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单词 cast
cast/kɑ:st,AmE kæst/ v castcast];n

v(1)投,掷,抛(throw)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~a net into the sea/a fishing line into the water/a letter into the fire/a stone against the window 把网撒入大海/钓鱼线抛入水中/信扔进火中/石头投向窗户;〖同〗throw,toss;

(2)脱落(get rid of;lose)[T+nT+n+adv(off)]:The horse~a shoe.马掉了一个铁掌。Snakes~(off) their skins every year.蛇每年蜕皮。

(3)投向(turn or direct (sth) in a particular direction)[T+nT+n+prep]:The lamp~long shadows across the garden/a warm glow on the table/a soft light on the walls.灯把长长的影子投向花园/温暖的红光投到桌子上/柔和的光投到四面墙上。The tree~a shadow on the grass.树在草地上投下影子。~sb a look of hatred仇恨地看某人一眼;~a glance (of surprise) at sb/one's eyes in sb's direction/an eye down the page(惊讶地)瞥某人一眼/把目光投向某人的方向/朝下看一眼书;(event)~a shadow on sb's life(事件)给某人的生活投下阴影;(fact)~a new light on the matter(事实)进一步说明了此事;~doubts on (upon) sb's actions/reliability怀疑某人的行为/可靠性;~one's mind back to one's childhood/several years/over the day回顾童年/多年前的往事/前一天的事;〖同〗shed,direct,scatter;

(4)浇铸((make a shape by pouring hot metalclayetc) into a mould)[T+nI]:~bronze/iron/steel (into different shapes and sizes) 浇铸(不同形状和大小的)青铜/铁/钢件;Iron~s better than copper. 铁比铜好浇铸。Some metals ~easily.有的金属容易浇铸。

(5)铸造(make (an object of metalclayetc in this way))[T+nT+n+prep(in)]:~a statue (a sculpture) in bronze/in a mixture of copper and tin用青铜/铜锡合金铸造一座雕像(雕塑);~a piston/a light concrete boat铸造一个活塞/一艘轻型水泥船;〖同〗mould,form,shape;

(6)选配演员(choose actors to perform in(a playfilmetc))[IT+n]:(producer/director)~(parts) for a new film(制片人/导演)为一部新电影选演员;~a play/a movie/a film选配一出戏/一部片子/一部电影的演员;

(7)派(人演)角色(give sb a part in a playfilmetc)[T+nT+n+prep(in/as)]:~sb as Hamlet/in the role of Hamlet/for the part of Hamlet让某人演哈姆雷特/演哈姆雷特的角色/演哈姆雷特的角色;~sb in the play 让某人在那出戏中演个角色;〖同〗assign,appoint,choose;

cast about/around for (v adv prep) 设法搜寻(vt,无 pass):~about (around) for an experienced teacher/an excuse/an opportunity/an explanation设法找一有经验的教师/一借口/一机会/一解释;

cast aside (v adv) 抛弃 (vt):~aside one's care/one's caution/one's inhibitions/one's wife/old habits/old friends/old clothes抛弃忧虑/谨小慎微/压抑感/妻子/旧习惯/老朋友/旧衣服;

cast away (v adv)(因船失事)遗弃(vt,通常 pass):be~away on an island被遗弃在一个岛上;

cast down (v adv) 使沮丧(vt,通常 pass):be (seem/feel)~down by the news/one's failure/one's dismissal(好像/觉得)被那消息/失败/解雇搞得垂头丧气;

cast off (v adv)遗(抛)弃(vt):~off one's previous business connections/one's former associates/one's old friends抛弃从前的生意关系户/过去的伙伴/老朋友;

cast out (v adv) 赶走 (vt,通常 pass):be~out of a temple/the best society被从寺庙/上层社会赶了出去;

n(1)投,掷,抛(act of throwing)[C]:lose all one's money on a single~of the dice一掷骰子输掉全部钱财;make a~with a fishing-line/a net 抛鱼线/撒渔网;The fisherman caught a big fish at the first~.渔夫头一网就捕到了一条大鱼。〖同〗throw,toss;

(2) 1)铸造件(object made by moulding)[C]:The doctor put a plaster~on her broken leg.大夫给她的断腿打上了石膏。2)铸模(special shape or mould into which hot metal is poured)[C]:The hot metal is poured into a~.熔化的金属灌进了铸模。

(3)类型,特性(general shape or quality)[Ua/the ~]:His face has a distinctly oriental~.他的脸是典型的东方人型的。be of (have) an inquiring/unusual~of mind有探究精神/心智非凡;be of(have)a strange~of mind心智奇特;the noble~of his head他那给人印象深刻的头颅;This puts a different~on the matter.这使事情显得不同了。〖同〗look,appearance;

(4)(全体)演员(complete set of actors in a playmovieetc)[CGp]:There were only three people in the~.演员仅三个。The~of the play was given a standing ovation.人们起立给该剧的演员们鼓掌。Who was in the~? 演员中有谁?The whole~worked wonderfully together.全体演员配合得很好。a~list演员表;〖同〗actors,performers;

【辨异】 castthrowtoss都表示把什么向空中投去。throw(投,掷,抛)是一般用语,常带状语表示方向和目的,如:throw a rope to sb(把绳子扔给某人);cast 是正式用语,现仅见于一些成语性用法中,如:cast a net(撒网);toss(投,掷,抛)是(手在下或侧面向上、下、前、后随便地)轻轻地扔,如:toss a bone to a dog(扔给狗一块骨头)。





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