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单词 capture
capture/′kæptʃ ə(r)/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/]; n

v(1)捕获,俘虏(take (a person or animal) as a prisoner)[T+n]:~a prisoner of war/a criminal/a thief/a monkey/a mouse/a butterfly抓获(住)一战俘/罪犯/小偷/猴子/老鼠/蝴蝶;~a horse with a lasso用套索逮住一匹马;〖同〗seize,take,catch,arrest;〖反〗release;

(2)攻占,夺(嬴)得(get hold of as by forceskilletc)[T+n]:~a city/a town/a fort攻占一个城市/城镇/要塞;The city took 40 days to~.这个城市用了40天才攻下。~one's opponent's queen/the first prize/a gold medal吃了对手的王后/赢得一等奖/获得金质奖章;

(3)吸引住,迷惑住(take possession of a person's attentioninterestetc)[T+n]:Her beauty/The advertisement~d him (his attention). 她的美貌/广告迷住(吸引住)了他。The brilliant performance~d the audience's imagination.精彩的表演激起了观众的想象。

(4)抓住,捕捉住,录下(hold or preserve in permanent form)[T+n]:~a baby's smile in a photograph/the beauty of Venice in one's book用照片照下婴儿的微笑/在书中描绘威尼斯的美丽;~a likeness in a photo在照片中留下真实的影像;The photographer~d the happiness of the occasion. 摄影师摄下那幸福的场面。The book has ~d the charm of London.这本书写出了伦敦迷人的景色。With his camera he tried to~the changes.他要用照相机设法记录下这些变化。

n(1)俘(捕)获,被俘,攻占(act of capturing or being captured)[U]:the~of a thief/a whale捕获小偷/鲸鱼;escape/evade~逃避被捕;the night before his ~他被俘的前一夜;the~of the castle/the city by the enemy城堡/城市被敌人攻占;〖同〗seizure,arrest;〖反〗release;

(2)俘(捕)获物(person or thing that has been captured)[C]:A wild cat was his most recent~.他最近的捕获物是一只野猫。





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