释义 |
分析词义- “Danger”是一个英语名词,表示“危险”。它指的是可能会导致伤害、困难或其他不利的可能性。
列举例句- There is a danger of the pipe bursting if the pressure is too high.(如果压力过大,管道有爆裂的危险。)
- The pedestrian didn't realize the danger he was in until he had a near miss with the car.(行人直到与汽车擦肩而过才意识到自己处在危险之中。)
- Smoking poses a danger to your health.(吸烟对你的健康有害。)
词根分析- "Danger"来自拉丁词根 "domin",意思是 "主宰",显示了 "Danger"原始含义是有权力主宰的一方对弱者的威胁。
词缀分析发展历史和文化背景- “Danger”源自古法语"danger",它来自拉丁语"dominarium",意为"物主的权力",因此,"danger"最初的意思不是我们现在理解的"危险",而是对按规则生活、行动需要权威的约束的代表。
单词变形- "Danger"的复数形式为 "dangers",它的形容词形式是 "dangerous",意为 "有害的,有危险的",副词形式为 "dangerously"。
记忆辅助- 你可以通过联想方法来记住这个词。比如,想象一个恶劣的天气,强烈的闪电勾勒出了"Danger"四个字的形状。
小故事- The tourists ignored the warning signs and ventured into the danger zone. Soon, they were trapped by a sudden landslide. It was a grim reminder that danger is not an illusion.
- 游客们无视了警告标志,冒险进入危险区域。很快,他们被突如其来的山体滑坡困住了。这是一个严酷的提醒,危险并非幻觉。