巴上。I caught him a blow on the head/the chin.我在他头/下巴上打了一拳。〖同〗strike,hit;〖反〗miss;
 (7)染(传)上(病)(become infected with(an illness or disease))[T+n]:~(a) cold/a disease/scarlet fever/flu (from sb)(从某人那)染上感冒/一种疾病/猩红热/伤风;〖同〗 get,contract;〖反〗 avoid;
 (8)听见,懂(hear;understand)[T+n][通常不用prog]:Sorry,I didn't~what you said/your words/your name.抱歉,我没听清你说的话/你的话/你的名字。I didn't ~your remark/your meaning.我没听懂你的话/你的意思。〖同〗hear,understand,grasp;
 (9)(火)着,(机器)启动((of fireengineetc)begin to burnoperateworketc)[IT+n]:The fire/wet logs won't~.火/湿木头就是着不起来。The plane took off as soon as the motor caught fire.发动机一启动,飞机就起飞了。The house/wood/wooden building caught fire immediately.房子/木头/木房子立即着起了火。
 (10)再现,把握(reproduce (sth) accurately)[T+n]:The artist caught her smile/ her mood perfectly.画家把她的微笑/心态表现得淋漓尽至。
 catch at(v prep)1)极力要抓住(vt):He caught at the last straw.他极力要抓住最后一根救命稻草。2)立即抓住(vt):The hungry man caught at the cake and began to eat.那人饿坏了,抓起饼子就大嚼起来。
 catch on (v adv)理解,明白(vi):It took her a while to~on. 过了一会儿功夫她才理解。
 catch up with (v adv prep)追上,赶上(vt):They walked as fast as they could,but they couldn't~up with him.他们尽快地走也赶不上他。
 catch up (v adv)追上,赶上(vt):You'll soon~him up if you hurry.你要是抓紧,很快会追上他的。
 catch sight of 一眼瞥见:He suddenly caught sight of a dog in the distance.他突然看见远处有一条狗。
 catch hold of 抓住:C~hold of this rope.抓住这根绳子。
 be caught in 突然碰上:be caught in the rain/the storm/a traffic jam赶上了雨/暴风雨/交通阻塞;
 →′catching adj 有传染性的;′catchy adj(曲子)悦耳的,易记的;′catcher n 捕捉工具;′catch͵phrase n 口头禅,流行短句;′catchword n 口号;
 n(1)抓,接(球)(act or instance of catching(esp a ball))[C]:He made/took a fine~with one hand. 他单手漂亮地抓住了球。make a diving~扑过去抓住;〖同〗catching,seizure,snatch;〖反〗 drop;
 (2)抓住的东西(total amount(of eg fish)caught)[C]:The fisherman's~was two trout.那渔夫的收获是两条鳟鱼。the largest~of herring this year今年鲱鱼的最大捕获量;(boat) bring back a good~of fish(船)运回很多捕获的鱼;〖同〗capture, seizure;〖反〗loss,losings;
 (3)挂(锁)钩(devicesuch as a hook for fastening or closing sth)[C]:The~on the door(the suitcase)broke/is broken/is loose.门(手提箱)的挂钩(锁键)坏/坏/松了。〖同〗hook,clasp;
 (4)蹊跷,陷阱,诈(hidden difficultysometimes one that is there on purpose)[C](infml):It looks so easy/His offer seems too generous,so there must be a~(in/to it).这看起来很容易/他的报价似乎太合算,这里一定有文章。a~question一个引人上当的问题;〖同〗trick,disadvantage;〖反〗 advantage,benefit;
 【辨异】catchgraspseize都表示突然抓住什么。catch 指先够着后握住的过程,如:catch sb's hand(抓住某人的手);grasp(抓住)也指先够着后握住的过程,但有“急切”、“警惕”的含义,如:grasp sb's hand in welcome(热情地抓住某人的手);seize(抓(捉)住)指突然有力地抓住某物,如:seize a criminal(抓住罪犯);还有clutch(揪(捏)住)指紧紧抓住,常常是由于害怕或紧张,如:The child clutched his mother's hand.(小孩紧紧抓住妈妈的手。)





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