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单词 action
action/′ækʃn/ n

(1)行为(动)(activityprocessor fact of doing sth;using energyforcepower for some purpose)[U]:take~immediately to prevent trouble马上采取行动以防麻烦发生;call sb into~使某人开始行动;go (come) into~开始行动;All~is based on judgements.一切行为基于判断。The time has come for~.是采取行动的时候了。an emergency requiring immediate~要求立即采取行动的紧急情况;make quick~sketches 画快速动作素描;a man of~进取的人;〖同〗operation,activity;〖反〗inaction,inactivity;

(2)行动,举动(something done;act;deed)[C]:A~s speak louder than words.行动胜过言语。A~s are more important than words.行动比言语更重要。Judge a person by his~s,not by what he says.判断一个人要观其行,而不是听其言。regret one's bad~s 后悔自己做的错事;You've done a good~.你做了一件好事。take responsibility for one's~s对自己的行为负责;Their~s were rather hasty.他们的行动太仓促。〖同〗 act,deed;

(3)(马、运动员的)动作姿态(way or manner of moving)[C,通常sing]:a fast bowler with a fine~动作优美的快速投球手;The horse had a fine~when it jumped the fence.那匹马跳过围栏时的姿态很优美。

(4)(身体、机器部件的)机(功)能(way of functioning)[C,通常sing]:The~of the heart is like a pump.心脏的功能有如水泵。the~of the liver in digestion 肝脏在消化过程中的功能;Tennis needs a good wrist~.打网球需要腕部机能好。the~of a machine 机器的功能;The~of this crank turns the wheel.这曲柄的功能是使轮子转动。An electric fault put my computer out of~.断电使我的电子计算机不能运行了。My car's out of~today.我的车子今天出毛病了。You can set the machine into~by pressing the button.按这个钮你可以启动这台机器。〖同〗power,force,work;

(5)机械装置(operating parts of a machine or instrument)[C,通常sing]:The~of this piano/that gun/the clock is becoming stiff.这钢琴/那枪/钟的机件不灵活了。

(6)影响,作用(effect or influence)[C,通常sing][N(on)]:the~of water on rock水对岩石的作用;the~of wind on a sail风对风帆的作用;the~of light on film/ice/nerves 光对胶片/冰/神经的作用;the corrosive~of acid on metal 酸对金属的腐蚀作用;Chlorophyll is produced in plants by the~of light.叶绿素是光作用于植物生成的。

(7)军事行动,战斗(fight(ing) in a war between armies or navies)[U;C]:be killed in~阵亡;reports of military~战斗报导;He has seen~in two wars. 他经历过两次战争的战火洗礼。I witnessed a naval~.我曾亲眼目睹了一次海战。The~lasted two hours.那次战斗持续了两个小时。Our troops fought an~against the enemy. 我们的部队对敌人采取了军事行动。send the troops into~ 把部队投入战斗;〖同〗fighting,battle;

(8)法律程序,诉讼(legal case;lawsuit)[U;C]:take~against sb in the courts 在法院向某人起诉;take legal~提出法律诉讼;bring an~for divorce against one's wife 提出和妻子离婚的诉讼;〖同〗suit;

(9)情节(activities or events of a storyfilm or play)[U]:The~of the film took place/is set on an island.该电影的故事情节发生在一个岛上/以一个岛为背景。the~of a scene 一幕戏的情节;It was a boring movie with no~.这是一部没有情节的乏味电影。〖同〗movement,excitement;〖反〗dialogue;

in action 1)在运转:Is the motor still in~? 发动机还在运转吗? 2)从事活动:Our basketball team is in~tomorrow.我们的篮球队明天有比赛。

← act v;

→′actionable adj 可提起诉讼的;in′action n 不活动(活跃);re′action n;

【辨异】 action actdeed exploit的区别见ACT。





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